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09-12-2009, 07:56 PM

HQ Belial twin claws
4 squads assault cannon twin claws
3 dreadnaught assault cannon heavy flammer
thanks in advance for any help

Exitus Acta Probat
09-12-2009, 08:00 PM
You have no anti armour.
Drop the dreads, or drop them to two.
Tweak the points to include either a 2x melta throwaway bike squadron (movement blockage/tank kill) or Attack Bikes for the same function.
Assault cannons on the Termies are borderline, but so are the Cyclones (as they are the 1 shot kind, not the new fun stuff). Try proxying both till you're comfortable with how one works with the other.
To compensate for the lack of anti-tank, try some THSS guys. They may not have the 3+ your smurf counterparts have, but they are good anti mech AND MC.

Seriously look to a double-wing configuration. They are designed to work together.

09-13-2009, 12:08 PM
thanks Exitus Acta Probat I see youre point about the lack of anti armor I think I will go for youre selection on the double wing

09-13-2009, 08:45 PM
@SNOWMAN: It's really hard to do Deathwing in a 1500pt list.

Here are my comments:

1. I'd include a TH/SS in each unit. It's not an ideal solution for armor, but it will help you a bit.

2. You are going to scatter more than you want with this army. You really need some Ravenwing to get these guys on the table where you need them. Even a single unit of bikes would make them a lot more reliable. Deathwing need homers or land raiders.

3. Dreadnoughts don't work as well as you'd think in a Teleporting army. They advance slowly across the board (giving your opponent no other targets for the first turn), then 2 units drop in (probably closer to your opponent) and then last two units deep strike on later turns. You've taken your army and divided it into 3 chunks -- giving your opponent plenty of time to take out the first one before the second one appears.

4. Assault cannon are still decent guns, but they just don't have the punch (for the price) that they did in 4E.

09-13-2009, 09:48 PM
The effectiveness of your Deathwing army is really limited to your perception on how you feel they should be built. If youre old-school Deathwing then youre limited to Dreadnoughts, Land Raiders, and Terminators. If youre Death-Raven, then its bikes and terminators and usually youre better off with Samueal and more bikes than Belial. Or if youre just Deathwing for Terminator troosp then you have the whole 'dex.

Typically the more you limit yourself the less well your list preforms. Death Raven tends to preform the best because its really the way the list was meant to be played. If you work with Samueal, then you are able to take Ravenwing squads as troops which give you more scoring units. I think most people run 3x Ravenwing Squads, 2x Deathwing Squads. Ravens have plasma, bike and speeder with multi-meltas. I dont have my 'dex with me so I'm not really sure what you can do numbers wise but it might be worth looking at.

09-18-2009, 05:25 PM
Sorry for not posting a thank you sooner but crazy in work just now . Well tried raven wing bikes and got first win over chaos marines ....yea!

09-18-2009, 09:21 PM
Do you have a copy of the list you used? Im interested to see what you took

09-20-2009, 05:19 PM
Hi Eagleboy I changed back to stom power fist for basic terminators as i havent finished painting lighting claws but here what I took basics its a list from Andy10k that I saw on warseer .
Belial twin claw
5 terminator assault cannon apothacary
5 terminator assault cannon
5 terminator assault cannon
3 raven wing 2 melta 1 attack multi melta
3 raven wing 2 melta 1 attack multi melta
1 speeder multi melta
feel free to offer any changes

09-20-2009, 10:17 PM
Deathwing is more viable at 1500 than people give it credit for. It's difficult to run a fluff-friendly list, but if you're willing to use all of the tools in the codex it's doable in tournaments. For casual games, really you can run anything you want and it'll be doable. If you run a list that you enjoy and can play over and over without getting bored, that's a good list because you'll become good at it.

Since we are posting Deathwing Lists, here is mine at 1500 (got 4th in a tournament out of 37 players yesterday. Deathwing is still viable!):

Command Squad, apothecary, 2x plasma gun

Belial's Terminator Squad: Apothecary with claws, Standard Bearer with claws, schmuk with claws, Heavy Flamer, TH/SS
Termies, Assault Cannon, 2x twin lightning claws
Termies, Assault Cannon, 2x twin lightnings claws

Bikes (3) 2x Meltagun, Melta Bombs
Bikes (3) 2x Meltagun, Melta Bombs


You can take or leave the command squad. A shooty dreadnought would probably work well too.

09-21-2009, 07:37 AM
I'd prefer keeping them shooty, DW really don't need to be in assaults if they can't help it.

I would definitely mix them up with RW bikes (3 bikes, 2 meltas, MM AB) for extra tank busting and scouting meltas that everybody hates.