View Full Version : Tyranids [Gargoyles & Skyslasher Theme] List 1

12-06-2011, 02:21 AM
Tyranids Roster - Mobile 1

. . 1 Tyranid Prime(Deathspitter)
. . 1 Tyranid Prime(Deathspitter)

. . 1 Venomthrope
. . 3 Zoanthrope Brood
. . 3 Zoanthrope Brood

. . 5 Tyranid Warrior Brood
. . 5 Tyranid Warrior Brood

Fast Attack:
. . 30 Gargoyle Brood
. . 9 Sky-slasher Swarm Brood
. . 9 Sky-slasher Swarm Brood

Heavy Support:
. . 1 Trygon
. . 1 Trygon
. . 1 Tyrannofex(Stinger Salvo; Rupture Cannon; Thorax Swarm (larvae))

Total Roster Cost: 2000

Challenge - Build a WINNING list that maxes out on Gargoyles AND Skyslasher Swarms.
My Comments:
What do you guys think? Can this list be improved upon with my CURRENT inventory?
This is my 2,000 points list if you believe this list would work much better at a lower point limit then do post your suggestions.

My Inventory:
3 Biovores
3 Broodlords
7 Carnifexs
- 4 Carnifex - Scything Talons x2
- 3 Carnifex - Devourer x2
1 Deathleaper
151 Gargoyles
71 Genestealers
- 54 Genestealer
- 17 Genestealer - Scything Talons
3 Hive Guards
3 Hive Tyrants
- 1 Hive Tyrant - Twin Linked Devourer x2, Wings
- 1 Hive Tyrant - Scything Talons x2, Wings
- 1 Hive Tyrant - Heavy Venom Cannon, Scything Talons
75 Hormagaunts
3 Lictors
2 Mawloc/Trygons
6 Raveners
- 3 Ravener - Rending Claws, Scything Talons
- 3 Ravener - Scything Talons x2
16 Ripper Swarms
27 Sky-slasher Swarms
18 Spore Mine Clusters
232 Termagants
- 100 Termagant - Fleshborer
- 40 Termagant - Devourers
- 80 Termagant - Spinefists
- 6 Termagant - Strangleweb
- 6 Termagant - Spike Rifle
3 Tervigons
1 The Swarmlord
1 Trygon Prime
2 Tyranid Primes
4 Tyranid Shrikes - Rending Claws
36 Tyranid Warriors
- 18 Tyranid Warrior - Deathspitter
- 10 Tyranid Warrior - Devourer
- 5 Tyranid Warrior - Barbed Strangler
- 3 Tyranid Warrior - Venom Cannon
1 Tyrannofex - Rupture Cannon
4 Tyrant Guards
- 3 Tyrant Guard - Rending Claws, Scything Talons
- 1 Tyrant Guard - Lash Whip
3 Venomthropes
26 Ymgarl Genestealers
9 Zoanthropes

12-06-2011, 08:13 PM
This is a rebuilt version of the above list, let me know what you think.

Total Roster Cost: 1995

. . 1 Hive Tyrant(TL Devourer w/Brainleech Worms x2 + Old Adversary + Wings)

. . 2 Hive Guard Brood
. . 2 Zoanthrope Brood
. . 2 Zoanthrope Brood

. . 1 Tervigon(Adrenal Glands + Toxin Sacs + Catalyst)
. . 1 Tervigon(Adrenal Glands + Toxin Sacs + Catalyst)
. . 10 Termagant Brood
. . 10 Termagant Brood

Fast Attack:
. . 30 Gargoyle Brood(Adrenal Glands + Toxin Sacs)
. . 30 Gargoyle Brood(Adrenal Glands + Toxin Sacs)
. . 9 Sky-slasher Swarm Brood

Heavy Support:
. . 1 Tyrannofex(Rupture Cannon)