View Full Version : 2000 points of Salamanders

12-04-2011, 05:55 PM
Hey, guys, I was just looking for some ideas/critque on my new Salamanders list :D It is just a first draft right now.
Also, if there are any simple mistakes, please let me know!!

Librarian HQ 100 (190)
Terminator/Shield 40
Epistolary 50

Vulcan He’Stan HQ 190

Assault Terminators ELITE 200
Thunder Hammers x4 --
Lightning Claws x1 --

Scout Squad (5) TROOP 75(100)
Sniper --
Sniper --
Sniper --
Missile 10
Teleport Homer 15

Scout Squad (10) TROOP 75 (200)
Sniper --
Sniper --
Missile Launcher 10
Sergeant Telion 50

Devastator Squad (5) HEAVY 90 (120)
Missile 15
Missile 15

Tactical Squad (10) TROOP 170 (195)
Melta 5
Multi-Melta --
Chainsword --
Melta-Bombs 5
Teleport Homer 15

Tactical Squad (10) TROOPS 170(230)
Combi-Flamer 10
Flamer --
Chainsword --
Teleport Homer 15
Rhino 35
Melta Bombs 5

Sternguard (5) ELITE 125 (170)
Plasma Pistol 15
Combi-Plasma 5
Combi-Plasma 5
Plasma Cannon 10
Plasma-Cannon 10

Venerable Dread ELITE 165 (210)
Twin-Lazcannon 30
Missile 15

Land Speeders (2) FAST 100 (160)
Heavy Flamer --
Heavy Flamer --
Typhoon Missile 40

Predator HEAVY 60
Autocannon --

12-05-2011, 07:50 AM
It's not a bad list but not very Salamander-y. First thing I would do is drop the Multi-melta from the Tac Squad... it will never get used. I would also give the Sternguard Meltas and Combi-meltas. I prefer Plasma cannons over Missile Launcher but I have so many Meltas on the board that I don't need the missiles for anti-tank. Also if you can get those Termies in a LR Redeemer you will be better off as they can't assault the turn they deep-strike. Speaking of the Termies you might as well put hammers on all 5 as the shield gives them enough survivability to withstand almost anything. No need to get any going at init 4. If you are going to run the Dread I'd say CC+HF and MM and have him in a drop pod. Drop him first turn behind enemy lines and pop some armor or tie up an expensive unit right away.

Basically get a melta on everything you can and have Flamers ready just in case you go up against a Horde army.

Hope this is helpful and didn't come off like me being a prick.

12-05-2011, 06:48 PM
Thanks so much!! ur not bein a prick , dont worry!!

12-07-2011, 07:56 AM
I have also given up on the Land Speeders but it might also be a case of I don't know how to play them. They just always end up dying really early. But then again this is my list... I haven't played in a while and I usually only play 1750 so the Vets and the 5 man were thrown in to top off the 2k

Salamanders (2000pts)
2000pt Space Marines


* HQ (190pts)

* Forgefather Vulkan He'Stan (190pts) Goes in LR with Termies
(And They Shall Know no Fear, Chapter Tactics, Combat Tactics, Independent Character)

* Elites (840pts)

* Dreadnought (150pts) Meant to drop behind enemy lines and cause havoc
* Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon (10pts)
Heavy Flamer (10pts)
* Drop Pod (35pts)
Storm Bolter

* Sternguard Veteran Squad (250pts) useful at taking down beefy problem units
(And They Shall Know no Fear, Combat Squads, Combat Tactics)
2x Meltagun (10pts)
* Razorback (75pts)
Twin-Linked Assault Cannon (35pts)
* Space Marine Sergeant (55pts)
Combi-Melta (5pts), Power Fist (25pts)
* Veteran (25pts)
* Veteran (25pts)
* Veteran (30pts)
Combi-Melta (5pts)
* Veteran (30pts)
Combi-Melta (5pts)

* Terminator Assault Squad (440pts) this is usually the opponents problem child
(And They Shall Know no Fear, Combat Squads, Combat Tactics)
Land Raider Redeemer (240pts) (Assault Vehicle, Power of the Machine Spirit)
* Terminator (40pts)
Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield
* Terminator (40pts)
Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield
* Terminator (40pts)
Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield
* Terminator (40pts)
Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield
* Terminator Sergeant (40pts)
Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield

* Troops (820pts)

These guys usually at the back for the first few turns and fire the plasma cannon out the top hatch

* Tactical Squad (230pts)
(And They Shall Know no Fear, Combat Squads, Combat Tactics)
Meltagun (5pts), Plasma Cannon (5pts), Rhino (35pts) (Repair, Tank), 9x Space Marine (144pts)
* Space Marine Sergeant (41pts)
Bolt Pistol, Power Weapon (15pts)

* Tactical Squad (230pts)
(And They Shall Know no Fear, Combat Squads, Combat Tactics)
Meltagun (5pts), Plasma Cannon (5pts), Rhino (35pts) (Repair, Tank), 9x Space Marine (144pts)
* Space Marine Sergeant (41pts)
Bolt Pistol, Power Weapon (15pts)

* Tactical Squad (230pts)
(And They Shall Know no Fear, Combat Squads, Combat Tactics)
Meltagun (5pts), Plasma Cannon (5pts), Rhino (35pts) (Repair, Tank), 9x Space Marine (144pts)
* Space Marine Sergeant (41pts)
Bolt Pistol, Power Weapon (15pts)

* Tactical Squad (130pts) points filler
(And They Shall Know no Fear, Combat Squads, Combat Tactics)
4x Space Marine (64pts)
* Razorback (40pts)
Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter
* Space Marine Sergeant (26pts)
Bolt Pistol, Chainsword

* Fast Attack (150pts)

* Attack Bike Squadron (150pts) These are really good at popping armor but they usually get targeted early on
(And They Shall Know no Fear, Combat Tactics)
* Attack Bike (50pts)
Multi-Melta (10pts)
* Attack Bike (50pts)
Multi-Melta (10pts)
* Attack Bike (50pts)
Multi-Melta (10pts)

I used to throw the Thunderfire Cannon in there but it just never ended up paying for itself. I am fully capable of running another 5 man of Termies in a LR:R as well as another Dreadnought in a drop-pod.

12-09-2011, 01:20 PM
Have you had a chance to play with this list at all yet? I am curious to see how it works for you.