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12-04-2011, 03:44 PM
I play Rhyas for legion and I'm curious if anyone has tried using legionnaires with the new UA with her? Any good? I usually use swordsmen, warmongers, or hexblades but I like the thought of a cheap unit and a UA that adds quite a bit of power to said cheap unit.

Anyone tried Kallus yet? I think I may pick him up as his playstyle is very much in the same general area that I'm used to.

Silver Drakes Legion
12-04-2011, 10:29 PM
It's a great cheap tarpit and with Farilor they get a lot better. Add in a witch doctor and they become incredibly annoying giving tough and undead.
Kallus is a good caster needs the succubus when it comes out but definitely very infantry centric. I've run him with legionaires and swordsmen with Ua to good effect. Thinking about a pot for him since all those lives before feat become pointless otherwise.

12-05-2011, 03:06 PM
If you're running Legionnaires for Rhyas then you're running them as a good front-line unit - especially with Farlior. While they have reach, their P+S and stats on their weapons are not nearly as "hitty" at the swordsmen, and in fact, they have different uses. I could see them being pretty useful with Rhyas, especially since they can take the hits better than your other infantry. Any survivors can still take advantage of the feat, and with reach, they'll be able to tag more targets.

Again, I wouldn't think of them as being a very killy unit, but they'll certainly take the hit for your swordsmen so that those guys can really make the most of your feat turn.

12-05-2011, 08:07 PM
If you're running Legionnaires for Rhyas then you're running them as a good front-line unit - especially with Farlior. While they have reach, their P+S and stats on their weapons are not nearly as "hitty" at the swordsmen, and in fact, they have different uses. I could see them being pretty useful with Rhyas, especially since they can take the hits better than your other infantry. Any survivors can still take advantage of the feat, and with reach, they'll be able to tag more targets.

Again, I wouldn't think of them as being a very killy unit, but they'll certainly take the hit for your swordsmen so that those guys can really make the most of your feat turn.

That's kind of what I was thinking. Run the legionnaires up front to screen the swordsmen and take some hits.

I would never expect them to be real killy given their mediocre P&S but Farilor at least makes them a little better at being a defensive screen (at least on paper). I'm looking forward to trying this out. Now I just need to figure out what to drop in my 35 point list to try and squeeze them in... it's pretty tight already.

03-06-2012, 01:14 AM
I too am interested in getting some legionnaires. What does there UA do? I play eThagrosh so them being fearless would be good with him. If I like them I might get Kallus a try also.

03-06-2012, 01:42 AM
I too am interested in getting some legionnaires. What does there UA do? I play eThagrosh so them being fearless would be good with him. If I like them I might get Kallus a try also.

Check it out here: http://battlecollege.wikispaces.com/farilor

03-06-2012, 05:13 PM
Thanks for that link. I always forget about battle college. The UA is sweet with them, perfect for what I want to use them for.