View Full Version : 1000pts Evil Space Elves

12-04-2011, 12:14 PM
So, I've been kickin around this idea in my head for a new army because I'm gettin bored with my craftworld eldar and I just so happen to have the dark eldar dex layin around.

Baron Sathonyx

Hellions x10
Helliarch, Stunclaw

Hellions x10
Helliarch, Agoniser

Wyches x10
Hekatrix, Agoniser
Night Shields, Lance

Wyches x10
Hekatrix, Agoniser
Night Shields, Lance

Reavers x3

Reavers x3


I think the synergy that this list will be able to generate when the units are working together will be awesome. Army wide combat drugs (save the baron) coupled with the speed of this list and alot of misdirection from the reavers and raiders will go a long way giving my opponent a severe headache. Like most Dark Eldar lists I know that this is a glass hammer, so I am hoping that the barons unit will act as an anchor unit hopping from cover to cover utilizing their 18" assault 2 poison pods. I am hoping that wyches are a good addition, although I'm not sure if warriors would work better. So any help would be awesome and critiques, criticism, etc.