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View Full Version : The uber unit:

12-02-2011, 07:53 AM
With the launch of my www.skared.podbean.com (podcast). I have decided to talk about various different psychological aspects of the game. From my very uneducated point of view. Last time I asked people what they thought of Burn out and how you would deal with it and that is what I touch on during Episode 2. Well, for episode 3 I wanted to talk about how we all differently deal with that "uber" unit death star, or what ever.

So far I can think of a few things that we do:
Ignore it.
Stall it (by feeding it smaller units/redirect it)
Give up and loose to it.
Wait till the time is right and then hit it with all you have!!!
Uber Spells

So, what do YOU do against this uber unit.


Also, check out the podcast, short and sweet worth your time and looking for feedback :D.

12-02-2011, 10:27 AM
because i just like pie plates and fun and rolling dice:


12-02-2011, 10:51 AM
So, what do YOU do against this uber unit.

That depends on which uber death star unit and the individual army in question as well as what scenario you are playing. Each variable changes the way you handle deathstar units.

Chaos Chosen? Spells and Shooting are your best options if you need to kill them, otherwise avoid. Skaven on the other hand can reliably deal with this with slaves and poison wind globadiers.

VC Tomb Guard with the usual ridiculousness (Vampire behind the unit lending WS, Wight King with 4+ Ward Banner,etc)? Usually involves fast units or raiders/ambushers to take out the Vampire behind the unit and then flanking the skeletons.

Temple Guard with Lore of life Slaan? Shooting until you expose the rear of the Slaan and then rear charges with big monsters works great (I've done this with the Doomwheel, Rat Ogres, and HPA). Reliable anti-magic is key against this unit.

Skaven Slave horde (not an uber death star but insanely crazy at quagmiring units)... kill the general wherever he is at. Steadfast at LD5 blows.

Skaven Bell/Furnace units (again, I don't consider them uber death stars, but similar) - destroy the engine first and the unit will be easy to take down.

There are to many variables to sum up. Some issues with the ideas you've presented are as follows;

Avoiding the unit - Tis only works in some scenarios. If you are going for Victory Points and 1500 points of their 2250 army is soaked up in a single unit... you can't avoid it. Sure, try and kill the other 750 first but what if it takes you 800 points to kill his 750? You just lost.

Hit it with all you have - Can work, but, only if he doesn't have any other threatening units on the board. Getting rear/flank charged while trying to fight an uber unit is just going to make the uphill battle rougher.

Other issues too but I can't elaborate much more.

12-03-2011, 06:54 AM
Empire Cannon battery. I've yet to meet a unit that is still a threat after a couple of turns of two great cannons and two Helstorms hitting it. Or, drive a steam tank into it, run it over, repeat until dead and then drive off.

03-06-2012, 03:36 PM
I play dwarfs and when I see a deathstar I know that if it hits my lines at full strength it will be devastating. So what I do is a deploy so that the deathstar will want to move as quickly as possible towards my stubborn hammerers, that way I will most likely withstand a charge (although at a heavy cost). Then I make sure I have a supporting warrior unit to flank charge. Also the whole game I pummel it with Grudge throwers and organ guns to dwindle the enemy numbers, while using cannons to deal with other threats like independent wizards or monsters.

03-07-2012, 08:39 AM
In order to deal with the death star, I hit it with everything I have! Charge my most powerful unit with a character or two into the front, and my hardest and fastest hammer unit into the flank. This may not be the best strategy, but it is definitely the most fun and exciting!

03-09-2012, 04:09 PM
I try to bait it into a trap with small expendable units... but they are often difficult to deal with so I just end up daydreaming a HE army that can deal with the problem.

03-11-2012, 05:46 PM
Depending on the game (tournament or fun game) I like re-directing.... I like this strategy best because of point denial (keep that unit away would protect my other units), annoy my opponent (if you bring all your points in one unit then learn to deal with it), and because let's face it, if one does not have a deathly unit killing spell, there is really no way to beat that 1500pts death start unit (maybe a combo charge, to negate flanks or something which is not always likely)....

On a separate note, in a fun game, I just go straight and do something silly because is always funny to see what can happen or if my opponent "wifs" with his super broken unit of doom! :D

03-15-2012, 12:44 PM
I play Lizardmen and had a friend who used to run with a vampire deathstar unit (40 horde of grave guard with several vamps in with regen banner, all armed with great weapons). It would literally pulp anything it touched in my army in one turn without me doing any significant damage to it.

So i avoided it.

Run around, perhaps baiting his mega unit with a sacreficial unit of saurus to lure it out of posistion while the rest of my army nukes the rest of his. Most battles would then have me running around avoiding it whilst salamanders and skinks pumped shot after shot into it and my slann hurling giant fireballs.

THe other tactic for that kind of unit (which relies quite heavily on the BSB with regen banner) is to throw a unit in with a character killer and make sure he can hit the BSB. If he dies, the proteciton of the unit massively reduces (armour 5+ only i believe) meaning he can no longer easily regen his casulties.

03-21-2012, 05:27 PM
Round after round of Lurkers Below or Purple Sun?

03-25-2012, 12:44 PM
With Empire, Cannons and Mortars are the answer to most problems.
With my VC, hordes to hold them up and hopefully re-summon more then they can kill until I can get Black Knights in their flank. Zombies are good for this since you can raise a bunch fairly easy.

11-24-2012, 09:39 AM
I find it depends on the army I am fighting and what I have on the board. Brettonian Death Stars I will always encourage them to take on my White Lions because Brets don't do stubborn. However with things like Chaos and Demons, if I cannot magic them to death I tend to run away like a little girl =)

Tactical manoeuvring is pretty much the best you can hope for. I tend to find that if people are running death stars the rest of their army is severely lacking so I focus on that, playing elves is helpful because they tend to move faster than most things that cause me problems =)