View Full Version : Necron nemesor Conversion with Obyron.

12-02-2011, 01:20 AM
I love these two lords. When I was making them I was going off of page 60 in the codex. Here you go tell me what you think? If anyone what's to know what I used then just ask.

12-02-2011, 10:50 AM
Until the mini is released there really isn't a whole lot one can do to differentiate him from other Necron Overlords besides doing custom bling and a better or more ambitious paint job. I suppose the Staff of Light could work in that regard as most Necron Overlords will have Warscythes.

Regarding the cape on Zahndrekh's weapon arm, I think it would be better on Obyron. The Ghostwalk mantle is a unique piece of wargear for him so he would look A LOT better with a cape of some kind. Having a cape only on one arm also looks kind of funny, as if he were a bull fighter or something. Bear in mind that these are only suggestions and the only opinion which really matters is your own. If you really enjoy doing your mini a certain way then by all means do so. Cheers!

12-02-2011, 11:10 AM
Thanks a lot man. I really like your comments. But the reason I made these two was because I was told there wasn't going to be a model released for them. I was also going off the picture that's on page 60 in the Necron codex.

12-02-2011, 11:40 AM
Thanks a lot man. I really like your comments. But the reason I made these two was because I was told there wasn't going to be a model released for them. I was also going off the picture that's on page 60 in the Necron codex.

Agreed that the one armed cape looks silly, like a bird. Get it on Obyron.

And there will be models released, we just don't know when.

12-02-2011, 01:30 PM
And there will be models released, we just don't know when.

You assume that GW actually likes Necrons more than Nids.... I for one ain't holding my breath for any more Necron releases - rumor mill be damned. I'll believe it when I see those new boxes on the shelf of my lgs.

As far as the conversion goes bladedragon, I love what you've done but I have to echo the sentiments of the posters above, the cape under his arm just doesn't look right because it's different than the rest of the cape. If it were the same, I think it would look great.

Other than that, I think you've done a great job and now I'm mad I didn't do something cool like this with my stormlord!

12-03-2011, 12:15 AM
Thanks everyone for your comments. I really like what everyone said. I'm thinking about green stuffing the cape to make it all look the same just haven't decided how to go about it yet. I'll post new pics up when it's done though. Thanks a lot everyone.

12-05-2011, 04:33 AM
looking goood mate will be good to see them finished. love the obyron :D