View Full Version : Necron conversion for Obyron

12-01-2011, 09:35 PM
I tried to put this up in new but that may have been the wrong thing to do so just in case I'm posting here as well. I really like the Nemesor and Obyron so I made some conversions for them both. A lot of people don't like my conversion for Nemesor so I'm not putting him up. But everyone loved the Obyron conversion. I used Imotekh and the Overlord that comes from the CCB box. You can see what all I did but the left arm's shoulder need to be cut and re-glued for the position I wanted. I also used a Pyr. part for the extra spine part in the back. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks a lot.



12-02-2011, 12:10 AM
Nice conversion work, I thought Imotekh's pose was a little static and the arm swamp really makes a difference. I might have to copy this ;) I also wouldn't mind seeing your Nemesor conversion.

12-02-2011, 01:08 AM
ok I went back and fixed my Nemesor.I went for the look on the Pic. on page 60 in the codex. I really like him now. So here are them both.


12-02-2011, 07:29 AM
For the most part i like it, but the cape seems a little unbalanced. I think expanding nemesors cape to his left arm as well might help. Over all good solid conversions on both models