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View Full Version : need help for my husbands xmas

11-30-2011, 10:03 PM
Hi, My husband is an avid 40k player and I wanted to buy him and army for xmas. He seems to like grey knights so I was wondering what I should do to get him a decent grey knight list 2000 pts.

I got him draigo and a librarian along with a terminator pack. any suggestions? I dont know much about the game so any help would be awesome

11-30-2011, 10:27 PM
Driago and some Paladins are a pretty good start to an army. I would pick up another box of Terminators so you can max out the unit of Paladins. Between the Paladins, Driago and a Librarian, you're well over 1000pts. A pair of Dreadnoughts, a couple Rhino/razorbacks and some Strike Squad guys do a good job of filling out the rest of the list. You'll end up with a pretty effective list for fairly cheap as far as 40k armies go.

12-01-2011, 09:05 AM
or a Storm Raven. Terminators can go in them right? Pretty cool model (if odd looking) and different from the norm.

12-01-2011, 10:34 AM
2 more termi boxes , a strike squad and a big kit (stormrave/ land raider/ dreadknight) shold mean that he cold get a nice 2000 pts army?