View Full Version : Trying to decide what list to use

11-30-2011, 07:03 PM
I play in a competitive environment. So I have come up with two lists that I would have fun playing, I just need some outside info on which one would be more competitive. List 1 is pretty much a spam army, list 2 has some minor tricks.

List 1

OX inq, psykotroke grenades, hammerhand

6 DCA, 4 crusaders

5x 5 purifiers, 2 psycannons, hammer, 2 halberds
5x Psybacks, searchlight

Stormraven MM/AC

3x Psydreads

This list is pretty straight forward. Roll up 12", disembark and shoot it till it dies.

List 2

OX, inq, psykotroke grenades, hammerhand

6 DCA, 4 crusaders
Cullexus Assassin

4x 5 purifiers, 2 psycannons, hammer, 2 halberds
4x Psybacks, searchlight

5 GKSS, psycannon, justicar with hammer

2x Psydreads
LR Crusader with MM

About the same tactics as list one except the cullexus takes the GKSS rhino and does drive-bys, the GKSS either DS onto objectves in opposite table quarters or stays back on one of mine.

Any suggestions or critiques would be helpful. I usually play against the standard razorspam BA, rhino mech GH, or veteran IG. Thanks guys.