View Full Version : New Necrons Kit-Bash

11-29-2011, 05:45 PM
Hi all,
I recently went hog wild and bought:
2 Lychguard boxes
2 Immortal boxes
3 Warrior boxes
1 Monolith box

I had assesmbled before:
3 tomb spyders
31 scarabs
22 Warriors
3 Immortals
5 Flayed ones
1 Lord
4 Destroyers
1 Destroyer Lord
1 Command/Annilation BArge

So to my thread: What can be kit bashed and how is it done? Don't worry about what I have, but here's my ideas so far and what I've done:

I have made 10 more NEARmmortals with Tesla carbines.
A NEARmmortal is: Necron Warrior Legs and Torso, Immortals Tesla Carbine and arm, and a Triarch pratorean head. If the shoulders aren't doing it for you, you can make two little plasticard squares and simply glue them on.

I have made 3 different looking Crypteks using:
Necron warrior legs and front torsos, Pratorean back torsos and backpack thingie, Deathmark heads and Staff of Covenet arms. I quickly added a greenstuff cloak to one, used a Warscythe modifed instead of a rod on the other, to make them all a little different. Since they don't have models, they will just stand in for whatever specific cryptek i need in the game.

I'm working on hacking and slashing to turn some warriors into deathmarks as well, but I really don't see me using them in game, so it's pretty low on my list.

I have made one more Tomb Spyder out of a Destroyer. I simply removed the necron from the top, covered that area with a bit of plasticard, added a scarab for a "head", and took some of the "tail" sections from the Praetorian box to make little dangly legs off of the side of the destroyer body. I looks pretty cool!

Also, to make my scarabs go farther, I used some creative basing and used usually 3 scarabs per base and sometimes 2 (on the ones where there are lots of little bits of terrain on the base, like rocks and logs). They are super expensive on Ebay right now, and since it looks like (until the FAQ) every necron player is going to be spamming them, it might be a good idea to try to stretch your gaming dollar.

Anyone else had any success kit-bashing the new necrons? What have you come up with?

Luke Licens
11-30-2011, 02:03 PM
Like they say on 4chan:

"Pics, or it didn't happen!"


12-01-2011, 09:46 AM
They will be up tonight!!!