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View Full Version : New player trying to choose a faction

11-29-2011, 04:39 PM
Hello! I'm a 40ker who is looking to switch over to Warmachine. I got the Cryx and Menoth starter boxes in my swag bag at Adepticon last year, but I wouldn't necessarily have to limit myself to those two options. I know nothing about the setting or army types so any advice is greatly appreciated.

Here's what I'm looking for:

1. Low model count. The lower the better. I often spend 20+ hours converting and painting a model and it would be nice to have an army finished before 2014.
2. Lots of plastic/resin models.
3. At least moderately easy to learn
4. Prefer shooting and magic-tricksy-stuff over close combat

Just FYI, in 40k, I play Tzeentch Chaos Daemons because I like their deployment method, their flexibility, and it gives me lots of opportunities for conversion and custom models.


11-29-2011, 06:06 PM
I think Khador is going to have the most plastic models at this point, with menoth (I think) having the second most plastic models. You're not going to have nearly as much conversion opportunity unless you're willing to buy bitz or saw up the mostly metal models.

As for your play style, I think Cryx or Cygnar are your best bet. Cygnar is very shooty and Cryx has a lot of what you're looking for in the "tricksy" style.

You're going to have to put some time in to actually get good with any army in Warmahordes, but I think, overall, Khador or Cygnar may be the easiest two starter armies, as Khador is really tough and Shooty Cygnar is, IMO, pretty easy to learn.

Dont sweat the model count. You're going to be about the same no matter which you build. You can control if you want to go infantry heavy or not.

11-29-2011, 07:48 PM
Witt is pretty much right on the mark

If you prefer shooty armies, then I have to say that Cygnar is probably your number one go-to faction.

Best ranged jacks in the game and arguably the best ranged warcasters as well (Caine (both versions) and Kara Sloan)

It cannot be stressed just how evil Kara Sloan is as a ranged combatant. She's fragile as all get out, but damn...

Cygnar is largely "electricity" based on their elemental flavor of damages, which isn't really a bad thing overall. The basic line troops are ranged (Trenchers & Long Gunners) and you have a plethora of options as far as adding mercs into your list as well.

Cryx is tricksy, but they are a fairly heavy model count to use, and are not overly ranged-oriented.

If you go to Bartertown or the like, I'm sure you could swap out your Menoth & Cryxian starters for the faction of your choice.

11-29-2011, 11:27 PM
If you decide on Cygnar I have an extra starter, extra ecaine, extra siege, and an extra Reinhardt I'd happily toss ya for the menoth box. I'm tired of painting blue ;-)

11-30-2011, 02:13 AM
Khador has the plastic/resin; low model count; and can be pure shooting/magic oriented. Cygnar, as stated above does the shooting combos a lot better, but Khador can give you a extremely low model count. Look at their newest warcaster, Harkevich and what he can do with their main ranged jack, the Destroyer(his personal character warjack is a modified destroyer). a sample list for 35 points:

Harkevich +5 Warjack Points (this reduces the cost of your warjacks total points, in this list there is 28 points of warjacks but with Hark's +5 it is reduced to 23.)

Black Ivan (character jack, which gives ya some conversion fun) 10 points
He's pretty much an upgraded destroyer, His affinity to Hark though makes him almost a must have(with Hark) and with his claw(instead of the axe) he gains versatility for one less damage point.

Destroyer 9 points
Good artillery piece and decent in melee, you will want to boost to hit most of the time because of the low MAT stat, but since he's P+S 17 with his axe(that will out right kill almost all infantry and solos) you will have little issues causing damage once hit.

Decimator 9 points.
This dude offers some direct firepower and has the ability to push units that survive 1" back, opening holes in infantry lines or getting your warcaster out of combat.

Great Bears of Gallowswood (character unit) 5 points.
These guys are a good middle of the line kind of unit, can be really devastating on the charge, with backswing and weapon master.

Yuri the Axe(character solo) 3 points
Manhunter(solo) 2 points
Both Yuri and the Manhunter are good flanking units with SPD 6 and pathfinder, they can run up the side and start knocking off other solos or be used to corner your opponent.

Koldun Lord (solo)2 points
This guy is a decent caster, but you really want him poping "Power Booster" on a warjack, giving it 1 focus(if it has none) and getting rid of Disruption.

Over all this list is only 10 models(including warcaster) and is fairly shooty with yuri and manhunter being your flanking assassins. This list however is mostly metal, as the warjacks are the only resin/plastic models if you buy all the corresponding PP models. Something great that PP continues to do, is Bits ordering, this also includes cards as well.

Khador is also the only faction to not have a light warjack, even the Beserker(the smallest Khador warjack) is considered a heavy, and also a ticking-time-bomb...;)

Overall I always recommend having a look through the Faction Card Decks and/or the respective faction books. Their always great for formulating lists, and the books contain the themed lists so you can gain bonuses(bon-i?) for taking units/solos/warjacks that fit a certain criteria.

11-30-2011, 06:30 AM
Assuming that you're not married to the idea of a WM faction, you should check out some of the Hordes factions. Other than the plastic/resin part your list seems to fit Legion of Everblight pretty well.

1. They're beast-centric and are a low model count army.
2. Not much plastic/resin but here in Feb. they're making a kit for the chasi that 3 of the warbeasts are based off of.
3. Legion is very much a glass cannon faction. They do also have a number of rules that allow you to ignore rules. Don't want to read the sections on clouds/stealth/terrain/etc? We got plenty of Eyeless Sight and Pathfinder/Flight.
4. Can be very shooty. Pretty tricksy too.

Sanguinary Dan
11-30-2011, 02:58 PM
If you want plastic and tricksy you may want to consider Retribution. Their Warjacks are wierd and plastic with more coming in 2012. The infantry is still metal I believe, but you don't need many. They have some ridiculous shooty options including nasty fellows called Ghost Snipers.

I'm a Cygnar player and we also have some impressively shooty build options. But sadly we don't have any plastic infantry yet either.

It will all come down to which look you prefer. So none of our advice will matter if you look at the models and decide you love the look of Skorne warbeasts.

11-30-2011, 11:31 PM
I'll second Retribution. They've got a lot of the shooty elements of Cygnar, with some of the magical shennanigans of Cryx. Plus, they've got quite a bit of plastic, and they're typically a more elite force, so often a lower model count.

Pretty much every faction and list will have melee elements. The longest ranged guns in WM are only 20" inches, with most falling into the 10"-14" range, so you're going to have your guys get in there. Fortunately, every faction has multiple solid CC units/jacks.
