View Full Version : My 3y/o son's Terminator! aka: He paints better than me...

09-12-2009, 03:28 AM
Here is a pic just to show a pic of a Terminator my son just painted. He is only 3 and has never tried this before, I think it looks pretty cool myself.


***Edit: Tried to fix URL

40k Addict
09-12-2009, 05:59 AM
The link is broken...

Shadow Queen
09-12-2009, 06:12 AM
I just get a blank page.

09-12-2009, 03:57 PM
Hopefully fixed.

09-12-2009, 04:28 PM
Its fixed... and you've got a GD winner on your hands there!
XD Lindargo,

Mike X
09-12-2009, 09:51 PM

No offense, but it seems like a case of an overproud parent...

09-13-2009, 12:23 AM
for a 3 year old that is good , over proud parent maybe , but working with kids that is advanced development in creativity him just sitting there to complete the model is a great step on its own .

person person
09-13-2009, 12:27 AM
Agreed, a 3-year old with the patience to paint model is pretty good start.

09-13-2009, 03:10 AM

No offense, but it seems like a case of an overproud parent...

No offense, but it was meant to be a lighthearted thread. I don't think there is anything wrong with encouraging the fact that he had a go, and in my opinion did really well.

brother drakist
09-13-2009, 06:43 AM
I have always been fascinated how children always find a way to include just about every color into things they do. Looks good and you should be proud sir.

09-13-2009, 09:29 AM

No offense, but it seems like a case of an overproud parent...

You sir are correct. There aren't any highlights, the paint needs to be thinned, and I think the lack of freehand work on the armor leaves it bland.

On a more serious note, I hope I can encourage my future kids to start early on creative projects like this.

Mike X
09-13-2009, 02:45 PM
No offense, but it was meant to be a lighthearted thread. I don't think there is anything wrong with encouraging the fact that he had a go, and in my opinion did really well.

Criticism has no age limits, my friend. He displayed the artwork openly, therefore it can be judged.

And in this case, I'm certainly not impressed, even if the child is only 3. This 'paintjob' is what I would expect from a 3 year old.

I'm not saying it's bad, I'm just saying it's nothing special to everyday people: just the parent who apparently thinks it's impressive.

Thus, like I said before, it seems like a case of an overproud parent.

09-13-2009, 04:41 PM
Criticism has no age limits, my friend. He displayed the artwork openly, therefore it can be judged.

And in this case, I'm certainly not impressed, even if the child is only 3. This 'paintjob' is what I would expect from a 3 year old.

I'm not saying it's bad, I'm just saying it's nothing special to everyday people: just the parent who apparently thinks it's impressive.

Thus, like I said before, it seems like a case of an overproud parent.

Fair enough, in the future I will endeavour to only create threads which relate to how unbalanced the various Codices are and how much Dark Eldar need a new range.

09-13-2009, 04:54 PM
Criticism has no age limits, my friend. He displayed the artwork openly, therefore it can be judged.

And in this case, I'm certainly not impressed, even if the child is only 3. This 'paintjob' is what I would expect from a 3 year old.

I'm not saying it's bad, I'm just saying it's nothing special to everyday people: just the parent who apparently thinks it's impressive.

Thus, like I said before, it seems like a case of an overproud parent.

You are right that criticism has no age limit. However, it does have a time and a place, and this is neither, a proud father created this thread to show off his son's first attempt at painting.

Now, I know that I for one when 3 years of age probably wouldn't have been able to paint a picture on A3 paper, let alone give a model a good go, though I hate to think of the mess it caused :p And I know that when I started painting models at 15/16, my models were probably on a par with, and probably worse given how few colours I used on them than this one. Everyone has to start somewhere, and criticism should be toned down if needed.

So personally, I congratulate Dark_Templar on his son's creativeness, and wish him luck teaching his son to paint over the coming years, though I don't envy him on the cleaning up he'll have to do. And Dark_Templar, it may be better to water some paints down for him, if only to save your pocket!

09-13-2009, 05:02 PM
You are right that criticism has no age limit. However, it does have a time and a place, and this is neither, a proud father created this thread to show off his son's first attempt at painting.

Now, I know that I for one when 3 years of age probably wouldn't have been able to paint a picture on A3 paper, let alone give a model a good go, though I hate to think of the mess it caused :p And I know that when I started painting models at 15/16, my models were probably on a par with, and probably worse given how few colours I used on them than this one. Everyone has to start somewhere, and criticism should be toned down if needed.

So personally, I congratulate Dark_Templar on his son's creativeness, and wish him luck teaching his son to paint over the coming years, though I don't envy him on the cleaning up he'll have to do. And Dark_Templar, it may be better to water some paints down for him, if only to save your pocket!

Thanks for the support, I am glad you can see where I was coming from with this thread.

Anywho, he was really tidy, all I did was stick a few colours on my plastic pallette and let him go for it. He didnt make much of a mess and I used an eye drop to dole out the colours, but yes, perhaps watering them down a bit next time could be good.

One thing I have learned from this thread is to never paint examples of my paint jobs, as I would get absolutely hammered.

Cheers all.

09-13-2009, 05:13 PM
One thing I have learned from this thread is to never paint examples of my paint jobs, as I would get absolutely hammered.

lol, I can see why you would get that idea, but we're not all nasty ;) If you ever want some constructive criticism, send some pictures my way via PM, I'd be glad to help :) And sometimes, you just have to be ruthless with people who get you down like that . . .

09-13-2009, 05:23 PM
lol, I can see why you would get that idea, but we're not all nasty ;) If you ever want some constructive criticism, send some pictures my way via PM, I'd be glad to help :) And sometimes, you just have to be ruthless with people who get you down like that . . .

Cheers, I think I will take you up on that.

I left the hobby for 10 years. I used to play mostly for the gaming, but now that I am a few hundred kms from anywhere, I am in it for the hobby of collecting, converting and painting. I am not the best painter and am sort of learning as I go.

Once I finish a few of the BT initiates that I am working on, I will shoot you a few pics.

09-13-2009, 05:31 PM
Not a problem, I know how bad I used to be, so any help I can give, I will, it helped me ;)

09-13-2009, 08:01 PM
The people criticizing should at least take into account where the paint job came from and have some knowledge on the matter . I would agree that yes the paint job isnt anywhere near tops , but knowing it comes from a 3 year old changes the subject matter as a whole . Now having worked with children both in the class room and giving hobby lessons for games workshop I can tell you in educated confidence that for your son being 3 that model came out very well , in fact better than some of the 8 - 9 year old children I had the displeasure of teaching in games workshop . ( who's parents always say " oh he is advanced for his age this hobby will be fine for him " ) Wish I had a dollar every time I heard that and it wasn't the case lol .

09-14-2009, 02:00 AM
Ey for a 3 year old thats not bad

Considering 3 year olds have a shorter attention span, less fine motor skills etc etc

I think its pretty good... I bet he cant even write yet yet he can paint sort of...?

09-14-2009, 03:34 AM
Ey for a 3 year old thats not bad

Considering 3 year olds have a shorter attention span, less fine motor skills etc etc

I think its pretty good... I bet he cant even write yet yet he can paint sort of...?

It's kinda funny you should say that. He can write his name, which is only three letters long, so kinda cheating there, but his drawing skills have gone from blobs of "what-the???" to him drawing people that look like people.

09-14-2009, 05:15 AM
Sad think is that that looks better then the stuff I was painting when I was 13 :(

09-14-2009, 08:34 PM
cool. i think my daughter wants to try but seeing that my armies are daemonic i'll have to pick up something a bit better for her.... mebbe some Eldar....

09-15-2009, 05:49 PM
Okay I gotta say having a son who is also 3, that is impressive. The criticism here is a little silly in my opinion because as a parent, I would also be proud. My son likes to paint with me when I paint my models, but he paints watercolors on paper not on a model.

I imagine if Noah (my son) painted a model it wouldn't be clean in the slightest. He is a bit of a wild child so I imagine I would have paint all over my walls, and my son.

09-15-2009, 06:14 PM
Criticism has no age limits, my friend. He displayed the artwork openly, therefore it can be judged.

And in this case, I'm certainly not impressed, even if the child is only 3. This 'paintjob' is what I would expect from a 3 year old.

I'm not saying it's bad, I'm just saying it's nothing special to everyday people: just the parent who apparently thinks it's impressive.

Thus, like I said before, it seems like a case of an overproud parent.

Yeah, it's kind of funny... A 3 year old paints better then you, Mike. I certainly hope you were kidding around, or you should think twice about having kids (I'd hate to have a father that criticizes like that).

Black Templar, you SHOULD be proud. Looks better then some of my friends' minis, and they're in their mid-twenties, lol.

I'd love to get my son into this at some point, he's 2 years old and is perfectly content drawing on the walls :mad:

09-15-2009, 06:40 PM
Build a Rhino for the young ones to paint. It's flat with a lot of surface, so they can make good progress without having to learn curves and stuff. Due to to its flat nature, thicker than normal paint can be forgiven. Also, given the attention span of children it will keep them occupied for a long time. It's also a good trick to get children to sleep or rest, "Your Rhino will get painted faster when you are fresh from sleeping early."

09-15-2009, 08:03 PM
Sometimes I have trouble mustering the patience to sit down and paint! If that 3 year old keeps at it, he'll be winning Golden demon awards in 10 or 15 years!

09-15-2009, 11:25 PM
Y'know, good paintjob or bad paintjob means little to nothing to me. As long as that kid had a blast painting that terminator and is still raring for more, I'm just glad that this hobby is getting passed down to another generation of gamer.

I wonder if they make kid sized "Blood for the Blood God" t-shirts....:D

09-16-2009, 01:17 AM
Blows my terminators away...

But really someone criticized the paint job/thread?! It seems pretty light hearted and cute to me. People need to relax a bit perhaps :p

Always great to see people encouraging creativity in kids instead of throwing them in front of a TV to placate them.

Cheers to you sir!

09-16-2009, 01:28 AM
Wow are you serious someone actually posted a thread like some of the ones i have seen. Why the hell do gamers have to be so god damn protentious. Everyone is entiltled to their own opinion yes this is true but wow really a 3 year old you guys should crawl into a hole and cover it with dirt im ashamed to call myself a warhammer player just for reading some of that crap. At any rate im glad your son is showing such an interest it looks like so early on hopefully it carrries on when he gets older so you can pass on stuff you have to him, and the rest of you guys need some serious counseling

09-16-2009, 11:44 AM
I think your son has done a fantastic job and i too can't believe that an adult has decided to crticise a childs artwork in such a manner! I bet your son had a lot of fun doing it as he was doing something he knows daddy does too :)

09-17-2009, 10:36 AM
What an awful mini. I almost gagged at the lack of detail and nauseating colors used. I hope you're ready to burn it with fire. I don't even see any NMM. Seriously, tell your kid to grow some and use some inks every now and then.

\\\Dude, that's better than when I started at 12. Props to him sir!
\\\\And you!