View Full Version : Dwarf Tales Miniatures (page stretching pictures)

11-28-2011, 03:55 AM
EDIT: Dwarf Tales website is currently down as of 27/12/11.

I've not bought from Dwarf Tales (http://www.dwarftales.com/) myself, but they come recommended and their miniatures look nice. Some of my favourites, sorry about the page stretching pictures:


Man of Kraakov:

11-28-2011, 03:57 AM
Men of Kraakov continued:


From the pictures the sculpts don't seem to be quite at the standard of some of the other alternate companies, but they aren't at all bad. Some good heroes for a Kislev themed army I think.

11-28-2011, 04:11 AM
Dwarves - check.
Polish themed humans - check.

I love it. Eldargal, I love you too for posting these up. Will you have puppies with me?

11-28-2011, 04:16 AM
I'll pass on the puppies, but I appreciate the sentiment.:) I'm glad people are enjoying my little project, don't forget to post reviews and such if you buy anything.

11-28-2011, 06:31 PM
They have some nice looking dwarfs....not sure how well they would rank up but they do look nice

12-06-2011, 08:24 AM
From the pictures the sculpts don't seem to be quite at the standard of some of the other alternate companies, but they aren't at all bad. Some good heroes for a Kislev themed army I think.I think what I like about them is that they would look perfectly at-home alongside any standard Citadel Warhammer models. They're just about the right scale and even style, with a slightly cartoonish feel akin to the existing Citadel line. They earn their "premium" price because they are well designed and very cool looking, not because they're drowned in details and extraneous modeling.

All-in-all, they make my Kislevite army what it is. When you're dealing with a limited model count, ever extra pose helps.

01-30-2012, 06:33 AM
From Warseer:

I will preface the following by saying that I'm Polish, Dwarf Tale was a Polish company and the miniature market is a bit on the smallish side here, so basically everyone 'in the industry' knows everybody else.

I heard from a friend that the company went belly up. He runs a sort of a gaming journalism website and I consider him a reliable source of info. Sorry to hear that, since I really liked some of their Lidd range, but truth to be told they did have a very limited offer and a slow release schedule, coupled with a hodge-podge game that didn't really take off...
A real shame.

04-19-2012, 12:15 AM
Dwarf Tales website is back and the Facebook page has been updated but the online store is still down at the moment.