View Full Version : Airbrush shopping

11-26-2011, 03:48 AM
With Christmas fast approaching and Santa bending my ear about what I want, I would like you lot to help me out with some advice.
I'm looking to buy my first airbrush. Can you help? It must be entry level, mid price, reliable and upgradable so when I inevitably become ****-hot and Golden Demon level I can get better stuff!
One thing that I must also consider is where I live. I'm on an island in the Gulf of Thailand! No flgs to pop into for spares! Obviously that means any refills I need must come from (at least) Bangkok. If they don't stock it, then I need an overseas supplier that ships to Thailand. It's also very hot and humid here, does that effect performance?
Thanks in advance.

11-26-2011, 02:40 PM
I would look for a Badger or Paasche double action airbrush.

Double action means you can adjust both airflow and paint with a single control.

Both badger and Paasche are good quality, sturdy and easily cleaned. If you were in the US I would add Aztek to the list but their nozzles can not be dissembled so if it clogged you would have to replace it. IIRC the other two allow cleaning of the entire assembly.

11-28-2011, 01:44 PM
I had a Paasche dual action brush and it was okay. But I would recommend an Iwata if you are serious. They are great brushes. I picked up the HP-C and love it.