View Full Version : Help Deciding Tournament Army - 2000pt GK or SW???

11-25-2011, 11:14 PM
Hello all, I need help deciding on what army to make as my tournament army. A friend and I have talked and we want to start getting into the competitive tournament scene, and to kick this off I would like to start a new army for it. But I cannot decide between Space Wolves or Grey Knights. I like Wolves because they can just get down and dirty, neat models, while also being points efficient. I also like Grey Knights because of mass power weapons and many other neat possibilities. But if any of you with more experience could help me out, I would like to know which army tends to be stronger or which of my proposed lists is the stronger list, and ways to maybe improve my list for things that I am not aware of needing at tournaments.

Anyway, any and all help is appreciated. Here are the two army lists:

Space Wolves 2000pt List: 1992/2000
Rune Priest – Chooser, Living Lightning & Jaws – 110pts
Rune Priest – Chooser, Living Lightning & MH or SC – 110pts

6x Wolf Guard – 6x Combi-Meltas, 6x Powerfists – 222pts
5x Wolf Scouts – 1x Meltagun – 85pts
5x Wolf Scouts – 1x Meltagun – 85pts

8x Grey Hunters – 1x Meltagun, Rhino w/ Dozerblade – 165pts
8x Grey Hunters – 1x Meltagun, Rhino w/ Dozerblade – 165pts
8x Grey Hunters – 1x Meltagun, Rhino w/ Dozerblade – 165pts
8x Grey Hunters – 1x Meltagun, Rhino w/ Dozerblade – 165pts

Fast Attack:
Landspeeder – Typhoon Missle Launcher – 90pts
Landspeeder – Typhoon Missle Launcher – 90pts
Landspeeder – Typhoon Missle Launcher – 90pts

Heavy Support:
6x Long Fangs – 3x Missile Launchers, 2x Lascannons – 170pts
6x Long Fangs – 5x Missile Launchers – 140pts
6x Long Fangs – 5x Missile Launchers – 140pts

And the Grey Knights: 2000/2000pts
GK Grand Master - Rad & Psycho Grenades, 1x Servo-skull - 210pts
Inquisitor Coteaz - 100pts

5x Paladins: Total 325pts
1 - Daemon Hammer
2 - Halberd/Psycannon
3 - MC-Halberd/Psycannon
4 - Halberd
5 - MC-Halberd
5x Purifiers - 2x Psycannons, KotF w/ Halberd, 1x DH & Halberd; DT Razor w/ Psybolt TLAC - 234pts
5x Purifiers - 2x Psycannons, KotF w/ Halberd, 1x DH & Halberd; DT Razor w/ Psybolt TLAC - 234pts

3x Warrior Acolytes - DT Razor w Lascannon/TL-Plasmagun, Searchlights - 93pts
3x Warrior Acolytes - DT Razor w Lascannon/TL-Plasmagun, Searchlights - 93pts
3x Warrior Acolytes - DT Razor w Lascannon/TL-Plasmagun, Searchlights - 93pts
3x Warrior Acolytes - DT Razor w Lascannon/TL-Plasmagun, Searchlights - 93pts

Heavy Support:
Dreadnought - 2x TL-Autocannons w/ Psybolt Ammo - 135pts
Dreadnought - 2x TL-Autocannons w/ Psybolt Ammo - 135pts
Land Raider Redeemer - Multi-melta - 255pts