View Full Version : Denzark's Retro-Wolves

11-25-2011, 01:13 PM
Hello Everybody, I thought you might like to see my 'retro-Wolves'. So called because they represent a contemporary (41st Millenium) army, however are painted 'oldschool' as per sort of RT paint scheme.

I qualify this 2 ways - firstly I use grey, and not bluey grey either, but grey. Remember that interim wolfclaw champion that came out? I hated those blue-grey highlights. The backpacks go metallic. All shoulder pads use the Ragnar Company pads from Mail Order, and I paint them yellow with red edge, just as in back in the day. I have to use these pads because I am not good enough to paint inside ancient transfers with the wolf head!

Hope this is of interest.

11-25-2011, 01:19 PM
Razorbacks are a must have, I like Las/plas. I have built on old Chassis, with a custom weapon. Both are linked to my Long Fang packs, hence the pack marking on the front, repeated on the squad.

First, both together:


Now a close up of the weapon mount. I use the old razorback tophatch. In the middle, I add turret with mount for havoc launcher (i think, I forget exactly which component:)) and then a rocket launcher from a valkyrie. The lascannons are old metal devastator models, the plasma from mail order. These are milliputted in place, as is the turret mount, to round off onto the razorback hatch.


11-25-2011, 01:23 PM
THe following pics show the odds and sods I have stuck on to 'wolf my ride'. On the doors, I decided MkI Rhino chassis attached to Long Fang would be historical enough to have a vehicle heraldry, hence i have tried to go with some free hand celtic designs. Free hand is not a talent of mine, not helped by the fact these doors are not perfectly symmetrical! Top tips for this - draw in pencil first, also try a couple of vodkas to steady the hand.


The wolf skins on this veh are my first attempt and hand made by milliput.



11-25-2011, 01:31 PM
Bog Standard Rhino, Mk III (or whatever the latest is called). Only points of interest is the hatch showing pack marking of Grey Hunters, a successfull use of masking tape. Also the storm bolter is one from the spacewolf sprue.



11-25-2011, 01:35 PM
Retro Vindicator. I like this model, it is heavy, and in the immortal words of Boris the Blade, 'Heavy is Reliable'. You may clock another shield on the front, I use designs off genuine viking shields where possible (and go for easier versions). Top tip mounting stuff like shields that are souvenirs of the crew - slightly tilt them off centre to look a bit realistic. This does not apply to formal insignia which techies would mount and spray straight.



11-25-2011, 01:39 PM
Random Dreadnought.

I added a wolftooth necklace, and a pelt from an old Knights of the White Wolf sprue. The massive saw weapon was the genius of someone else (Ebay purchase). I could either use this as DCCW, or possibly as siege dreadnought.

Actually in reality I may use this in conjunction with a Dreadnought Drop Pod for Turn 1 assaults, it may be Bjorn's latest chassis in some games...



That's all for now, may add some infantry later if I get round to it.