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View Full Version : BnP video batrep 47,48.49 and 50

11-24-2011, 01:46 AM
And battle 47 is here.
This time Raven is trying his trixy crixy against Ralph's Skorne. 35 points.
We've started posting our videos at dicerage.com so hop over there and have a look.

Click here for Battle 48 ( http://www.bitzandpieces.nl/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=109:battle-48&catid=37:videos&Itemid=69)

Miss Feora is leading the forces of Menoth against the Blighted Legion.
35 points.

Click here for Battle 49 ( http://www.bitzandpieces.nl/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=110:battle-49&catid=37:videos&Itemid=69)

A short battle where Kallus is facing Epic Irusk, 35 points.

Battlereport 50 click here (http://www.bitzandpieces.nl/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=111:battle-50&catid=37:videos&Itemid=69)

And the big 50 is here! Boy it went fast.
Today we're doing a 2 vs 2 to celebrate reaching number 50 so we hope you guys enjoy it.
2x 35 points.
On one side its bram with his Khador (E.Irusk) with Ralph and his Retribution of scyrah (Ossyan).
They are facing off against Raven and his Cryx (E.Asphyxious) along with Starweaver playing Legion of Everblight (Bethayne).

It's a bit longer then what you folks are used to but theres a lot going on in this battle, over 150 points on the table in total.