View Full Version : Feast of Blades is looking for state (area) reps

11-23-2011, 09:20 AM
This next year (2012) Feast of Blades is going national! We are going to have qualifiers from coast to coast. As such we are looking for a few good men and women to be our state and area reps.

Areas we are looking for:
New York
Chicago/ IL
S. California
Central California (SF, Sac, Fresno)
Vegas / NV
Phoenix /Arizona
Seattle and Portland

*If we didn't mention your area and there are enough gamers to warrant it give us an email and we can talk about having one in your area.

What does a state rep do, you ask?

1. Works with Chandler do determine which stores in an area are the best places to host events (Who has terrain, local groups and supports the players)

2. Talks with players and host stores to get them excited about having a qualifier at their store (pom-poms not included)

3. Answers any questions stores and players may have.

4. When lacking a qualifier TO this person will act as TO for qualifiers.

- This year all state reps will receive free entry into the event(s) of their choice. One friend of a state rep will also receive a 50% discount on entry. State reps must also qualify naturally for the invitational.

- When you get here we will be organizing a state rep dinner on Sat night with some internet celeb types.

- Free "Staff," shirt (who doesn't like shirts)

- being a part of a national event.

- We prefer that you are older than 21 but it isn't a requirement.
- We also are looking for someone who is excited about helping and will steal the initiative on getting people together.
- You should also have experience in running small RTT's just in case you have to run a few.

If your interested send an email to [email protected]

Honor your chapter,

Feast of Blades TO

11-23-2011, 10:22 AM

I think you're missing out on a pretty big market if you ignore the Cincinnati/Dayton/Indianapolis area. I'm in Cincy, and could potentially help ya'll out.


11-23-2011, 04:42 PM
shoot me an email Feastofblades at Gmail dot com and we can chat about it. I would love to get that area!


11-23-2011, 05:00 PM
Why cant britain have decent tournies like this :(

11-24-2011, 10:41 AM
As far as Im concerned you get the Premier league, so I don't feel too bad ;)

If you could find a way to host a qualifier in England I wouldn't be against it.


11-24-2011, 10:56 AM
As far as Im concerned you get the Premier league, so I don't feel too bad ;)

If you could find a way to host a qualifier in England I wouldn't be against it.


even if I could host one in england, I wouldnt want to, I wanna take part :)

and you can have the premier league. our football players just act stupid anyway.
I dnt watch football so dnt care. U take premier league we have ard boys, im fine with that :)