View Full Version : Scarab Farm battle report

11-22-2011, 12:45 PM
Check out the new competitive necron list we think will be able to hold its own in tournament play vs a very competitive imperial guard list. Hope you guys enjoy.


11-23-2011, 08:14 AM
A bit of a luck went into that game, but even without it, it might have only delayed the outcome one turn. That was utterly brutal. I don't even know if the 20 man unit is all that important. Maybe against other armies? In the games I've used Stormlord, I've never been that hot with the lightning. But as he said, I guess there's always that chance to totally wreck someone with it.
I'm excited about this codex!

11-23-2011, 12:21 PM
Yeah it was mostly luck that the storm went so crazy but the stormlord brings so much to the table even if the storm doesnt go crazy. And the 20 man unit is actually pretty good mindshackle scarabs go crazy!!!! The codex is a lot of fun im glad that it was made the way it was with combos and tactics it is very well written. Thanks for checking out the battle report weve got plenty more up on our website as well.

11-24-2011, 12:11 AM
I played two games at 1850 points tonight - First against Grey Knights, then against Blood Angels. In both games I took 30 Scarabs. Both games were played using randomly rolled missions from the Battle Missions Book.

Both games were stopped after turn 2, as neither opponent had an affective force left on the table.

Game 1 against Grey Knights - (Orc Cut and Run Mission, Page 62-63)
Orikan the Diviner
Vargard Obyron - *Edit: should have been a Necron Overlord or another HQ to get the Crypteks per Codex page 90
Cryptek, Tremorstave
Cryptek, Solar Pulse, Lance
Cryptek, Tremorstave
Cryptek, Solar Pulse, Lance
C'tan Shard, Writhing Worldscape, Pyreshard
10x Warriors
10x Immortals
10x Immortals
10x Scarabs
10x Scarabs
10x Scarabs

The Grey Knight Commander Immobilized 2 of his vehicles and killed several of his own troops in turn 1, including putting a wound on his walking HQ! 2 Rounds of Nightfighting with Multi-assaulting Scarabs ate all of the vehicles and which in-turn pinned half of the troops in craters! The monoliths were within range and the Necron Troops were all within range of shooting the hapless Grey Knights. Necron Losses: 15 Scarabs, 3 Warriors. GK Losses: Everything except 7 Troops and 8 models in an elite GK shooty unit. I used the Monolith to pull my Necron troops away from the Elite shooty unit, then ignored them while Gaussing his troops.

Game 2 against a 10 Vehicle fast Blood Angel Army! (Imperial Guard War of Attrition Mission)
10x Immortals
10x Immortals
10x Warriors
10x Warriors
10x Scarabs
10x Scarabs
10x Scarabs
3x Tomb Spyders

2 rounds of Stormlord activated Nightfighting - 2 lightning strikes took out 2 vehicles. The Monoliths took out 2 vehicles on turn 2, the scarabs ate 5 Vehicles and the Necron Troops wrecked 1 vehicle with shooting. The Scrabs were effective at beating up 5 man min-squads falling from Las/Plas-spam Razorbacks. The 5 Terminators and 1 Librarian who fell out of the Land Raider were whittled down to just 3 Lightning Claw Terminators in 2 rounds of Close Combat with 13+ Scarabs fed by 3 Tomb Spyders

Necron Losses: 10-12 Scarabs, 2 Warriors *Edit - More scarabs were killed but quickly replaced by the Tomb Spyders
BA Losses: All Vehicles and all except 5 Troops and 3 Terminators.

Note: The BA commander did not have a Furioso Dreadnought with Blood Talons (custom made to eat Scarabs)

The single strangest thing to get used to - shoving the entire Necron army forward as quickly as possible to get them into 12"-24" range.

The Dave
11-26-2011, 06:07 AM
I'm LOVING this thread! Thanks to the guys at Frontline Gaming for making awesome batrep vids, and thanks to Maelstorm for posting his text batreps. I'm really excited as well to see how Necrons do in the current tournament scene, though just recently Darkwynn said some pretty meany-face things about their new book (or at least their "combos"). I'm not sure they've been out long enough for anyone to judge their potential, but again I'm VERY interested to see more Cron batreps.

Keep it up guys!

11-26-2011, 11:53 AM
The codex is a lot of fun im glad that it was made the way it was with combos and tactics it is very well written.
That did not appear to be either fun or tactical...

11-26-2011, 02:06 PM
What works for me: Target overload (70+ models, 130+ wounds) - Instead of several expensive AV 11/13 vehicles for the enemy to pop with Melta and Lance and Lascannons, I gave them just 1 or 2 AV14 vehicles in Nightfight. With 30+ scarabs charging 19"-24" forward to engage everything, the enemy was distracted as I ran all of the troops forward to get into shooting range. Note: At least 1 Monolith is required to pull troops away from imminent CC. With just 1 Monolith, put it in the middle, with 2 put them on the flanks and make best use of their doors to pull troops away from trouble or to concentrate 2-3 units of troops worth of fire on a target. Note: it's a good thing if they are wasting Lascannon shots on your troops, they still have a 33% chance to get back-up...

With the Monoliths you can play with your opponents pre-conceived ideas of Necrons - They will either fire everything at it (big-scary target) or completely ignore it (experienced players). If your playing against a less experienced opponent, shove the Monolith(s) down their throat and distract them from the rest of your army. Anytime you see them eyeing the rest of your army, pick up the big blast template and look at each of their units, sizing them up. If you are playing against a more experienced opponent who used to go for Phase-out, place the Monoliths where you want your troops to end-up, start the troops on the opposite end of the table and your opponent will set-up to ignore the Monoliths and charge your troops. Pull the troops all the way across the table and then use the bulk of the Monoliths to shield them as you move forward. Remember - the Monolith is the single largest piece of moving terrain in the game!

Hope that helps!

11-27-2011, 12:59 AM
I dropped in a new Battle-report for 1,850 Necrons vs Eldar. Once again the game was over at the end of turn 3. - Look for the report under it's own heading.

11-27-2011, 07:11 PM
We have more battle reports up on our website as well if you guys want to check them out.