View Full Version : Doom Scythes

11-20-2011, 08:57 PM
Has anyone used them yet?
I would imagine that the Deathray is quite entertaining!

This weapon is where my imagination would run wild in a game of 40k.

The Twilight Fade
11-21-2011, 05:45 AM
Took one, fried some dark eldar once with the death ray, had it blown off so I only had the tesla destructor left.

Haven't really made room for it since as it's a little fragile and alot of points but otherwise it seems quite powerful against the right armies (mech IG or mech spam in general) but was a little of a let down on this occasion.

Probably will try it again in future games though. Probably in a pair next time

11-21-2011, 12:42 PM
The doom scythe has vindicator syndrome hardcore. I think it's a take 3 or take 0 kind of thing (just like a vindi).

11-21-2011, 08:30 PM
me and friend play tested some games with the scythes, almost always they dont last pass the third turn :(

11-21-2011, 11:47 PM
Yeah, they're high-risk high-reward. Sometimes they're superstars and sometimes they'll fail hard.

Saturn 3
11-22-2011, 12:10 AM
I'm curious as to how you use the line. If I target infantry (as first point) then wouldn't the line stop at the unit; then you would only hit one model. If you target a vehicle first and then extend that 2nd point through an infantry unit now your killin some guys ( especially if the point ends in the unit itself). Also I know it's a stretch but do you roll to hit?

11-22-2011, 10:43 AM
I'm curious as to how you use the line. If I target infantry (as first point) then wouldn't the line stop at the unit; then you would only hit one model. If you target a vehicle first and then extend that 2nd point through an infantry unit now your killin some guys ( especially if the point ends in the unit itself). Also I know it's a stretch but do you roll to hit?

I don't see why the line would stop. Like, at all. There is no reason it would stop.

You do not roll to hit. If a unit is under the line it takes automatic hits.

Saturn 3
11-22-2011, 09:13 PM
Hmm. If thats the case its bad ***.

11-22-2011, 09:35 PM
The doom scythe has vindicator syndrome hardcore. I think it's a take 3 or take 0 kind of thing (just like a vindi).

hmmm, I have always been a fan of one vindicator and 2 predators. The vindicator has always been my friend, in that respect. Especially, when it is a fast tank...

As for the Doom Scythe, again, I imagine that your army composition has a big play in whether it get blown up right away or not.

The Dave
11-26-2011, 07:14 AM
As for the Doom Scythe, again, I imagine that your army composition has a big play in whether it get blown up right away or not.Exactly my thoughts. Imotekh and/or Solar Pulses, plus even moving flat-out first turn to get position, will go a long way towards making the Doom Scythe insanely useful. I would love to hear success stories regarding the Death Ray (I haven't gotten to use it or play against it yet myself).

12-29-2011, 11:24 AM
As it currently stands the Deth Scythe is pretty Broken (depending on who you are playing). Due to descrepancies in the reading of the rules the Death Ray Can or Cannot hit EVERY MODEL IN THE UNIT THE LINE TOUCHES! So a ST 10 AP 1 Ray of death will HIT EVERY MODEL in the unit! No rolling to hit no scattering no NOTHING! Here is how a game played out.

He has 3 Doom Scythes I am playing Drop pdding Space Marines.
Turn 1
I drop 2 dreads and a Dev squad, and manage to kill a DS with the Dreads shooting
He then rune his line through the pods the dreads and the Dev squad, breaking a dread and killing all but two out of five Devestators
Turn 2 Terminators deepstrike in which are quickly bogged down by scarbs (10 of them)
10 Scarabs move 27" to assault the remaining dread and kill it due to ENTROPIC Strikes
Turn 3 Two Tactical Squads drop in
1 Flamers a squad of scarabs and kills about 4 bases WOO
the other combi meltas a DS but rolls Poorly on the damage table ( a 1 which is ignored)
The Doom sythes Death ray squad 1 hitting ONE model but killing 7 of them and the other one Kills 5
Scarabs jump on the remaining squads and whittle them down to nothing.......

Granted I know I did not shoot for two turns, but c'mon! They really need to get an ENGLISH ERATTA out and FAST! See the DETH RAY thread in the rules section for more!

12-29-2011, 01:39 PM
The guy you played is a jackass! Why would you allow him to play with that way? That is obviously not the way the rule was intended and it takes creative english usage to get the meaning he was using.
Get some testicular fortitude and stand up to this Warhammer bully!!!

12-29-2011, 02:17 PM
I allowed him to do it because it was the first time I had played against the new Necron Dex. Also this guy is Fairly new to the 40K game so I diddnt want to be too much of a dick to him. When I first read the rule I took it at face value and had nothing to back my argument up with. He simply claimed "THATS WHAT IT SAYS" and as I read it I went..."Yup it sure does" and in my head I went "THAT IS FREAKIN STUPID! and this guy has NO IDEA HOW STUPID IT ACTUALLY IS!" It really wasnt his Doom Scythes that pissed me off the most (although THEY WERE A MAJOR issue), his scarabs just rape face now! I have printed out the Spanish FAQ and the GOOGLE Translation of the page so I could show him whats up.

01-02-2012, 02:19 PM
I always liked them on paper they sound good but never played tested them.

01-06-2012, 08:50 AM
They are very good tank hunters, but need night fighting (something Necrons can provide) or other units to grant it cover (something Necrons can ALSO provide). It's quite easy to hit 2 tanks versus mechanised armies, just have the lines start barely hitting one tank, and draw the line towards the closest enemy tank to it. BOOM, auto hit 2 tanks with a S10 AP1 weapon.

01-06-2012, 09:58 AM
what are you guys using for Doom/Night Scythe models?

01-06-2012, 11:11 AM
Proxies, until I can find/build a good replacement. But in case anyone is interested...
The first is a mockup of what you could make with parts from a Necron Command Barge and a Necron Ghost Ark. The second one only uses a Command Barge and is thus cheaper, but much smaller and much more "meh". The first one, btw, is almost up to scale with the picture in the codex, and you could probably even use a necron warrior driver like the Command Barge does, only inside.
Both would need extensive use of plasticard and whatnot, but still. It's what I plan to use.

Hmmm, you may be able to build it with just a Ghost Ark and Plasticard, I'll see what can be done. And it's much smaller than it probably should, I'm afraid.

01-06-2012, 11:44 PM
thats bad ***!

01-07-2012, 06:27 AM
That top one looks spot on.
I wonder what could be done with the left over bits so you aren't just spending $85 on a single flyer... :) I feel maybe a Triarch Stalker with the "legs" from the Ghost Ark and some of the left over guns?

01-07-2012, 08:17 AM
Heh, I was looking into the Triarch Stalker myself too. Take the "throne" and the back arch from the Catacomb Command Barge (the Doom Scythe needs the one from the Ark). Put one of the drivers in there instead of the Lord (hey, free Lord!). The sideplates from the Barge's throne are also taken by the Scythe, but if you look at the Stalker illustration it has no sideplates. then you can make the six Triarch legs from the Ghost Ark's "ribs". A few more touches and voila!
This will still leave you with a TON of bits, mind you. I'm thinking what else you could do with it, but first I have to go and buy and a CCB. I'll probably report back in about a week...

01-07-2012, 08:42 AM
I'm sure you could use some bits to turn some old Destroyers into Spiders (if that's your cup of tea), or use some other bits to make some Tomb Blades. I've seen some very expensive looking Tomb Blade conversions on the webs and considering you should have lots of Necron-y looking bits left, I'm sure you could make a couple. I mean, you have 10 "drivers" from the Ghost Ark set that I'm sure could pilot the bikes. }
Speaking of which, why do Necrons need pilots anyways? Robots! ROBOTS! The codex says in the Tomb Blades section that the attack patterns are programmed anyways! PROGRAM IT ALL! GOD!!!

01-07-2012, 09:42 AM
Necron Warriors pick one of the flight patterns, so I guess they can help make it all less predictable.
But I'm thinking you may be able to get a couple of Wraiths from the pieces you get left over. Sure, they're now not Necrons exactly, but w/e.

01-14-2012, 07:06 AM
I imagine they would be immense against parking lots, which is probably their primary purpose. A line of Chimera you say? Hit most of them with S10 AP1!

01-14-2012, 08:18 AM
Heh, I was looking into the Triarch Stalker myself too. Take the "throne" and the back arch from the Catacomb Command Barge (the Doom Scythe needs the one from the Ark). Put one of the drivers in there instead of the Lord (hey, free Lord!). The sideplates from the Barge's throne are also taken by the Scythe, but if you look at the Stalker illustration it has no sideplates. then you can make the six Triarch legs from the Ghost Ark's "ribs". A few more touches and voila!
This will still leave you with a TON of bits, mind you. I'm thinking what else you could do with it, but first I have to go and buy and a CCB. I'll probably report back in about a week...

Put the warriors on round bases and you have a back rank of warriors in a big squad. I wouldn't make a whole squad like that but you could mix them in.

01-14-2012, 04:25 PM
It appears there's going to be a Doom Scythe released next month, so I'm not sure I'll do this any more. :(