View Full Version : The Last Word vs. Thread Killer

11-18-2011, 09:05 PM
Am I the only one who thinks he/she is a great thread killer? It seems as if I am really good at finding a rollickin' rolling thread with tons of posts and then I, with one measly contribution, shut down the whole thing. There can be a thread trucking along at warp speed -one in which maybe Scag and Witt are mixing it up, or Adramalech's neighborhood has exploded in a ball of flame, or EldarGirl is offering insight and innuendo- and then I bring the whole party to a screechin' halt.

I look at the dead, non-bold topics and see under the last posts:

LoserDouchebag Warrior
Immense Idiot
BoringBob of Super Death World

I suppose I could content myself by saying I got the last word, but somehow that is not comforting. So I guess my question is...am I the only one who experiences this phenomenon? Or do other people feel like they too are from the Temple of Thread Assassins?

11-18-2011, 10:11 PM
This isnt a particulary fast forum. It all likely hood you just posted in thread that people dont care about.

11-18-2011, 11:40 PM
HA! I'm glad it isn't me. I mean, something supportive.

11-19-2011, 03:09 AM
BoLS has 2 waves of posting - dependant on what time it is on either side of the Atlantic. This should be an Oubliette discussion so we can banter you mercilessly...

11-19-2011, 05:55 AM
now we just need you to finish a few of the more repetitive arguments in the rules forum and we might be all set :P

with a few exceptions, mostly my own threads, I don't seem to have your problem on here. However, on other forums I've been on in the past I earned that revered title of thread assassin. More often than not by asking an open ended question! Don't worry, it comes and goes. Don't check back for a feew days/a week and I put money on you not being the last word on everything ;)

11-19-2011, 11:11 AM
Nah, it's not you.

Mostly likely the conversation has probably run its course, and you just got their right at the end.

11-19-2011, 02:49 PM

11-19-2011, 04:08 PM
Beware the perils of Magical Thinking. It's more dangerous than any other logical fallacy, because it has ruined countless millions of lives since the dawn of time.


In essence, no. You have not killed the threads, because honestly? You're just not that important. None of us are. Life is chaos; pure, unadulterated chaos, without rhyme or reason. The only actions you can have any control over are the ones you have actual physical control over (like say, flipping a lightswitch), and even there, your levels of control may be less than you imagine (those of you in the UK who are fans of Derren Brown and have just watched his latest series will know I'm telling the truth).

Magical thinking is, to my mind, a poison humanity would be well rid of, but never will be. Despite that, we should always seek to destroy it utterly when found.

If you want more information, you might want to read these pages:

Or, if you prefer something with more of an entertainment bias, watch Derren Brown's TV special "The System", where he demonstrates how badly our own personal observations of reality can mislead us into terribly dangerous decisions, as well as why he is basically the real-life version of the Jigsaw Killer from the "Saw" films.

11-20-2011, 06:53 AM
hey this happens to me in blog comments all the time :L

captian bUZZKILL TO THE RESCUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

or you may be threadomancing

Lord Azaghul
11-21-2011, 10:23 AM
Oh its totally you!

I mean, after all, you're name is based on an alcoholic dog breed - and the only reason I know that much is because the breed has been mentioned several times on NCIS...

But other then that!

fyi - I am secretly hoping to be the killer of this thread...
only because I've had the exact same thoughts as the OP!

Morgan Darkstar
11-21-2011, 10:36 AM
fyi - I am secretly hoping to be the killer of this thread...

Nope :p

Lord Azaghul
11-21-2011, 10:42 AM
Nope :p

Dang! ;)

11-21-2011, 05:30 PM
Nice try, but you aren't getting it that easy either ;)

11-22-2011, 01:23 AM
This thread shall never die.... O.o

Lord Azaghul
11-22-2011, 07:05 AM
Its like a white elephant gift exchange...with only 1 good gift....who ends up with it :D

11-22-2011, 08:07 AM
I have felt like I have had that special rule before as well.

Thread Destruction
At the end of a post by energongoodie roll a D6. On a 1+ every other BOLS member will loose interest in this thread.

Unzuul the Lascivious
11-22-2011, 09:14 AM
Yeah, I generally have that effect. Or some smart a**e picks apart everything I say in a sentence by sentence deconstruction which I can never be bothered to counter.

Morgan Darkstar
11-29-2011, 04:46 PM
This thread lives!!! :eek:

11-29-2011, 06:00 PM
Divvn't Clart on, Marra...

11-29-2011, 11:56 PM
I win