View Full Version : Lets build a Shrike list

11-18-2011, 03:17 PM
I'm thinking so far around 2000pts

Somthing has to go on the table to begin with and secure the home objective so
1- Tactical Squad flamer/las cannon

But we want to keep the pressure on and be in control of reserves so
2- Tigerius for powers, hood, gateing and re-rolling reserves

It's a skrike list
3- Shrike

Shrike will die on his own but needs people who can keep up with him
4- assualt squad thunder hammer and two flamers

We need more troops and the potential to support that 1st turn alpha strike
5- two 10 man close combat scout squads with powerfists with teleporter homers

We need a hammer unit to smash the enemy before they recover from the alpha/outfank attacks
6- two five man terminator squads

Probably about 1750

What do we reckon would it work and how can we change it???



11-18-2011, 03:23 PM
First off is it fluffy or competitive list?

If it is a fluffy list more scouts more assault squads and land speeders and vanguard vets.

If its competitive, less scouts more tactical squads and some sternguard.

11-20-2011, 12:29 PM
I'm really just trying to make a workable Shrike list with Tigerius and Shrike out of the units I have avalible.......I was hoping I could make it an all foot list to!

Here is what I've got:
3 10 strong Assault Squads each with two flamers and power fists
2 10 strong Close Combat Scout Squads each with power fist
2 5 strong Terminator Squad with Assualt cannon
1 5 strong Lightning Claw Terminator Squad
2 10 Tactical Squads each with Power fist, lascannon and flamer
10 Dreds with various load outs although I don't think they really fit.

I can adjust the chaps a bit put homers on them etc, ill even go out and by the odd unit to make it work.

I don't really want to go with a drop pod althoug I can see that would work.

Ideally i'd like it to fit 1750pts but I'd also like a 1500 variant.



11-20-2011, 12:42 PM
well just reiteritating a question lattd asked earler, is this list competitive or fluffy? If its competitive i've heard some people placing Shrike in a unit of 10 thunderators (or just 5 claw ones in your cases) and using his ability to infilitrate them and fleet. The thunderators also strike harder then an assault squad. Also Tigerious for 250 points (might be more, might be less been awhile sense I looked at codex: sm) is kinda fragile. You would be better off with reg libarian, with 2 powers a turn, termi +storm shield, and null zone. It'll still grant you an ok physic powers. While being able to control reserves in your case, I'm not sure is terribly important, as your melee units can't charge and could easily be brought in piecemile with or without tigerius. If you infilitrate/deploy all your units at same time, you will have overwelmed most armies anti-infentry shooting. With exception of GK, but that would is an uphill battle for most.

You might want to exchange assault cannon for cyclones if you ever get a chance, as having 2 krak shots or 2 frag shots is better then assault cannon (atleast via math hammer).

Personally I think 2 assault squads 2 scout squads, and one melee termi squad + characters melee. With other units sitting back providing long range and anti-tank support. The weakness is of shrikes list is minus your termies other forces who plan to melee or you plan to melee have additional hitting or staying power. Shrike units just move and get their faster b/c of fleet.

pardon spelling/grammer