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View Full Version : Got Melta? - How do you get it.

09-11-2009, 05:56 AM
Take a look on any bits site and they are either sold out or priced very high (very!). 5th has certainly been the era of the meltagun, with its AP1 meltiness and 2D6 + 8 penetration. It just so good for your list.

But how do you take yours, and how much do you take in your list? or do you scoff and just enjoy the crunch of a monstrous creature ripping into a landraider?

09-11-2009, 06:03 AM
I've recently added a squadron of attack bikes w/meltas and working on a two vehicle land speeder squadron with meltas and assault cannons.

I still have my lascannon Predator in the list too, but I've never put my land raider on the table... :)

09-11-2009, 06:33 AM
games workshops "Bits section" - 5 meltas for 5£

its cheaper than the bits sites i worked out cos of the free shipping on orders over 10£
so i bought a couple of bits packs (jump packs, meltaguns) and marines and got free shipping home hehe!

so now i have 2 tac squads with meltaguns and some veterans too ;)

Exitus Acta Probat
09-11-2009, 06:39 AM
In Marine armies,
I've taken a cue from a friend (brian) and starting getting into the habit of combi-melta sgts (easier to secure those, as any space marine player should have 2+ from commanders). It frees up a LITTLE flex elsewhere for cheap.
Multi Meltas in 2x tac squads in rhinos is a free hvy, which is nice.
LRC/R MM's are quite nice,
but my fave delivery is MM/HvyF speeders and Blk Reach Dreads.

Witch-hunters, Sister Squads and Celestians.

In Guard, Vets

Chaos, depends too much on build.

09-11-2009, 06:42 AM
I tend to take Multi Meltas on landspeeders with assault cannons, a not cheap but effective combo. Ironclad dreads with meltaguns in drop pods tend to spoil people's day as well (your mileage may vary), and if you're taking a LRC it's almost always worth popping that pintle mount multi melta on there

09-11-2009, 08:10 AM
As a blood angel player I take it as Multi-Meltas on my attack bike squadrons and on my crusader for free. Also normal meltas on my bike squad (if/when) i field them.

As far as in tactical squads, I think I prefer the flamer as I usually face eldar so they are better for burning guardians.

As far as modeling goes, I've got bitz for them all aside for the tactical squads, which only has one (full lead minature £££), otherwise its "counts as" but I play with friendly places where people don't mind as long as you tell them before hand and remind them

09-11-2009, 09:02 AM
games workshops "Bits section" - 5 meltas for 5£

I'm not sure about the British site, but the U.S. site has the meltagun pack on a three-week backorder...

09-11-2009, 10:15 AM
the "expensive" guns that are meltagun and plasmagun come onto my veterans 3 a pack.

modell wise if you play a mostly infantry chaos-guard (FW vraks) you are done because every weapon pack for 10 man has both a meltagun and a plasmagun.

Brass Scorpion
09-11-2009, 12:52 PM
My new Space Marine army has an Attack Bike squadron with multi-melta on each bike. There will be melta-guns in special squads, like combi-meltas in my Sternguard and of course, a multi-melta on a Dreadnought or two or three...

09-11-2009, 01:36 PM
...and of course, a multi-melta on a Dreadnought or two or three...

Lol, I could just imagine you thinking through that "MM on one dread...... Or two .... Or, even better, three!"

I for one spam the heck out of Melta.
1 on Dante
4 MM attack bikes (2x2 squads)
1 in each tactical squad. (2 total)
1 in Honour guard
1 Multi Melta/ Lascannon in each tactical squad depending on my feeling. (2 total)

09-11-2009, 05:00 PM
Harlequins with Infernal pistols, Fire Dragons, Autarchs w/ Fusion Guns, and the Avatar.