View Full Version : GW's liquid Greenstuff

11-16-2011, 05:45 PM
Anyone here have experience with this stuff? Is it worth it?
Do tell all!

11-16-2011, 07:41 PM
I was looking for a new kind of putty to use, and it fill that gap nicely...

John M> hehe get it... filled that gap... of the need for putty, as well as the gap in the model... HAHAHAH I crack my self up some times...

11-16-2011, 08:24 PM
Oh, dear...But thanks for the info!

Brass Scorpion
11-16-2011, 10:54 PM
Some of my friends have used it and from what I've seen it works quite nicely. However, GW sold so many so fast it's currently out of stock completely in North America till they get another production run.

Personally, I did not buy it because I already own two kinds of hobby filler, Squadron Putty which has been a staple for modelers of all types for years and the Vallejo Plastic Filler which comes in one of their little plastic squeeze tubes. Both of those are excellent products and have been around considerably longer than the new GW product.

http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRT_n1dEB2ZIEJzKIk9E3yytl7m3c6oD mddi3h9_u8apSmlOoEUet3JwsNI

11-17-2011, 02:53 AM
i used a tiny bit at GW a while back, its basicly a fix-it for finecast :P good product but no applications other than smoothing/ gap filling

Emerald Rose Widow
11-17-2011, 03:30 AM
i used a tiny bit at GW a while back, its basicly a fix-it for finecast :P good product but no applications other than smoothing/ gap filling

i can tell you its for more than finecast, i cant tell you how many times i have had to fill gaps in plastic models as well as finecast.

11-18-2011, 09:01 AM
It's been a miracle for certain projects. It's easier to use than just about any other small gap-filler I've ever tried, and for, y'know, liquid greenstuff, it sure does wash out of brushes easily.

11-18-2011, 09:32 AM
Totally agree with Lex. It's really, really easy to use, and the fact that you can simply brush it on and then wash it off your brush is awesome.

I've used the Tamiya and Vallejo fillers. I don't like them as much as Liquid GS, and Liquid GS is much easier for me to find.

11-18-2011, 10:26 AM
I just used it on a old metal Demon prince. The stuff is prety A+, but use a old brush when putting it on. Will ruin any good brushes.