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View Full Version : battle report: Iron Warriors VS Eldar 2,000 points

09-11-2009, 05:34 AM
Getting in a few games using Eldar to test them and see how they play.

Iron Warriors


1 x Daemon Prince wings, mark of nurgle & warptime 175
1 x Daemon Prince wings, mark of nurgle & warptime 175


5 x Chaos Terminators 1 x chainfist, mark of tzeentch, 3 x combi weapons & 1 x heavy flamer 220
5 x Chaos Terminators 1 x chainfist, mark of tzeentch, 3 x combi weapons & 1 x heavy flamer 220


10 x Chaos Marines w/ Rhino 2 x meltaguns - champion w/ power fist 245
10 x Chaos Marines w/ Rhino 2 x meltaguns - champion w/ power weapon & melta bombs 230
10 x Chaos Marines w/ Rhino 2 x plasma guns 215

Heavy Support

1 x Defiler 1 x dccw 150
1 x Defiler 1 x dccw 150
2 x Obliterators 225

total 2005



1 x Autarch mandiblasters, power weapon & fusion gun 100
Farseer Doom, Fortune & runes of witnessing 140


10 x Striking Scorpions w/ Wave Serpent serpent w/ brightlance 295
6 x Fire Dragons w/ Falcon falcon w/ shuriken cannon 216
6 x Fire Dragons w/ Falcon falcon w/ shuriken cannon 216


10 x Dire Avengers w/ Wave Serpent serpent w/ brightlance 255
10 x Dire Avengers w/ Wave Serpent serpent w/ brightlance 255
10 x Dire Avengers w/ Wave Serpent serpent w/ brightlance 255
6 x Guardian jetbikes 2 x shuriken cannon 152

Heavy Support

Fire Prism 115

total 1999

Game was kill points and pitched battle deployment.

Turn 1

Defiler moves through difficult terrain 4”, obliterators hold position in a ruin, rhino is immobilized in difficult terrain, the chaos marines disembark run into terrain and the grey daemon prince follows. The other rhino flanks right of the foot chaos marines screening most the squad and the red daemon prince follows behind. Other defiler moves through difficult terrain but half in cover, rhino supporting flanks around building in a pincer attack formation. All transports pop smoke except the defiler half in cover.

First defiler fires and scatters off board at one of the falcons carrying fire dragons, obliterators miss lascannon fire on the fire prism, the other defiler fires and scatters hits both a wave serpent and falcon but, half strength shot as the centre is in between the two skimmers and scores no damage due to being strength 4.

Fire prism stays put, falcon only moves 5” as turn finishes in terrain the supporting wave serpent moves 12” and the avengers bail out. The other falcon turbo boosts 20” towards the defiler in cover and a supporting serpent moves 12” behind it. Other 2 serpents carrying the striking scorpions and dire avenger unit both move 12”.

The fire prism fires at the chaos marines on foot, it scatters and misses, the falcon closest to the disembarked avengers fire and wounds the red daemon prince once, but passed the armour save. Dire avengers fire on the chaos marines and kill 3, the brightlance from their transport misses defiler. A shot from the falcon closing in on the defiler in cover destroys the battlecannon after scoring a weapon destroyed result, the supporting serpent misses. The twin serpents score immobilised result on the chaos rhino supporting the defiler in cover.

Avengers charge the chaos marines, take 4 wounds score none they fail morale test and are destroyed by sweeping advance, and the chaos marines consolidate 6” towards rear of the falcon close to the defiler in cover.

Turn 2

Both chaos terminator units come on, but one scatters into a wave serpent and is delayed. Both daemon princes move towards the dead avenger’s serpent, the supporting rhino moves through terrain and screens the unit on foot slightly and the two princes. The defiler moochs 6” forward. Chaos marines on foot move to rear of the falcon by the defiler in cover, the defiler stays in cover and the supporting rhino on the right flank moves 6” right against the scorpion serpent.

The defiler fires the battlecannon and misses the fire prism, the obliterators do better and score a weapon destroyed result, the prism cannon is lost and a crew shaken result with lascannon fire. Chaos Marines cannot hit the broad side of a barn and misses the falcon with meltaguns, chaos marines on foot destroy the other falcon, and one marine and one dragon are killed in the blast. The defiler in cover bbq’s the dragons in the open and kills them all. The Plasma guns on the right flank fire from inside the rhino and scores crew shaken on scorpion serpent.

Grey daemon prince uses warptime but no hits on the serpent though.

Prism cannot move as its crew shaken, guardian jet bikes come in from reserve and move towards the chaos marines which had disembarked from their rhino into terrain. The wave serpent moves away from grey prince and falcon moves in, the fire dragons on board disembark and eye up the daemon prince. Both remaining dire avengers jump out serpents by the chaos marines on foot. The autarch bails out serpent to assault and blast the immobilsed plasma rhino with fusion gun and haywire grenades, the farseer casts fortune on the autarch ready for next turns mass fire from the plasma chaos marines.

The fire dragons, their falcon and empty the serpent fire on grey prince but only score one wound after saves. Both dire avenger units gun down the chaos marines on foot leaving only two standing, both serpents do no damage on the in cover defiler. The Autarch fires fusion gun at the rhino and scores another immobilised result, which is treated as weapon destroyed.

Autarch assaults rhino and scores nothing.

Turn 3

The second chaos terminator unit teleports behind the fire prism, the defiler runs and moves through difficult terrain a total of 9”. Chaos marines move through difficult terrain to front of the fire prism. The red daemon prince moves towards the double avenger unit along with last two chaos marines. The weapon destroyed defiler moves from cover to assault one of the double avenger’s serpent other chaos terminators move in too attack on of the double avenger units on their left flank. Plasma chaos marines bail out the rhino.

Obliterators fire mass plasma cannons and kill two guardian bikers. Chaos marines suck balls and miss the fire prism once again with meltagun fire, chaos marines on foot kill 2 dire avengers and the chaos terminators approaching them from the left bbq them with heavy flamer added with boltguns. Plasma guns fire from the chaos marines out the rhino instant and instant death the autarch after failing 2 out of 4 saves after re-rolls with fortune cast.

Chaos marines plant krak grenades on the fire prism and score crew shaken. The grey daemon prince charges the fire dragons which fired at it in the previous turn, kills four receives no wounds and the single dragon falls back 8”. Foot chaos marines charge the bbq’d avengers and kill 1, receive no wounds and the avengers fail morale test and fall back 3”. Red daemon prince charges the other avengers and kills 2, though fails psychic test and is left with 2 wounds. The other prince also failed psychic test and 3 wounds left. The defiler which was in cover scores weapon destroyed and crew shaken on the serpent, which the avengers getting battered by the red prince were in.

The last falcon falls back away from the grey daemon prince by empty serpent, the solo dragon moves towards the red prince. Battered avenger squad jump in their wave serpent and moves 12” back towards their own table edge. Striking scorpions and farseer bails out move towards chaos marines, farseer casts doom on that unit and fortune on scorpions, their wave serpent falls back 12” to support other the serpent with the three dire avengers.

Falcon, serpent and fire dragon kill the grey prince and eldar earn their first kill point! Striking scorpion’s serpent and the one with the three dire avengers fire at the chaos terminators and kill 1. Scorpions and farseer kill one chaos marine with shuriken pistol fire, they assault them and kill them all.

Turn 4

Obliterators destroy serpent by the last falcon, chaos marines fire meltas at falcon but miss again! Chaos Terminators bbq all guardian jetbikes scoring another kill point for iron warriors making it 5 in total. Other chaos terminators fire combi flamers and heavy flamer bbq’ing the striking scorpions and kill 3. Last running rhino tank shocks solo dragon, dragon passes leadership test and destroys it!

In assault chaos marines throw kraks at the falcon but score bunch of crew stunned and shaken. Grey prince fails leadership test and takes another wound, only one left but still manages to kill 4 avengers, avengers pass morale and stay in combat. Chaos terminators charge and kill 3 scorpions, receive no wounds and the scorpions fail back 3”.

Last 2 serpents move towards the chaos terminators which set the guardian bikes on fire, one moves only 4” as lands on difficult terrain. Solo dragon rolls a 6 for terrain test and eyes up the defiler.

The 3 Avengers and 2 serpents gun down the chaos marines by the falcon, then assault them but 5 still live and are locked in assault. Red prince fails psychic test and fails the save second time around, another kill point for eldar. In combat 1 chaos terminator is killed and 2 scorpions’ dead pass morale, though the scorpions pass morale test.

Turn 5

Defiler moves through terrain and shadows the solo dragon. Chaos terminators move rear of one of the pair of wave serpents. Other defiler moves to remaining dire avengers and the 2 chaos marines on foot move towards other serpent hoping their meltaguns will be in range.

Obliterators score weapon destroyed on falcon, defiler attempts to burn the last dragon but no good, other defiler has more luck and bbq’s 3 avengers scoring another kill point.

One serpent blows up the defiler which killed the last fire dragon, the falcon and prism kill one terminator with shuriken cannon and catapult fire. In assault chaos marines kill the three avengers and the chaos terminators kill one scorpion and loose one terminator in the process.

Iron Warriors WIN! 11 kill points vs 4 kill points for Eldar.