View Full Version : Command barge question

11-16-2011, 02:21 PM
Me and the guys were discussing this last nite, what would prevent u from doing the following.

Moving the command barge 6" doing the sweep attacks on the way throughout the movement, disembarking and assaulting the same unit.

The reason we were talking about it is that nowhere in the barges sweep rules does it disallow disembarking or assaulting. Its an opentopped transport so what keeping u from moving 6" doing the sweeP attacks, disembarking and assaulting .. this seems kind OTT but being that this kind of lOrd is usually going to be off alone maybe it's not so bad.

I can seen having a squad of lychguard nearby to join the assault with him.... That would
Be a mean *** combo with the 3 bonus sweeps...

11-16-2011, 03:21 PM
Couple of things... First, yes you can. Second, it's a fast open-topped skimmer, so you can move up to 12" and still assault. Third, you don't have to assault the same unit you did a sweep attack against. This situation happened in the November WD, so I'm pretty sure it's not something they're going to FAQ against.

11-16-2011, 03:40 PM
yes perfectly fine to do that

11-16-2011, 03:49 PM
It's a perfect setup for a slingshot also. Say those Lychguard aren't in range for an assault but the other unit will most likely be able to charge them in the following turn (jump infantry, beasts, etc). That situation (actually a common one for me) would be solved rather elegantly by a CCB lord.

11-17-2011, 07:16 PM
Couple of things... First, yes you can. Second, it's a fast open-topped skimmer, so you can move up to 12" and still assault. Third, you don't have to assault the same unit you did a sweep attack against. This situation happened in the November WD, so I'm pretty sure it's not something they're going to FAQ against.

By the way, you can do this wtih the ghost ark. Fast skimmer is not involved here. All vehicles, standard can move up 12". What matters is the open-topped, which allows you to disembark and assault. If it were not open-topped you would need either assault ramps or the unit must disembark before the vehicle moves (and it cannot go flat out that turn).

11-19-2011, 02:59 PM
Tho who in their right mind would want to assault with warriors.... I never get my warriors out of the ark until it's blown up... And see it as a useless transport for anything but warriors..

I was thinking of placing it empty t1 tho, with squads of warriors around it to take advantage of the repairs. Then toss some immortals in and start the march of doom up the feild...

11-21-2011, 05:44 AM
1) Immortals cannot board the ark. Warrior only transport.

2) there are reasons to assault. A warrior squad with a phearon can shoot then charge. With the variety of different abilities-war scythes, mind shackle scarabs, ect- necrons shooting and then charging to destroy the remnants could be quite effective.

11-21-2011, 06:10 AM
Not to mention using a tooled up Lord for the actual job of killing things, while the rest of the Warrior squad act as additional wounds for him...

11-21-2011, 11:12 AM
1) Immortals cannot board the ark. Warrior only transport.

2) there are reasons to assault. A warrior squad with a phearon can shoot then charge. With the variety of different abilities-war scythes, mind shackle scarabs, ect- necrons shooting and then charging to destroy the remnants could be quite effective.

Yah as all dedicated tranports... Ill buy it FOR the warriors, but deploy it empty and load Immortals up turn one... whats wrong with that? (not nessisarilly a good idea tho)

I know there are reasons to charge, specially if you are about to be assaulted... somtimes better to be the agressor...

Drakkan Vael
11-21-2011, 01:44 PM
Because the description for the ark (under transport capability) specifically states that only warriors, crypteks, lords, overlords and special characters may board it. That's why the Immortals can't.

11-21-2011, 04:02 PM
Yah as all dedicated tranports... Ill buy it FOR the warriors, but deploy it empty and load Immortals up turn one... whats wrong with that? (not nessisarilly a good idea tho)

I know there are reasons to charge, specially if you are about to be assaulted... somtimes better to be the agressor...

You need to read the description for the Ark. Warriors + characters only.

11-22-2011, 03:13 PM
I had the exact same question MK! xD

From the people I've talked to, (contradictory to what BoLS peeps believe) they have said that you shouldn't be allowed to sweep attack then hop out of the barge and assault, because of the wording of the model. the word being Whilst, as to say you must remain in the barge for the duration of the movement phase in order to get your 3 sweep attacks. I don't personally agree with this but they have made a valid point, with the wording of the rule, and that if you hop out of the barge you are no longer in it to be allowed your sweep attacks.

While I'm on topic, when exactly do you make the sweep attacks for that matter?

I assumed that when you moved over a unit you declared then if you were going to sweep strike or not. Therefore finishing your movement of 12" and then roll for hits and wounds, then get out and assault if you so choose too.

So its pretty much 50/50. So if you are allowed to roll for your hits and wounds, let that resolve, and then disembark it should be fine but that's just how I view it. Where others believe that if you get out of the CCB you forfeit your sweep attacks.

11-22-2011, 04:17 PM
Sory about. The ghost arc, I knew Somthing didn't seem right when I typed that. My bad

The reason I asked was it dosnt disallow any actions in place of the sweep attacks. NormAly they use wording like... Instead of or in place of .

IMO the sweep attacks happen while u are moving but before the end of the phase. It dosnt say that u can't take any other actions and makes no mention of being unable to disembark. Most other things will make this distinction such as ether-sails make this statement.

Raw there is no restriction on anything because of the sweep attack

11-22-2011, 05:32 PM
Sory about. The ghost arc, I knew Somthing didn't seem right when I typed that. My bad

The reason I asked was it dosnt disallow any actions in place of the sweep attacks. NormAly they use wording like... Instead of or in place of .

IMO the sweep attacks happen while u are moving but before the end of the phase. It dosnt say that u can't take any other actions and makes no mention of being unable to disembark. Most other things will make this distinction such as ether-sails make this statement.

Raw there is no restriction on anything because of the sweep attack

Generally, because GW has fluff in mind when they make their rules, I'd say there's a strong possibility that they might FAQ stating 'at the time of flying over target'.