View Full Version : My painted/unpainted Models

11-15-2011, 10:39 PM
I decided to Show off my "Wonderful" Painting and modeling
In Order

1:SternGaurd Vets(i couoldnt get the whole squad to upload
2:Captain ToomanyBitz
3:Captain with a heresy jumppack(painted to be the leader of the Assault Company)
Criticism welcomed.

11-15-2011, 10:47 PM

1: Termies(my more recent adventure, Stripped and repainted)
2:My Pride of my force, Librarian on a bike, Relentless and powerful psychic attacks, Not to mention on of my best conversions and working with greenstuff
3:My second pride: Khan, Couldnt get a good pic of the front that did him justice sadly. But I did my best work on his fur cape i think
Thats all i have for now.
Please. Tell me what you think, I have been painting for roughly 2 years now(hard to tell with all the breaks)

11-16-2011, 09:28 AM
Looks good, but may I suggest a stronger highlight on the red portions? In the pictures, the red looks muddy and a highlight up to tan like vomit brown my help define the reds.

Just my $.02.

11-16-2011, 08:46 PM
Looks good, but may I suggest a stronger highlight on the red portions? In the pictures, the red looks muddy and a highlight up to tan like vomit brown my help define the reds.

Just my $.02.
So you are saying highlight my reads with a light brown?