View Full Version : MW3 PC Review

11-10-2011, 08:11 PM
So I got hold of a copy of MW3 on day of release and have been playing furiously in between univeristy, wow raids, and My pc crashing due to old age. *getting new one soon*. And just want to give a few thoughts on the game. Spolier alert

Single Player.
The campaign continues straight off the end of MW2, after killing Shepherd Soap is wisked off by price and Nikolai to nearby Afghanistan safehouse where a load of russians live away from the way, disagreeing with the madness set in motion by makarov.
The story pits u between using A russian friend of Makarov - Yuri, Price, frost a US special forces, and a SAS soldier. Each character perfoming tasks appropiate to their story. Frost taking out communications blocker and command sub in the assault of New York, The SaS soldier dealing with the terrorists importing gas into london via a docks, Yuri assisting soap and price in europe, africa and middle east to help clear their name. And Price when You try to get revenge for Soaps death towards the end of the campaign.
Overall the campaign uses some gimics, but is reasonably challanging even at Regular and is fast paced.
Overall The singleplayer is Fun. 7/10

There have been many people saying that the multiplayer is nothing more than a glorified map pack and reskinning of weapons, however this is wrong.
Firstly there are new weapons which help keep the shooting process fresh.
There is also a new way to upgrade your weapon, instread of unlocking attachments at x kills, you get it for x rank of weapon, which can be leveld through direct kills as well as weapon achievments such as 5 head shots or 3 headshots in a life etc.
Where weapons get really interesting is weapon 'perk'. Thats righ weapons get their own perks, primary weapons only mind, so instead of wasting a perk on 2 attachments your weapon perk deals with that. there is also weapon perks such as reduced kick back etc.
Normal Perks have been spruced up with various different affects. Havnt unlocked them all yet so dnt no all the affects.

Killstreaks have changed as well into a 3 pronged Point system. When creating your class you chose from 3 roles of kill points. Assault, Support and specialist.
Assault Kill points give you a choice of killy streaks to chose from, the streaks you get (not from care pakages) count kills towards the next one so on and forth, there are new points to chose as well, from 5 gunship gun run to a care package of juggernaut armour. Thats right you can finally be one of those annoying gits from Mw2 Spec ops
Support points are for the team mate, the person who dies a lot but goes for objectives. Thus rewards you as such, These points persist through death and are gained not just from killing enemies but perfoming team roles. Such as killing enemy UAV or sam turrets. And dont worry while less killy you still have access to a suit of jugger armour.
Now specialists get really interesting, these are for the lone wolf, the one who wants to go solo, and instead of giving kill streaks they give perks, thats right every 2 kills or so you get given a new perk and rank them up, However these dont persist through death. Though if you get 25 kills in one life you get a little gift.

The new maps are interesting as well. Far less open than MW2, they have less killy fields and more allies and turns, creating a far more competative enviroments, plenty of regions of closeness for subs and shotties, but allies of decent length for assault rifles.
Snipers Ive found are best off with acog since little need of all that zoom.

Overall Id give the multiplayer a 7/10. Would be 8 if not for the league of hackers.

PC Bits, now I did say pc review so lets cover this. PC gamers get access to dedicated severs, while not ranked so no level up you do get access to some extra game modes for fun here, such as Infection or Gungame, so its not perfect but can add some extra gameplay when boredom strikes.

So overall the game is fun and enjoyable with decent Online killing experience, 7/10 overall.

Morgan Darkstar
11-10-2011, 09:48 PM
<not relevant>

11-11-2011, 02:40 AM
Isn't it a a bit overpriced for a map/texture pack?

11-11-2011, 08:06 AM
updated the full review.

11-11-2011, 09:14 AM
Minor fiddling, nothing has significantly changed since the first one, it's nothing more than the fps equivalent of fifa lol

11-11-2011, 11:22 AM
your basically paying for the new campaign, better designed maps and new game play
Same basic game just better.

11-11-2011, 12:15 PM
Same game ENGINE, same buildings (http://youtu.be/b5dsOn06w1s), same game...


They saw you coming....

Is the single player game short? Yes.
Is it a compelling story? No.
Does it look prettier or use better technology that MW2? No.
Does it offer a better or more novel multiplayer experience? No.
Does it stand out in some important way? No.
I would feel sorry for anyone who considered corridor runner 3 the best fps of all time. It's probably not even the best game of the week. The "improvements" are entirely cosmetic. New skins, some perks and extra corridors. If that's what reviewers judge to be worth 9/10 these days then gaming is in a very bad way

11-11-2011, 04:49 PM
New engine? no need at all. and your telling me GAME PLAY is cosmetic, cus new perks and point streaks change game play, new way to aquire Streaks from MW2 and removal of game winning nuke.
Sure its Same game with difference but why change anything of great detail,
The game is different enough to play different if uve played MW2 to death. Theres nothing they really needed to change otehrwise.

The game gets good reviews cus its FUN and this one is more fun than mw2 for me, and better balanced.
Long gone are games where snipers always rule :)

And lol they saw people who wanted to play a game coming, of course they did, and besides since most people will switch to this Ill get more games if i do too

11-11-2011, 06:22 PM
The game gets good reviews because if they don't they don't get a preview copy next time.
There is literally nothing of substance that is new. So why pay £50 for it?

11-11-2011, 08:33 PM
dnt no where youd get it from but its £40, and its fun, far more fun than mw2 was really, simply because of the subtle changes. and dedicated severs so you can have fgun game in mw2 :)

Either was just an overall review which I think is a fun game.

The Madman
11-22-2011, 10:14 AM
i played the multiplayer for about 2.5 hours and it felt like i was playing a new map pack. also i assume everyone else has noticed that Activision seems to be able to up the price of their games by £5 compared to other publishers without anyone batting an eye.

11-29-2011, 06:52 PM
sounds good will pick it up on the way home another excuse not to paint my world eater

11-30-2011, 02:26 AM
sounds good will pick it up on the way home another excuse not to paint my world eater

Sounds good?
What planet you on?

11-30-2011, 08:40 AM
Sounds good?
What planet you on?

I have it for my Xbox, and I've gotta say, the balance of online play and the retooling of the gun "nitty gritty" is pretty astonishing. They've really made range to target a very important qualifier (I actually noticed a difference when I took my silencer off my Type 95) and some perks just ruin snipers days.

I'd say a solid 9/10 for xbox, though the PC may have just been a map-pack.

\Doesn't play most games on comp
\\Too expensive

11-30-2011, 11:35 AM
And this is why the gaming industry is going tits up....