View Full Version : Necron Immortals. Blasters or Carbines?

11-10-2011, 07:42 AM
The Gauss Blaster seems like the sensible choice but at ranges over 12" the Tesla Carbine has the potential to score more hits.

What do you guys think? :confused:

The Twilight Fade
11-10-2011, 08:00 AM
I think given the role immortals play (troops that can't take a ghost ark) they are most probably going to be foot-slogging it. This gives tesla the advantage imo as you can fire on the move without penalty.

Yeah gauss does become better at close range of course and the ability to glance but if they are rapid firing it means they are in charge range aswell.

It's situational but I think tesla is the better option overall

11-10-2011, 11:35 AM
I think Tesla carbines provide longer range firepower due to the Assault, but I think Gauss Blasters provide more reliably killing power due to AP5 (I fight a lot of 'Nids and Orks). I don't hold the Tesla "bonus hits" in high regard. An average squad of five Immortals will get less than one 6 per turn of shooting. It's a neat trick, but not reliable enough to build a strategy around.

If I was up against a lot of MEQ, I'd probably take Teslas; I'd definitely take them against GK. Against anything else, I'd take Gauss.

There's honestly not much in it.

The Emperor's Champion
11-10-2011, 12:04 PM
As of now, Tesla Carbines are better.

BUT, if you take into account the rumored changes in 6th edition, Gauss Blasters may very well become outright superior if the Rapid Fire rules change.

24" 1shot
12" 2shots
12" 1shot

Rumored for 6th Edition:
24" 2shots
24" 1shot
12" 2shots

The 1shot at 24" on the move option would outright nullify the Tesla's value. The Gauss Blasters have AP4 and can Glance vehicles on a 6. All Tesla does is possibly generate more shots....and that doesn't really compare when you can get a much more consistent increase in shots by just standing still.

11-10-2011, 01:09 PM
I'm thinking blasters but that tesla 6 gamble appeals to me.
I've got the models in front of me ready for sticking but I just can't decide right now.

If that 6th edition change came in then there would indeed be no question. Blasters all the way.

11-10-2011, 02:51 PM
The Immortals with Tesla Carbines actually average at exatly one hit each* which is quite amazing.
Moving and shooting a S5 24"and just paying the basic cost of an Immortal per hit is in my opinion way better than Gauss Blaster.

*super simplified example
(six Necrons shoot, and score one roll of each on the dice. 1,2,3,4,5,6. 1+2 miss 3-4-5=3 hits, 6=3 hits ==6hits)

11-10-2011, 03:45 PM
24" 1shot
12" 2shots
12" 1shot

You can move and shoot a rapid-fire weapon twice if you're within 12"

For 5th ed, I much prefer the Tesla Carbines because they allow you to be more mobile and you can shoot then assault. The only time I'd take the Gauss weapons is if I had a Phaeron in the squad so they are relentless.

11-10-2011, 03:57 PM
It depends on what you're after...both guns are very compelling options when played against each other.

At 24" range, tesla wins out every time.
Within 12", both guns will kill roughly the same amount of models (against MEQ, that is).

I sat around rolling dice for a while to see what sort of results I could get, and I found that on average, a tesla gun and gauss blaster within 12" will kill roughly the same number of MEQ models. So at 24" the tesla gun performs at least twice as well as the gauss blaster, or better - the blaster can't shoot after moving.

Now, against anything with a 4+ save or worse, the blasters start looking good. And don't forget they can auto-glance on a 6.

I'm probably going to have one unit of tesla Immortals and another of gauss Immortals in my army. Both guns are good, and offer subtly different things.

11-10-2011, 04:26 PM
tesla all the way.

when was the last time you saw anything outside of at least power armor in the open where ap4 would matter?

moving away outside of charge range and still blasting at full power is extremely important. ap - sucks a bit against superlight vehicles but the only common infantry mounted weapons that should be shot at vehicles are s4 gaus guns and s9 ones to beginn with (and prolly the s6 pistols) as s5 gauss is wasted against all but av10.

I also think that the rumors for rapid fire in E6 are a bit off.
I say it will be the following: moving: 2shots at 12" stationary: 2 shots at max range.

11-10-2011, 05:32 PM
Gauss is more effective against vehicles but tessla with it's higher strength works wonders against infantry. Also consider that tessla gets a lot more miliage when you twin link it with a stalker.

A 15-20 man warrior squad with a Phaeron is probbibly going to be better for suppressing and absorbing fire.

11-12-2011, 02:49 PM
I'd go for an Overlord with the 'Phaeron' upgrade to go with them, then give them blasters. Relentless gauss blasters seem very, very nice.

11-12-2011, 11:36 PM
I'd go for an Overlord with the 'Phaeron' upgrade to go with them, then give them blasters. Relentless gauss blasters seem very, very nice.

Combine that with the Traveller, and you get to shoot a whole bunch and charge with furious charge. You should add a warscythe to the squad for a Str8 weapon in cc.

11-13-2011, 02:31 AM
I agree with the good combo ideas with the blasters and the stalker with the teslas. There is going to be a time when each is better and a particular army is going to be more susceptible to one than another.

I think I'm just going to have to do a squad of blasters and another squad of carbines cause I can't decide.

Saturn 3
11-25-2011, 10:41 PM
I'd go for an Overlord with the 'Phaeron' upgrade to go with them, then give them blasters. Relentless gauss blasters seem very, very nice.

Precisely. Veil of Darkness Cryptek and deep strike back to your lines when threatened and pick another target nearby. Gauss Blaster for me. I'm not ruling out tesla carbines on some ,but no ap; rolling 6's is a big gamble to get results. + they can take a night scythe and drop in where they want start shootin. Also gauss can glance anything ( not that thats a sure thing).