View Full Version : deathwing problems

11-10-2011, 12:41 AM
so my main army is dark angels and i love them to death but i have a hard time winning with my unforgiven. i have both normal marines and termies and find it hard to get a good balance of not only units but wargear. there isnt a strait shooter "good unit" for me like purifiers. my deathwing tactics are to deepstrike right off the ravenwing squads. they are squishier then i would expect and especially if i cant get 2 or 3 in at the same turn. my squads usually consist of a special weapon and 1 or 2 cc specials. can i get some help on tacitics for deathwing, how many termies i should play with and what i should have to support them. also what are the best wargear options?

thanks for the help.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
11-10-2011, 01:11 AM
Just doublechecking, are you aware of Gamesworkshop's latest FAQ for the Dark Angels? Their outdated wargear (Storm Shields etc) have been improved to modern levels.

11-10-2011, 01:17 AM
Still no Mortis pattern Dreadnoughts though. :mad:

11-10-2011, 01:50 AM
The number of termies depends on the number of points you are playing 2000, 1750, 1500, etc...

Personally I have 2 armies DA and BA/Lamenters and I can tell you now I prefer playing DA.

I run a list which at 1500 consists of:
Belial (in all forms depends on who I am facing) 130
Investigator Chappy (termie armour) 145

2 CC squads:
#1 = 3 TH/SS, 1 Lightening claw, 1 canon+powerfist + banner + apothicary to go with Belial
#2 = 3 LC, 1 TH/SS, 1 heavy flamer + chain fist to go with the Chappy

1 shooty squad = 4 storm bolters + 1 canon

1 "anti tank squad" which deep strikes behind the enemy on turn one consisting of 1 TH/SS, 2 chain fists, 1 canon and 1 storm bolter.

1 Laser canon + missile dread
1 plasma canon dread

normally all starts on the table except the "anti tank squad"

If the game is higher in points then I add, a unit of bikes, scouts, anything that I feel like playing that day :)

The trick with Deathwing, I have found, is that you need to choose your targets carefully especially when if you wipe out a CC unit then you will be free to be shot at and only invul 5 saves can be a test on anyone's wits.

(also praying the the dice god helps to no end!)

What list do you normally play?

11-10-2011, 08:17 AM
I am sorry how are you having troubles with deathwing? since the FAQ came out they moved to a top tier army.

You play 5 man squads of terminators with 1x missile launcher, 4x TH/SS. They are the most face pounding army around. you have 3+ invos EVERYWHERE!

11-10-2011, 04:00 PM

You don't find a Ravenwing Attack Squadron of 2x3 bike with meltagun and Attack bike with multi-melta useful enough at 2K?

I can't remember the last time I didn't bring one for suicide melta/teleport homer/speed bump and was glad for it.

I do run more TH/SS/CML units then you though.

11-10-2011, 04:32 PM
Denied's army list is prolly the most competitive way of playing DA with all 5 man squads with a missile each and th/ss maybe 1 lightning claw just to strike at int.

11-10-2011, 05:08 PM
You don't find a Ravenwing Attack Squadron of 2x3 bike with meltagun and Attack bike with multi-melta useful enough at 2K?

I can't remember the last time I didn't bring one for suicide melta/teleport homer/speed bump and was glad for it.

I do run more TH/SS/CML units then you though.

My point being that as long as I have fun in the game as well as my opponent, I just play the extra points the way I feel like playing if anything to challenge myself a bit more with random "stuff" :)

11-11-2011, 02:00 AM
mmmm, ill make a list using the advice i have gotten. i really want to also field ezikiel, just for the model and to have a phyker. the thunder hammers is an awesome idea. i just thought it wasnt worth it to always attack last but i just played today and they did work and i only 1-2 in 2 squads. 2+/3+ is not to be underestimated. i think my problem is im taking too many other units, like vets and normal squads. prob gonna try for 25 termies and 2 ravenwing squads, maybe of 6 man each... i love having mixed term squads, so awesome.

thanks for the advice guys, ill post a list tomorrow and im going to need help, so please help me and dont be afriad to pick it apart.

11-11-2011, 04:34 PM
so, my new list.
lightning claws
interrogator chaplain--150
terminator armor
combi weapon

venerable, extra armor
missile launcher

1-lightning claw
4-thunder hammer/storm shield
death company banner
3-lightning claws
heavy flamers
assault cannon
cyclone missile launcher
2-lightning claws
2-thunder hammers/storm shields


so i only field 15 models at first, the dread and ravenwing attack squads. prob work a flank so i can turbo into position for the deep striking deathwing. beliel is with the banner and the chaplain will accompany the apothecary squad. i plan on magnetizing his combi so i can switch between melta/plasma. pretty strait forward. shock and awe kinda play.

11-11-2011, 07:01 PM
you can get mortis dreads. They are in the forgeworld update. Unless you are at some tourney that wants to crap on your army, no one should give you a problem. The forgeworld update explicitly states these are Dark Angels units.

11-11-2011, 08:23 PM
i would recommend taking balei or however you spell it lol with a thunderhammer storm shield since hes not eternal warrior. Im not really a fan of the bike squads because they are more kill points along with the dreads but the deep strike no scatter is nice. personally i would run all termies because they can really do a lot of work and you can field quite a few of them.

11-12-2011, 12:02 AM
My local game shop runs all 1850 tournaments - My DA list for 1850:

Belial - TH/SS
5 x Asssault Terminators with TH/SS and a Missile Launcher (Troops)
5 x Asssault Terminators with TH/SS and a Missile Launcher (Troops)
5 x Asssault Terminators with TH/SS and a Missile Launcher (Troops)
1x Librarian in Terminator Armor
5x Terminators, Sgt Lightning Claws, 1x chainfist, 3x Storm Bolter - 1 with Missile Launcher (Troops)
5x Terminators, Sgt Lightning Claws, 1x chainfist, 3x Storm Bolter - 1 with Missile Launcher (Troops)
5x Terminators, Sgt Lightning Claws, 1x chainfist, 3x Storm Bolter - 1 with Missile Launcher (Troops)
1x Land Speeder with Multi-Melta & Missile Launcher
1x Land Speeder with Multi-Melta & Missile Launcher

32 Terminators, 6 Scoring Troops, 16 Missiles per turn, Table-wide Librarian hood coverage, 16 Thunderhammers, 2 fast-flying Multi-Meltas if needed.

I deploy the 15 standard Terminators on the board, along with the Librarian and the Land Speeders (in cover!). All 15 TH/SS Troops along with Belial go into Reserves. 2 Units (1 with Belial) come in on turn 1. One comes in later as a Nasty Suprise!!

The only thing to really fear is Melta or Plasma. Use the Missile Launchers en-masse to eliminate any AP1 or 2 weapons first, then wade into everything else. It's fun to see an opponent sweat 32 Terminators.

Ahhh, if we could only use Shrike to get Fleet and Infiltrate....

11-12-2011, 02:13 AM
This is my list, Its always served me well and the Apothecary with the assault cannon is a cool surprise to most :)

It based on my previous (pre update) list but now uses more Cyclones. Hence the spare 30pts as it used to have 2 assault cannons in 2 of the squads.

I am thinking of re-doing the whole army again and basing it on a Salamanders paint scheme but will sell these boys 1st. I have a feeling that when DA do get a new dex (some way off) we may see some cool hooded and cloaked termies

Belial, TH/SS
130 pts
Deathwing Terminator Squad.
x3 TH/SS
x1 Apothecary with Assault Cannon
Deathwing Company Banner
300 pts

Deathwing Terminator Squad
Sergeant has Lightning claws
x 4 TH/SS
x1 Cyclone missile Launcher
235 pts

Deathwing Terminator Squad
Sergeant has Lightning claws
x 4 TH/SS
x1 Cyclone missile Launcher
235 pts

Deathwing Terminator Squad
Sergeant has Lightning claws
x 4 TH/SS
x1 Cyclone missile Launcher
235 pts

Deathwing Terminator Squad
Sergeant has Lightning claws
x 4 TH/SS
x1 Cyclone missile Launcher
235 pts

Venerable Dreadnought
Missile Launcher

Venerable Dreadnought
Missile Launcher

Land Raider Crusader
250 pts

1970 pts

11-15-2011, 04:39 PM
hahahaha, those lists are a little too spamii for me. i like more dynamic and spread out armies. that doesnt mean i cant take the advice you guys have given me and use it to the best of my abilities.

11-15-2011, 09:13 PM
75pt MM/CML speeders arn't too bad either.:eek:

11-16-2011, 07:35 PM
lool, its a typhoon missle launcher. s5 ap5 blast... i think a cyclone would be more expensive.

11-16-2011, 08:38 PM
lool, its a typhoon missle launcher. s5 ap5 blast... i think a cyclone would be more expensive.

What ever richard carnium. 2 shots krak or frag, same thing.

11-17-2011, 07:32 PM
hahahahahahahaha, i hate no haveing a printer for faq. sorry.

looked in my codex and was like wtf, oh wait faq, facemlap