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View Full Version : IT'S WRASSLIN' TIME! Pro Wrestling in the 41st millenium, Brother!

11-08-2011, 11:47 PM
This is a silly thing I thought up tonight waiting for clothes to wash. The rules are for 40k. The ring should be 12" square, and bonus points for actually populating your stands with other models cheering the fighters on.

40k Tournament of Pro Wrasslin' Champions!

The greatest spectacle in the 41st millenium is about to begin! The STRONGEST, most powerful warriors in the galaxy are going to duke it out on pay-per-view to cheers and jeers from throughout the universe. Those in attendance may pay for the whole seat, but they'll only use the edge!

Wrasslin Teams
Wrasslin' Teams are found throughout the galaxy, from all major races in 40k. Perhaps it's a traveling group of Space Marines, testing their strength and bringing honor to their chapter. Perhaps it's a pack of Tyranid beasts which were captured after a recent invasion for use in the fighting pits! Even Daemons make rare showings to revel in the carnage, or just enjoy the sights and sounds of their favorite passtime on a day off.

Your Wrasslin' Team is composed of up to 3 models or 80 points, representing a wrassler or tag team. Teams will be reconstructed in full at the end of every match, because modern wrasslin' fans expect exciting stories featuring the trials and tribulations of their favorite wrasslers!

Selecting a Wrassler: Pick a model from the Elites, Troops, Fast Attack, or Heavy Support section of your Force Organization chart. Vehicles, Bikes, Cavalry, Monstrous Creatures, and Named Characters may never be chosen.

Add any wargear, weapons and powers with a Strength of 6 or less from the unit's wargear selection area. Weapons with a Strength greater than 6 will be capped at 6. Weapons which will cause instant death or remove models from play will fail to do so under any circumstances. No two models may have the same wargear items unless those items are available to all models in their original unit, such as a bolt rifle for space marines or a Harlequins Kiss for Eldar Harlequins. All ranged weapons have their AP changed to AP-, for the sake of entertainment.

Armor and invulnerable saves will be capped at 4+. Armor better than 4+ will add +1S per point to the wearer. Invulnerable saves will instead add +1T per point, to a maximum of 6.

Repeat the above steps until you have reached 80 points or selected 3 models. Models should be WYSIWYG. All models double their normal number of wounds--so, for example, a Space Marine would have 2 wounds instead of 1, and an Ork Nob would have 4 wounds instead of 2! Further, all models have the Hit And Run special rule. Models who already have the Hit and Run special rule may reroll their initiative tests.

The ring and the edges right outside them are the main areas of the game. The ring is broken into four major areas: The ring floor, the ropes, the sidelines, and the stands. It is patrolled and regulated by the Referee.

The Ropes
The ropes divide the interior and exterior of the combat area. The ropes can be used as a launchpad for more powerful attacks, but their boundary is absolute: any player who crosses them to the stands is immediately counted as being defeated.

The Sidelines
Team members not in the fight wait on the sidelines, opposite the other team. They can move anywhere along their sideline, but may not cross into other sidelines even if they manage to get into the ring. If any ally in the sidelines is within an inch of the fighter in the ring, they can make a Ld test (at the highest Ld. between both models) to tag out and swap positions.

Players start one model in the ring and up to two models in the sidelines on opposite sides of the ring. Models on the sidelines must remain on the sidelines, unless tagged in or the referee is distracted.

Players undergo the standard three-phase player turn of a normal game of 40k.

Players who are knocked out in the ring, or pushed out into the stands, are removed from play and counted as defeated. When all three members of a team are defeated, the game is over.

Players may attempt to use the mildly elastic ropes to their benefit. Players move a model into base contact with a rope, and make an initiative test. If they succeed, then they rebound in a straight line directly towards the nearest enemy in the ring and engage in close combat with the Furious Charge special rule. A roll of one or two on the test fails regardless of distance to the rope, you need to get your speed up! This counts as assaulting the enemy player. If the player fails the test, they stick in place, precariously at the ring edge!

Players who charge their opponent in the assault phase may try to push their opponent out of the ring. Each player rolls a D6 plus their Strength value. If the attacker's total is higher than the defender's by 1 or greater, move the defender in a straight line that many inches towards the ropes so that the bases do not overlap at any point. If the defender touches the rope, they make an armor save. If they pass it, they are bounced directly to the nearest enemy model, who gets to make one close combat attack.

If the Defender defends himself on a roll of 6, though, the tables are turned! Immediately switch places with both models, and throw the attacker D6", his own strength being used against him! The attacker will then fall out of the ring or rebound as normal.

A referee model is always portrayed as being in the ring. The referee moves a random direction 2d6 inches each game turn ensuring that all fighting is being done correctly per the rules of the match. All models within his line of sight, represented by a GW flamer template, must follow the rules. However, it occasionally happens that the referee gets distracted, often with nefarious consequences!

Models not within his line of sight may make up to one attack in the movement OR shooting phase, but not both for risk of being discovered and kicked out. A model within the ring, but not in LOS of the referee, may attack an enemy model on his opponent's sidelines in shooting or close combat so long as his opponent is also not in LOS of the referee.

At the start of each game turn, roll a D6. on a roll of 6, the referee will be struck by a chair or concession item thrown by rabid fans in the audience and get knocked out cold for the ensuing game turn. During this period, characters on the sidelines can enter the ring, make shooting attacks, and make close combat attacks. Models that end the game turn in the ring are immediately placed back on the sidelines at the start of the next game turn. Models cannot be thrown out of the ring for this game turn, they instead return at the end of the game turn to their respective sidelines. If all models for a player are at the sidelines, he may choose which one reenters the ring. Models which are defeated by losing their last wounds are removed from play as normal.