View Full Version : The use of Deathmarks Deep Striking

11-08-2011, 11:11 AM
Forgive me if this has already been figured out.

I've read a few places questioning why Deathmarks would want to deep strike. The answer is because of the Hunters from Hyperspace rule. The rule states that they choose their unit on the battlefield to mark when the Deathmarks are deployed. If you go first (or made to go first), then your opponent has no units on the table to choose to mark, hence they would not get the chance to take advantage of the rule.

If anyone else has something to add, please let me know.

11-08-2011, 11:13 AM
OK first of all you can't deepstrike on turn 1

So theres a chance your unit "marked" would be on by the time you deploy

And what says you can't mark an enemy not on the boar dyet? if these guys a re patient hunters they're waiting for their prey to arrive still!

Also...i think deepstriking in your opponents turn is a rule ready for 6th edition

11-08-2011, 12:00 PM
I need to edit my previous post, removing the "during their opponents turn". My apologies, had their Ethereal Inception rule stuck in my head.

True, you can't deep strike turn one, unless your opponent brings in a reserve turn one. Which is possible with drop pods.

If a unit is on the board already, when Deathmarks deep strike when they come in from reserve, they can then nominate the unit on the table.

The Hunter from Hyperspace rules says they choose a non-vehicle unit on the battlefield (even in a transport) when they deploy. So the unit must be on the battlefield.

11-08-2011, 01:19 PM
Can you not "deep strike" in turn one via the Monolith Portal?

"choose 1 friendly unengaged non vehicle necron unit on the battlefield or in reserve. that unit immediately phases out from its current positon and "disembarks" from the Monolith's portal."

Not sure if this is supposed to be allowed, but RAW states you can.

11-08-2011, 03:28 PM
This might be a counter to Dark Angel Deathwing assault...

11-08-2011, 05:48 PM
There are numerous reasons why. First off, Deathmarks reserve and roll for DS just like anything else. So you can always have them deep strike normally (which can be useful with a midranged unit like Deathmarks). Second, this ability allows you to give your opponent a clear threat: if they deepstrike without careful deployment, they could leave their back open to Deathmarks.

Note how the Stormlord gives this ability to the entire army, making that Flayed Ones ability to get in close to their target very appealing.

Saturn 3
11-25-2011, 10:57 PM
There are numerous reasons why. First off, Deathmarks reserve and roll for DS just like anything else. So you can always have them deep strike normally (which can be useful with a midranged unit like Deathmarks). Second, this ability allows you to give your opponent a clear threat: if they deepstrike without careful deployment, they could leave their back open to Deathmarks.

Note how the Stormlord gives this ability to the entire army, making that Flayed Ones ability to get in close to their target very appealing.

Yea I was thinking along that line myself. Like oh i'll assault this but wait heres' the deathmarks. After you do it i'm gonna get ya. Still doesn't seem very useful. Unless 6th has something coming.

The Dave
11-26-2011, 05:07 AM
Can you not "deep strike" in turn one via the Monolith Portal?

"choose 1 friendly unengaged non vehicle necron unit on the battlefield or in reserve. that unit immediately phases out from its current positon and "disembarks" from the Monolith's portal."

Not sure if this is supposed to be allowed, but RAW states you can.Yep, this is completely supported by the Monolith's rules. No problem at all.

Note how the Stormlord gives this ability to the entire army, making that Flayed Ones ability to get in close to their target very appealing.Just a heads up, the Stormlord does not grant an ability to an entire army. His Bloodswarm nanoscarabs only affect one randomly-determined enemy unit, and only your Flayed Ones (hardly an entire army) get the ability to Deep Strike within 6" of that randomly-determined unit without scattering. Just FYI.

The Twilight Fade
11-26-2011, 05:40 AM
Just a heads up, the Stormlord does not grant an ability to an entire army. His Bloodswarm nanoscarabs only affect one randomly-determined enemy unit, and only your Flayed Ones (hardly an entire army) get the ability to Deep Strike within 6" of that randomly-determined unit without scattering. Just FYI.

I think he was probably meant to reference Zahndrekh instead, he's the guy that lets you do the phased reinforcements for your army not Imotekh

The Dave
11-26-2011, 05:49 AM
I think he was probably meant to reference Zahndrekh instead, he's the guy that lets you do the phased reinforcements for your army not ImotekhWell that makes a lot more sense. However, Zahndrekh's ability is terribad. You have to have units in reserve waiting for their units in reserve, if you don't roll yours in early and if they aren't just bringing everything on to the table. Going second helps mitigate this, but not by much. Zahndrekh + Imotekh for Flayed Ones would mean you'd have to hope your random unit roll lands on a unit they're bringing in from reserves (if any). Not quite sure that level of randomness is worth 410 pts of HQ to try it. If you're talking about using them differently, then I apologize if I misinterpreted your guys' posts.

11-26-2011, 09:27 AM
actually, it isn't a bad idea. All you have to do is wait for 1 enemy unit to deep strike. Then you interrupt the REST of their reserves turn by bringing in ALL of your necrons. You can cover the table that way, making it difficult for your opponent to take advantage of the rest of their deep strike abilities.

11-26-2011, 07:44 PM
Alternatively, you can wait for the last unit to come down, then place units everywhere to respond to them. Or you can bring down 2-3 after one DS, then the next few after another DS. Causes your opponent to start freaking out over every successful reserves roll.