View Full Version : How I learned to love the Sisters WD (Sisters Tactica)

11-08-2011, 03:11 AM
Hey everyone, I've been playing 40k about 4 years now. Necrons were my first army and Sisters were my second. I've loved the playstyle of the SoB and it continues to be my favorite army. I've been hearing a lot of chatter about the Sisters of Battle WD, and how horrible it is. While I agree that the army looks really bad on paper, the way the army plays is entirely a different story, at least in my experience and opinion. I'm hoping to write this and convince you to not shelf your Sisters army just yet, or if you're struggling to adapt to the new codex, maybe give you a few pointers. Here it goes.

First and foremost, we're going to focus on what works in the codex, instead of what doesn't work, and go from there.

Units that work

*Cannoness w/ Celestians in Rhino(expensive, but has great short range shooty and great CC potential unless going against all PW, can get int +1 and str +1 multiple times depending on amount of faith rolled and success with faith rolls. So you could effectively be int 9 or str 9 because the faith rolls do, in fact stack, like hammerhand does)

*Jacobus w/ Deathcult/Crusaders in Rhino (great counter assault unit to back up your Sisters Rhinos and provide a great threat, and mop up anything hurting your Sister squads. This is just about the best assault unit in the game. FNP gives this squad a durbility, along with it's 5+ invul, INT 6 allows you to attack first on most squads lots and lots of power weapon attacks. Can kill just about anything head on besides purifiers. Even then, the Deathcult would probably win out with their +5 invul or rather a 1/3 chance to make their save.)

*Celestine w/ or without Seraphim (Celestine with 2x flamer Seraphim gives you a total of 5 flamers with reroll to wound. The squad is cheap for a 5 man, at 120 points. You can lose them and not be too upset about it.
*Sister of Battle squad in Rhino (My favorite combo is heavy flamer, melta gun, combi melta so they can threaten just about any target. I generally take 4-5 troops kitted this same way at 2k points)

*Dominion squad w/ melta guns (Having 2x Dominion squads with 2x melta guns outflanking really helps against mech armies. When you need more target saturation aka more rhinos, you can choose to not outflank as well, clocking in at 125 pts is a steal, and they're hard to kill if just left to shoot out of rhinos, instead of getting out. Should get you at least 2 turns of shooting twin linked melta at vehicles in their back field or flank, assuming they come in on the side you want.)

*5 Celestians w/ 2x melta in Rhino (great cheap filler units for more anti tank)

*3x Exorcist or 2x Exorcist 1x Retributor squad (Exorcists are the only long range anti tank, and one of the best in the game esp when you're rolling 6's. Try and show your front armor as much as possible, it's very important to Exorcist suvivial. Once you forget, and show your side, it's usually over for your poor tank)

*Seraphim ( if you can afford 30 Seraphim to fill your FA slots, its very viable to take 3 units of 10 in different combinations)


*Do not exit your Rhinos until you are forced to, or you completely have the advantage, till then fire out 2x melta or your heavy flamer to take out squads.

*Rely on Exorcists for long range anti tank, take out their biggest threats to your Exorcists, Ignore AV 14, handle it with Melta guns later on.

*Zone your opponent (force them into an enclosed space or isolate half of their army from the other with Rhinos), and keep Rhinos together and close. If you're running Seraphim, use your Rhinos to block LOS.

*Pop smoke on all your Rhinos after your first turn, unless they're obviously in cover

*Don't be hasty to initiate, wait until you have the advantage, then storm the enemy, unless the extra bolter firepower is needed to put down a squad, stay in the Rhinos.

*Use Celestine in every game, head her to your enemies objective, or fly her at stuff with a 4+,5+ or 6+ save. Her heavy flamer makes short work of things, and then charge if there's anything left.

*Dozer blades are probably a good idea if you can afford them.

*Again, don't allow your units to be isolated, Sisters work best as a group, splitting your forces off weakens you substantially.

*Avoid footslogging combined with Mech, either stick to one or the other. Seraphim are the only exception to their due to their durability, speed, and the ability to hide behind Rhinos.

*Don't rely on faith, it either happens or it doesn't, don't count on it as a sure thing, save faith for Seraphim and dominions.

*If your opponent has a nasty CC unit, it might not be a bad idea to offer up a unit of Sisters for them to cut down, so you can get the unit in open field to be shot with heavy flamers, melta guns and exorcists. The loss of one unit can be greater than the loss of multiple units and vehicles to a rampaging CC unit not quickly handled.

*Celestine is an excellent tarpit.

*Balance the amount of flamer, and melta you have, try and get an equal mixture of flamer and melta (anti infantry and anti tank respectively)

*When a Rhino blows up, move your troops to an objective or to help strengthen your Rhino line by sitting behind your other rhinos. Don't leave them in open field too long, and get to cover if you can.

That's about all I have for now. Good luck my fellow Sisters players, and I hope this helps.

Thanks for looking!

11-08-2011, 09:19 AM
Couldnt agree more.
I`ve just started looking at sisters again and i`m quite looking forward to spending some time on them.
The folk who slag this little wd codex of ours obviously havent had thier backsides handed to them off the chicks yet.
I`ve only had one game, against the gk`s got a draw which i was quite happy with, the look on his face when my girls hot bolter death brought down his dreadknight was funny.

Just got my dominions and retributors up to 10 man now, i feel they need to be 10 man as t3 kills them too easily.
Same goes for seraphim take 10 or dont take them at all.

If anyone feels the need to bin thier sisters well hell mend them, this is a good little tidy up of the sisters stuff left over from witchhunters codex.

What folk should remember is that its an update for an old codex not a new codex.

11-08-2011, 11:38 AM
Even with a sub-par codex, I'd get into SoB... If only they were plastic. :(

11-08-2011, 03:19 PM
Couldnt agree more.
I`ve just started looking at sisters again and i`m quite looking forward to spending some time on them.
The folk who slag this little wd codex of ours obviously havent had thier backsides handed to them off the chicks yet.
I`ve only had one game, against the gk`s got a draw which i was quite happy with, the look on his face when my girls hot bolter death brought down his dreadknight was funny.

Just got my dominions and retributors up to 10 man now, i feel they need to be 10 man as t3 kills them too easily.
Same goes for seraphim take 10 or dont take them at all.

If anyone feels the need to bin thier sisters well hell mend them, this is a good little tidy up of the sisters stuff left over from witchhunters codex.

What folk should remember is that its an update for an old codex not a new codex.

I honestly feel Dominion and Seraphim both run very well at 5 man. The reason being is the cost. Both squads cost around 120-125 fullly equipped. If they die, it's really not a big deal seeing as they don't even cost as much as an Exorcist which are normally the cheapest things we take. If they don't die, they're going to cause some serious damage, and at least make up their points. 4x hand flamer, or 2 twin linked melta guns shots outflanking, both are mean.

11-08-2011, 05:53 PM
Sisters isn't the worst codex ever, but it is far, far short of expectations given the care shown in updating other 3rd edition codexes over the last year. The problem with Sisters is the pricing. Penitent Engines, Exorcists, Immolators, Repentia and others are woefully overcosted relative to their performance. Even heavy flamers are too expensive now. And while rending weapons for everyone may have been too much to hope for, the acts of faith have largely been toned down. A few lone exceptions exist such as the Celestians super-bump or the Retributor's rending weaponry. But Seraphim, for example, are now a pale shadow of their former glory. Repentia somehow got worse even after a price decrease, and Celestine is the only really good option for Sororitas HQs.

11-08-2011, 07:43 PM
Sisters isn't the worst codex ever, but it is far, far short of expectations given the care shown in updating other 3rd edition codexes over the last year. The problem with Sisters is the pricing. Penitent Engines, Exorcists, Immolators, Repentia and others are woefully overcosted relative to their performance. Even heavy flamers are too expensive now. And while rending weapons for everyone may have been too much to hope for, the acts of faith have largely been toned down. A few lone exceptions exist such as the Celestians super-bump or the Retributor's rending weaponry. But Seraphim, for example, are now a pale shadow of their former glory. Repentia somehow got worse even after a price decrease, and Celestine is the only really good option for Sororitas HQs.

Heavy Flamers are balanced now, but still very much worth taking. Retributors aren't as needed as everyone thinks, honestly a 3rd exorcist is going to do more good in every way.

Celestine, Jacobus, and Cannoness are all good options for HQ's, it just depends on the way the army is being played. Everything in the codex has a use, besides maybe Penitent or Repentia.

11-08-2011, 09:03 PM
Heavy Flamers went up in price but went down in ability with the new codex. So why were they raised in cost? I think it's a simple answer: they wanted to disrupt old list builds and justify higher prices for special weapons blisters.

11-10-2011, 11:31 PM
Heavy Flamers went up in price but went down in ability with the new codex. So why were they raised in cost? I think it's a simple answer: they wanted to disrupt old list builds and justify higher prices for special weapons blisters.

I'm honestly curious. Why do you say the heavy flamer went down in ability?:confused: They're still Str. 5 AP4 assault 1 template weapons. As far as I can tell, it's still the same weapon. Or am I missing something?

11-12-2011, 12:12 PM
Faith abilities in the old dex meant that you got the ap1 on a 6 with heavy flamers, at only 12pts. In the troops selection. So now, you lose that offensive capability (and they dont regain anything from rerolling to hit) but the cost went up. For almost everything.

11-12-2011, 03:08 PM
Faith abilities in the old dex meant that you got the ap1 on a 6 with heavy flamers, at only 12pts. In the troops selection. So now, you lose that offensive capability (and they dont regain anything from rerolling to hit) but the cost went up. For almost everything.

Okay, that makes sense then. And thanks.

I must say, as someone who has been playing SoB starting with the original Chapter Approved rules,(yes, I'm that old:o) I find the new WD codex rather, underwhelming.:( Especially given that it was written by the same guy that did the Imperial Guard codex. Granted, it's not all bad, but the old Witchhunters codex was surprisingly potent in 5 ed. The new one removes most of what made the Sisters unique in favor of Space Marines lite.

It also seems like the new codex vastly limits the build options. Pretty much Jacobus and Celestine, Death Cult Assassins and mech everywhere. I don't really see a foot force doing much, generic canoness isn't worth the points,:( and the Battle Squads, despite going up in price, seem to have lost a lot of their effectiveness.

I really don't see this codex as inspiring people to take up Sisters, so if GW's goal was to increase sales and interest in the army, I don't think it worked.:rolleyes:

In friendly games, I'm going to stick with the old Witchhunters codex, and hope that in a few years GW gives the Sisters a decent codex.

11-12-2011, 03:35 PM
A few of my friends have a theory: what if the wd codex isn't to sell out remaining inventory, but instead to make players flock to a real codex a few months out and pick up new options instead of holding on to largely complete sisters armies?

11-12-2011, 11:23 PM
A few of my friends have a theory: what if the wd codex isn't to sell out remaining inventory, but instead to make players flock to a real codex a few months out and pick up new options instead of holding on to largely complete sisters armies?

It's an interesting theory, and one I've come across before. But I don't really think GW is that clever.

11-13-2011, 05:52 PM
There are a couple of other interesting ideas to go with it. Basically, out all boils down to models: sisters are still an all metal army. But gw doesn't have a big stockpile of pewter on hand. New plastics wont be out for a few months but longer than profitable supply can last, and switching to finecast is too expensive for models that may be completely replaced before 2013. So instead release a codex that nobody wants, and most people stop buying their remaining stockpile, and maybe start looking at new armies while they wait for a real codex. But there are also a few diehards who will drain that remaining stockpile as they expand their collections to work in the new ruleset.

11-13-2011, 11:24 PM
I'd much rather play the new codex over the old one. Not having scouts, fighting against leafblower IG with 58 pt transports was a pain.

11-14-2011, 12:10 AM
You still don't have scouts, and now you are fighting vs. leafblower IG without stubborn squads for a mere 5pt. upgrade. further, you no longer have "rending" bolters as your normal armament vs. Space Marines (of any type) and your weapon upgrades have increased to the point where your complete units cost the same as they did in the previous codex.

So, have fun with that.

11-14-2011, 03:17 AM
What folk should remember is that its an update for an old codex not a new codex.[/QUOTE]

Actually, it is a new codex, not an update. It says so on the first page of the WD codex, that 'it stands as a replacement for the published Codex: Witch Hunters'.

The Dominions do actually get Scout, but at the cost of reduced firepower. A five woman squad of Dominions can now only have two special weapons. If you want four, you have to have a ten woman squad. I personally like having four special weapons in an Immolater.

Immolaters have also lost the ability to fire their twin linked heavy flamethrower even if they moved 12 inches. Apparently that was either too overpowered or too complicated.:rolleyes:

The Sisters Repentia now have a real chance to strike a blow in combat. If they make their Act of Faith, each model is allowed to make one attack after it has been killed. Going at Int 1 when all you have is a 6++ and FNP does not make for a durable close combat unit, but at least each model will have a chance to take someone with them.:)

Overall, what SoB players have gained does not make up for what we've lost.:(

11-14-2011, 02:38 PM
The Cactusman,

Dominions have had scouts, you might want to pick up a WD and read it? It was unfair to have every unit in your army be stubborn, so I'm glad that's gone, also the overpowered 3+ invul. Faith was too hard for opponents to understand, now it's much more player friendly, even if a bit underwhelming. Rending on every squad was also overpowered, and confusing to your opponent. The simple solution is instead of rending, just shoot 2 squads at it, or use 5 flamer Seraphim (twin linked) or Dominion with 5 flamer (twin linked). We still have the tools to kill marines just fine thanks very much.

11-14-2011, 03:58 PM
The problem isn't that these things were overpowered and went away, the problem is that the models went up in cost at the same time as these abilities were removed.

Dominions have scouts. Yay. So you get an extra 6" of movement pre-game (can't give it to vehicles, you know?) with weapons that have a 12" ideal range. This is SUCH an improvement!

Actually, Dominions are one of the three units that got significantly better. Dominions, Celestians, and Priests got much better or in the last case removed from the "do not take, damages army" list of units. Everything else has stayed the same or marginally decreased in power for a points increase, and Seraphim in particular have gotten significantly worse with only a bare minimum point reduction. Immolators have been reduced to pathetic levels by the removal of fast-style shooting, but keeping their existing points. Similarly armed Razorbacks are cheaper.

The Twilight Fade
11-16-2011, 10:08 AM
I think that the scout USR transfers over onto dedicated transports too if i'm not mistaken so you can scout 12" or outflank with them in the rhino.

Seraphim may have lost auto hit and run but can now fire both pistols and are much cheaper overall so what you lose in effectiveness you gain by having an extra squad instead!!

Agreed on the Immolator though, I don't know what they were thinking

11-16-2011, 01:23 PM
Nope. Scout DOES NOT affect vehicles or attached ICs without the rule. Check your rulebook USR section, it lays out which abilities are transferred to characters and other units joined to the affected unit when the joiners don't have the ability themselves.

11-16-2011, 03:38 PM
Check your USR section again: "It a unit with this ability is deployed inside a dedicated transport vehicle, it confers the scout ability to the transport too."

11-16-2011, 09:41 PM
CrimsonTurkey is indeed right, scouts in a dedicated transport confer scouts to the dedicated transport.