View Full Version : What's on your paint-station?

09-10-2009, 01:30 PM
Haven't seen a thread like this around so correct me if there is!

At the moment, I have got my deathwing army on the go for freehand company logos and am in the process of painting a jetbike-mounted seer council.

Anyway, what are you painting at the minute?

09-10-2009, 01:36 PM
I am painting 7 crisis suits, 1 Hammerhead, 30! firewarriors, 12 kroot, 1 kroot ox(sp?), 12 gun drones, 1 marker drone,and 1 shield drone.

Progress is almost nonexistent.

09-10-2009, 01:38 PM
A hamster.

I really ought to move it and paint something.

09-10-2009, 02:04 PM
Mortars....... endless Motars

09-10-2009, 02:09 PM
Dkok command squad. The last of my "imperial" guard. Once they're done it's on to the traitors!

09-10-2009, 02:38 PM
I guess I have to get some new models, I am putting the finishing touches on a Hive Tyrant that I bought cheeep cause the paint job was so hideous. Stripped, magnetized and painted almost done. Also trying to finish up some of the little stuff that just sits there and looks at me almost finished. Now I must buy more!

09-10-2009, 02:39 PM
A Space Marine tactical squad with rhino (custom chapter) for painting, and a Monolith for decal work.

09-10-2009, 03:18 PM


The bikes are a little further along (they're based) but it's pretty much the same.

09-10-2009, 03:50 PM
6 flamers of Tzeentch, 10 flesh hounds and a Lord of Change.

Le Scriv
09-10-2009, 04:57 PM
Ugh, too much! I'm one of those people who buys models faster than they get painted!!

I've got some IG tanks and sentinals ready for primer & painting, about 1500ts of Space Marines all with basecoats and some Bloodcrushers and Bloodletters.

Le Scriv
09-10-2009, 04:59 PM


The bikes are a little further along (they're based) but it's pretty much the same.

These look awesome, especially the bikes!

Not a bad idea using pringles boxes to hold brushes/tools/etc either. I've been looking for something cheap to do the same thing.

09-10-2009, 05:07 PM
Hmmm, currently, in the pending tray rather than physically on my desk ;)

100+ Guardsmen
Indomitable Fortress
Star Phantoms Army
USS Forrestal 1:800 kit
Eurofighter Typhoon 1:72 kit
Several Leman Russes
Space Hulk

Not in any particular order there, and similar to Rapture's closing comment, progress is non-existent . . .

09-10-2009, 05:20 PM
The Genestealers from the Space Hulk box (along with the rest of my friend's Nid army), 3 Tactical Squads, an Assault Squad, 2 Devastator Squads, and a few assorted Eldar.

Lord Inquisitor
09-10-2009, 06:07 PM
My Dark Eldar army. Two down a lot to go! I don't have much time for painting sadly. Saturdays are my only free days, but I always book them with going to my gaming store, paintball, or other things.

09-10-2009, 06:19 PM
Currently I'm finishing up my World Eater Berserkers (24 down, 8 to go!), and then I have to do the Tactical and Havoc Squads. I really need to have these done by September 19th, as that's the day of a store grand opening / tournament here in UPNY. Blue trim is getting tiring...

09-10-2009, 07:13 PM
As I don't have a permanent location for my painting I use a small padded box for my "currently working on" stuff.

Right now in my box I have a 5-man BA assault squad (2 of which are done), 2 old metal burnaboys (primed), a custom-built loota (primed) and a Vampire Lord which I'm not sure if I'm even going to paint it or not.

I also have a AoBR tactical squad on the side, 3 of them still need mold lines cleaned up and then they are ready for primer.

09-10-2009, 07:26 PM
objectives and strategems!

my iron halo order came through, so i need to get some objective markers done for a tournement.

i also started a "Command key building strategem" for Cities of Death

base without crew

crew in place

desk lamp (made from the new sentinel searchlight)

maps, aerial photos, and "saucy lady" ace cards

so, long day of modelling for me tommorrow...

09-10-2009, 08:16 PM
Hmmm, currently, in the pending tray rather than physically on my desk ;)

100+ Guardsmen
Indomitable Fortress
Star Phantoms Army
USS Forrestal 1:800 kit
Eurofighter Typhoon 1:72 kit
Several Leman Russes
Space Hulk

Not in any particular order there, and similar to Rapture's closing comment, progress is non-existent . . .

Your list makes me feel a little better. I didn't want to tell anyone about the 15 terminators, 30 marines, 15 scouts, 7 scout bikers, 1 rhino, and 3 captains that I haven't even base coated. This topic is like confession. It feels good.

09-10-2009, 08:24 PM
Most of my chaos force:

20 CSM (2 icons, 4 plasma, 2 AC's)
8 Plague Marines
10 Berserkers
10 Possessed
5 Man Terminator squad
6 Raptors
3 rhinos
2 predators

And thats just the stuff i have based and primed. Man thats depressing:)

09-10-2009, 08:36 PM
A Deathwing Terminator Army. Had a bunch of Termies left over from a bunch of Black Reach boxes, decided to make an all terminator force, so Deathwing it is! Terrible, but I like the paint scheme.

09-10-2009, 09:38 PM
have to finish 8 beserkers, touch up my PM's, prime/paint 10 traitor guard, 1 chimera, Space Hulk, & some minor objectives
oh yeah, i also have to decide whether or not to repaint/rearm some of my older CSM's

09-11-2009, 12:03 AM
3 Crater sets
1 Battlescape
1 3-section Snow gaming board
6 Dead Space marines
1 Inquisitor Chaos Magus
8 Forgeworld Nurgle Marines
1 Forgeworld Nurgle Sorceror

For my son:
1 Nurgle deamon prince to assemble
7 Nurgling bases to base, assemble and prime
3 Nurgle Beasts

...all to be completed by October 1st!

09-11-2009, 04:41 AM
-2 Ultramarine LR Redeemers (FW doors)
-2 Urban IG Command Squads
-20 Urban Stormtroopers
-9 Blood Imps (counts as plague bearers for my Khorne themed demons)
-1 Lamenter Thunderfire Cannon
-1 Lamenter Captain on Jetbike
-an undisclosed number of Death Korps models

hopefully all before the end of the month...

09-21-2009, 11:40 PM
A Dark Elf Dreadlord
5 Scouts being wolfed up
Dwarf Lord
The White Dwarf
FW Ogryn Berserker
A marine dreadnough without arms
A Blood Angel test piece
15 Blood Claws - finished
8 Swift Claws - finished
A converted Ragnar figure

Hmmmmm Must focus more...

09-22-2009, 07:33 AM
Imps, Imps and more Imps. Working on 1000 point Imp army (1 cmd squad, 1 Platoon of guardsmen, 3 HW squads and 2 Sentinels) while occasionally working on some Tau and terrain to break things up.

09-22-2009, 08:01 AM
Surprisingly, nothing. Ok, I tell a lie a Imperial Fists Razorback, but I finished last night so its completed and needs putting away. Cannot belief after 2 years got nothing else queued up, I'll need to under coat some models tonight!

09-22-2009, 08:15 AM
I finished Skulltaker on Sunday night. I'm now working on an Obliterator in World Eaters colors and Blight Drones number 2 and 3

09-22-2009, 09:08 AM
Just seven scout left to repaint to my DIY chapter, about 140 figures and a dozen tanks done already. Of course, theres a mountain of unassembled stuff, same as most people.

Hairy Piggy
09-22-2009, 09:43 AM
My almost assembled Chaos termy lord, half a squad of (traitorous) guard, 3 harlequins and lots of unused bitz:)

09-22-2009, 09:58 AM
Let's see...

29 'Zerkers
15 Termies
Terminator Lord (Almost done)
Demon Prince
2 Rhinos
Land Raider

I need to have everything except the termies, lord, and prince done for a tournament on Oct. 17th. And I'm a REALLY slow painter. After that stuff I'm going to finally paint up my terrain.

09-22-2009, 10:00 AM
Ugh, too much! I'm one of those people who buys models faster than they get painted!!

I've got some IG tanks and sentinals ready for primer & painting, about 1500ts of Space Marines all with basecoats and some Bloodcrushers and Bloodletters.

yeah me too. i won't even touch what's sitting in the queue but on the paint box in proses is first of 2 Ironclads. if you're really interested though i've got scenery and models out the yin yang that need painting. it looks like thing:

4 Bastions, and all the Defense lines, gun emplacements, and relays that accompany those bastions.
2 more craters, the PS stratagem "crashed-aquilla-laserburn-meteor" thing
A 6'x8' modular CoD tables worth of buildings, roads, misc scenery etc.
a small forest
A largish grand cannon style crevase\ mountain thing i built (which also needs 2 more parts modeled)

2 Broodlords
22 Genestealers care of space hulk
biovore and spores
2 tyrant guard

Marines: (All Raven Guard)
2 Land raiders (one redeemer\ one standard) plus a standard conversion set for the Redeemer (1st Co)
3 Rhino's (3rd Co)
2 Razor backs and and their Hvy Flamer\Hvy Bolter conversions (3rd Co)
2 FW Deathstorm drop pods
2 Drop pods
Whirlwind (Armory)
Ironclad Dread (3rd co)
Command Squad (3rd co)
Captain of 1st company
17 termies (1st Co)
Termie Librarian
Termie Chaplain (1st Co)
Scout squad (10th Company)
3 Land speeders (7th company)
4 Tac squads (3rd)
1 & 1\2 Devastator Squads (3rd)
Sternguard Squad (1st)
2 Assault squads (3rd)
Chapter Champion
Chapter master

Man that's depressing now that i look at it....this is why i have an ork codex and the black reach guys (which are actually painted) waiting...no more armies for me until this RG company is finished....there's also a lot of conversions and modeling going on here...hence the slowness of progress...i like modeling more than painting...one of the guys in our club is going to help with the scenery though...i guess i should put this keyboard down, and get to work....lol

09-22-2009, 10:23 AM
Right now,I are mostly painting a Imperial Fist razorback, and a squad of terminators. (never mind the assault squad, bike conversions and what not I've got sitting in the case).

also I've got half a squad of Eldar Guardians and two jet bikes.

An Escher gang, a Ratskin gang.

Also, in non-40k related items, I've got 18 Sudanese Cameron Highlanders just wanting to be done.
And some dark ages Celts.

I'm sure I've missed something from the European lead/plastic mountain...

09-22-2009, 11:26 AM
An OOP SM Librarian that has been converted into a Rune Priest. 95% complete
A Land Speeder with GS SW decorations.95% complete
A Rhino with GS SW decorations. 75% complete
A Chapter Master converted into a Wolf Lord. 95% complete
A Wolf Guard in PA. 95% complete
An AOBR Terminator with GS SW decorations. 75% complete
......and 75 SMs, a Rhino, and a Drop Pod. unassembled.