View Full Version : Necrons Lord of the Swarm.

11-06-2011, 02:05 PM
Necrons the Swarm Lord...

Ok so I have had real issues figuring out where the heck the reliable Necron AT is at (in models released) and I just kinda gave up and think this might be cool any one got any thoughts? Plus I need to figure out what to do with the 160 points left over I'm thinking a solar pulse for turn one gun lines and maybe another squad of warriors.

180: Overlord w/ war-scythe on command barge

65: Warriors X5
65: Warriors X5
65: Warriors X5
65: Warriors X5

150: Scarabs X 10
150: Scarabs X 10
150: Scarabs X 10

150: Spider X 3
150: Spider X 3
150: Spider X 3

Its fairly resilient but I'm not sure if it has the damage potential to really compete in the current environment but wow it sure would be cool to add 9 scarabs to a squad per turn.:D

11-06-2011, 02:15 PM
Necrons the Swarm Lord...

Ok so I have had real issues figuring out where the heck the reliable Necron AT is at (in models released) and I just kinda gave up and think this might be cool any one got any thoughts?

Well aside from Scarabs (the obvious choice) and the Doomsday Ark...

Heavy Destroyers.

1-5 models per squad, jump infantry with lascannons they can fire on the move at BS4.
For some reason we're still stuck with the godawful metal/plastic hybrid kit, though.
I plan on converting a crapload of them using spare parts from the Praetorian/Lychguard kit, gauss blasters from the new Immortal kit and the regular Destroyer kit.

As for your list...
Well, I hate overly-spammy lists, myself. Looks fun though, if only because there are so many metal bug-monsters in it. It's like some crazy robotic Tyranid list. :)

11-06-2011, 04:27 PM
You have an overlord already, so get 5 Crypteks and upgrade them to Harbingers of Destruction. They are basically Long Fangs that lose AoE and gain AP.
If you want more anti-tank, get an Anihilation Barge. I hear 4 S7 shots can deal with light tanks. Or, as Kawauso said, get Heavy Destroyers.

11-07-2011, 12:11 AM
Only one of each Harbinger per Cryptek group. So if you took 5 Ceypteks, they would need to be 5 different Harbingers.
Nevermind the above, was incorrect.

The most reliable AT in the codex is the Scarab base. Because of how vehicle hits are taken, the scarabs do not suffer any significant penalty for their poor weapon skill. I would advise removing scarab bases from your existing swarms and using the spyders to pump them up to max size at the start of the game. Each unit will put out 50 Entropic Strike attacks each turn, enough to destroy anything short of a flat-out moving Land Raider. You can reduce down to 4 bases per unit (and then need only 2 Spyder units to make each one full) or drop down 3 from each and pump them at the start. The most point efficient is to drop two bases from each, then run only two units of 3 spyders. The spyders can pump each squad to full in groups of two and then follow along loosely while the Scarabs themselves zoom off. Any dead scarabs can be replaced by the Spyders. Scarabs in CC can still be pumped (such as if they attack a Walker), just make sure to keep the Spyders out of CC unless absolutely necessary.

A close second (and perhaps a solid investment to aid those Scarabs) is the Voltaic Staff with it's 4-shot Haywire ability. Immobilizing an enemy vehicle will all but guarantee that those Scarabs will kill it, and at a mere 25 points apiece for the whole model you can fit one into each of your Warrior units by dropping a few Scarabs.

I highly encourage using the saved points to buy more Warriors, or at least a Ghost Ark to build those units up. 5 model scoring squads are a fast way to lose objective games. My Dark Eldar would eliminate you rapidly thanks to those small units, 5 wounds against Marines is very easy to do in one round of concentrated shooting and even easier in CC. Now you don't even get 3+ armor so those guys are going down in a hurry.

11-07-2011, 03:37 AM
Did some quick math. With my changes to the Scarabs/spyders, doubling the Warrior units, and adding 4 of the chronomancer crypteks, you're still 40 points shy of 1500! And every unit will have strong anti vehicle and solid anti-infantry capability. You'll even get plenty of decent CC thanks to those swarms!