View Full Version : WIP Keeper of Secrets conversion

faeg nad teli
11-03-2011, 07:18 AM
Hi all, lately I've been working a lot on my keeper of secrets conversion and I'd like to have some imput on how it now looks.

The very start:


Yesterday eavening I also worked quite a bit on the left upper torso, that is starting to come along. Regarding the lower body I still want to add a loincloth or something similar. Comments about either are appreciated.
I'm however mainly interested in opinions regarding the head. I'll add 6 long strands for hair just like the forgeworld greater daemon and the horns and top of the head need to be sculpted still.

However do you have suggestions regarding the jaws and the carapace? do you think either need to be modified?

Somewhere after the weekend should see the next update

11-17-2011, 02:10 PM
What about instead of a loin cloth you give it a belt with "trophies" and amulets hanging from it off. Could also have a large buckle in front with the icon on it?