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View Full Version : The most riduculous out comes of a shooting phase?

09-10-2009, 10:43 AM
A follow up to the popular thread of mine "The most riduculous out comes of a close combat?"
So as the title says what is the most riduculous out comes of a shooting phase you have ever played/witnessed? Your squad of 10 terminators being brought down by shoota boys? Your sole surviving sergeant killing a Daemon prince with a pistol shot? 10 lascannons shooting at a rhino and doing nothing but stun it?

Lets hear it guys!

09-10-2009, 12:48 PM
Everyone one of my ork models hitting with at least 1 shot in a shooting phase.

I suppose it isnt THAT bad since it's all all biker army so its all twin-linked (not nob bikers, just regular bikers + Wazdakka) But still :D

Suffice to say the Deathwing player on the receiving end was unpleasently surprised as he lost 11 terminators to 1 turn of ork shooting.

09-10-2009, 01:38 PM
I have 2 that immediately spring to mind:

A 7 man necron squad gunning down a full deathwing squad in a round of shooting: 11 hits, 6 wounds, 5 failed 2+ armour saves...

The other one was just unbelievable. in one round of shooting (turn 2 as it happened), i lost all 3 of my holo-field fire prisms to 5 autocannons. 1 did nothing, 1 got a stunned result and 3 caused pens, 1 rolled a double 6, the other 2 rolled 5/6 and 5/5. a turn later my fortune-biked seer council was killed by lasgun fire after failing 90% of their 3+ save and most of the re-rolls too. suffice to say, i lost that game.

09-10-2009, 03:12 PM
10 marines shooting at an imperial guard veteran squad in the open (no 4+ armor).

7 bolters, 2 pistols and 1 flamer which only touches one vet.

outcome: 2 death veterans and 8 death marines (after the vets returned with a demo charge and 3 meltaguns :) ).

vets killing marines isnt hilarious but 16 shots only killing 2 IS :)

09-10-2009, 05:02 PM
Well, ridiculous in the amount of casualties, has to be our most recent Tank Shock game. Myself with nearly all my armoured might vs everyone else in the store at the time. Their armies given that they had hardly any armour between them . . . well, not compared to the ~20 russes . . . the four basilisks . . . the two banewolves . . . the two chimeras (just there for being armour :p) And of course the Hellhammer, Baneblade and Stormblade.

Well, with the terrain against me, limiting my los and movement severely and with the forces arrayed against me at the start I did wonder whether I may have trouble . . . however, I didn't take into account the fact that most of their armies had trouble dealing with 12FA, let alone the wall of 14 I had at the front. And I'd also completely forgotten quite how devastating the super-heavies were, particularly when the armies were so tightly packed due to a lack of deployment space.

Anyways, turn 1 I fired the Stormblade's Plasma Destructor. Using the Rapid fire, I dropped two 7" templates on the table, remarkable what a difference that can make to a battle ;)

Luckily the second scattered a reasonable distance away dealing more casualties to their forces. All in all I believe I nearly took out two armies in those two templates, the first was clustered pretty well underneath the target template, except a lucky few squads. The second template scattered onto a large concentration of the Tau force, taking most of them out as well. It may well have been a one-sided battle, and we didn't play long enough to find out, but given that I had another two dinner plate templates in my army, let alone the standard ordnance I could lay down we called it a win at the end of turn two. I don't think I fired a single battle cannon in the game due to a lack of time!

Exitus Acta Probat
09-10-2009, 09:52 PM
In a Carnage Mission (four player for those that don't know),
an Immobilized Chimera killed (over two shooting phases admittedly) something akin to 2 squads of deathwing termies. Just a scatter laser and heavy bolter, that was it.

My friend Tim couldn't miss a shot, and My friend Brian rolled more 1's than I have ever seen in my life.
This WAS a 70+pt INQ Chimera, but that was A WHOLE LOTTA TERMINATOR death...
It definitely went into our 'hall of fame/shame'

09-10-2009, 10:11 PM
i had a wounded kharn survive 2 turns of my opponent shooting everything in range at him. the plasma cannon he shot at kharn also overheated an killed the gunner! the look on my opponent's face was hilarious. did i mention he single-handedly wiped out two squads in the assault phases in between? he = my opponent's new arch nemesis.
also i find that 1 shot from a standard pistol has a higher kill rate than some of my squads. 1 shot, 1 hit, 1 wound, 1 KILL!

09-10-2009, 11:25 PM
This may be abit opposite what your looking for but no less amazing. Back in 3rd, IG vs. Orks.

Two relative veterans at the time were goin at it head to head. I was still young and new to the particular gaming group. Speed Freaks vs a armor heavy IG sety up. Needless to say the IG player literally wiped out the entire ork army in a single turn of shooting, think it was second turn.

Also when i was running ealry BT's i had a Emp Champ + 10 + 4 unit in a crusader bearing down on a V deployed Tau army. Took 112 shots (entire Tau army) to finish off the tank, the unit and finally the Camp in a do or die attempt to win the game for a local tourney final. Needless to say my BTs did not win the ticket to the GT that year hehe.

09-11-2009, 04:01 AM
Let's see. I have lots of shooting stories..

One game against Marines I had a unit of around 14 boys + nob fail it's charge (double 1's) so it was standing right in front of a unit of 8 Sternguard. I was hoping at least some of the models would live as I was playing Ghazzy so all my units were fearless..and they were under the KFF as well.

16 poisoned shots

14 hit

9 1's rolled for wounds

4 KFF saves made

1 dead ork.

I wiped out the Sternguard the next turn.


One game a unit of 12 lootas scored 9 penetrating shots against a unit of warwalkers. Sure it isn't that hard but it was a decisive event in the game.


In 'ard boys 2008 I fired boomwagon at a unit of marines standing next to a land raider.

Scattered off the marines onto the land raider.

Rolled 2d6 for ordinance, rolled a 6

Rolled a 6 for damage..1 immobilized land raider.

I then immediately followed that by shooting a unit of Kannon at a 2nd land raider. All 3 hit after ammo runt re-rolls, 1 six for armor pen, 1 six for damage...2 immobilized land raiders in one shooting phase.

09-11-2009, 02:21 PM
Easy sneezy.

This was back in "end of 3rd/4th" edition days, but 24 Tau Fire Warriors in rapid fire range of two Obiterators. I hit with all shots (48), 25 wounds, all but 1 saved.

In the following phase, the Oblits flame and charge, wiping one squad out, they consolidate into the other (pre-5th obviously) and wipe it out in the next turn.

Just brutal.

09-11-2009, 04:51 PM
it was a small 500 point battle and all I had was a lone space marine scout. A Fire Prism, two squads of Dire Avengers, and a Falcon all shot at him. After the handfuls of dice had been rolled, the scout only failed one save. Alas that was all it took.

Inquisitor Lord Haestus
09-11-2009, 06:38 PM
In a RT tournament game I had a regular Tac squad who actually killed a bike riding Chaos HQ unit with nothing but bolter fire. He failed so many saves it was funny.

09-15-2009, 12:54 PM
For me, that's easy. In one game. I dropped a Leman Russ battle cannon template on 8 Marines. I rolled eight ones. I then dropped my second battle cannon template on the same squad, and rolled eight ones again. I almost gave up then, and it pretty well went that way for the rest of the game. I wasn't really surprised when I lost that one.