View Full Version : Scourges or Reavers?

Wolf Brother Hellstrom
11-02-2011, 10:58 AM
hey bols boys and girls,

Ive been playing my dark eldar for a while now using the the raider rush and im getting bored so im thinking to change a few things .

my dillemma is what to expand with.

while i eventually will get both im sure:D

which units are in your opinion more effective: Scourges or Reavers and what do you think are their optimum output for wargear.

Also for a side note which wych weapon do prefer and why: hydra guantlets, razorflails or the shardnet and impaler. Ive have been running usually with hydra gaunlets as i like the extra dice but alot of people prefer the flails.

have at it and thanks for the input

11-02-2011, 12:35 PM
hey bols boys and girls,

Ive been playing my dark eldar for a while now using the the raider rush and im getting bored so im thinking to change a few things .

my dillemma is what to expand with.

while i eventually will get both im sure:D

which units are in your opinion more effective: Scourges or Reavers and what do you think are their optimum output for wargear.

Also for a side note which wych weapon do prefer and why: hydra guantlets, razorflails or the shardnet and impaler. Ive have been running usually with hydra gaunlets as i like the extra dice but alot of people prefer the flails.

have at it and thanks for the input

Heyo! well I personally dont have much experience with scourges (I do own 10 of them but have only played them once) but I have to say reavers are awesome, I love the fact they can still cause some damage even when turbo boosting...

I reserve them and hope they come in on tle late game to do some objective contesting and/or some anti vehicle damage (demending on whether I got them blasters or caltrops), If I had to choose over my 6 reaver unit or a unit of 6 scourges I would go for the reavers altho their roles are deffinitely different in game.

As for special equipment for wytches I usually just run them with haywire granades and save the points for other stuff...

Ulthwé Guardian
11-02-2011, 04:25 PM
There's some interesting stuff in this BoLS article here (http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2011/07/40k-x-vs-y-dark-eldar-scourges-vs.html)

11-02-2011, 07:31 PM
I like a gourp of reavers with blasters and caltrops. The blasters's longer range is nice for jump-shoot-jump to de-mech guys and then you can turbo boot around. Nice, versatile unit.

11-03-2011, 03:17 AM
I would also advocate Reavers. A group (minimum 6) with 2 caltrops and a blaster/heatlance can dish out a lot of hurt

A lot of people forgot they can boost 36" and are suprised when they reach out and touch something very easily. A flyby attack of 2D6 S6 and 4D3 S4 hits can kill a lot of stuff in the open. And they're not slouch in combat either, with combat drugs and 2 attacks basic (1 + 2CCW) at Init 7, if they've al;ready earned a pain token (mine have never finished a game without at least 2, and have only all been killed once) then they awesome.

Just avoid Hydras (twinlinked, hitting on 4's, wounding on 2's ignoring all your saves? Ouch). And flamers.

As for scourges, they are good, but not in the same way. Scourge need to avoid combat, and are a different kind of harrying unit. Lots of poison shots and heavy weapons (get those heatlances in quick) but fold much more easily

Wolf Brother Hellstrom
11-03-2011, 10:49 AM
thanks for the replies, i bought some reavers last night lol. i have to agree that the reavers are more versetile and alot more manueverable than scourges. as for the article on bols i liked it but it just kinda broke down the units which i already knew. im going with the reavers for now. drlove42 i think we share a brain and everytime i read your post im like "damn i was goin to say that."