View Full Version : Death to melta spam?

10-29-2011, 05:09 AM
I've been reading up on all the new necron goodies at the GW website and came across this gem in the description of C'Tan Shard's abilities;
"weird game-changing mad science abilities (like Lord of Fire, which makes flamer and melta weapons explode!)."

I want to know more about this. This ability along with Quantum shielding would make necron vehicles quite tough.

Other things of note:
-Trazyn the infinite is a scoring HQ unit and very hard to kill.
-Imotekh's prolonged night fighting paired with a cryptek's solar pulse should be a popular combo.
-Command barge's sweep attacks hitting on a 4+. Does this include vehicles moving at cruising speed or faster? This could side step any protection a flier once had.

10-29-2011, 06:03 AM
Even if that description is true, it is almost certainly a fluff description instead of a gaming description.

Taking a unit that will automatically make all enemy metlas and flamers explode is way beyond game breaking.

The most such an ability would do is perhaps add the 'gets hot' special rule to meltas and flamers. Still a very powerful and annoying ability, but it is not going to make meltas and flamers unless either.

From a purely fluff prospective, such an ability might help explain how the Necrons were able to take out the sisters at sanctuary 101 so easily, since sisters reply heavily on melta and flamer weapons.

10-29-2011, 06:37 AM
Even if that description is true, it is almost certainly a fluff description instead of a gaming description.

Taking a unit that will automatically make all enemy metlas and flamers explode is way beyond game breaking.

The most such an ability would do is perhaps add the 'gets hot' special rule to meltas and flamers. Still a very powerful and annoying ability, but it is not going to make meltas and flamers unless either.

From a purely fluff prospective, such an ability might help explain how the Necrons were able to take out the sisters at sanctuary 101 so easily, since sisters reply heavily on melta and flamer weapons.

Not hard to implemwnt at all. Any flamer or melta weapon gains 'gets hot!' Done.

10-29-2011, 06:29 PM
Where did I say that would be hard to implement exactly?:confused:

10-29-2011, 07:02 PM
On top of that, you mention the exact solution he proposes in your original post.

10-30-2011, 03:37 AM
How could a flamer or a weapon that melts things "get hot"? I know this is supposed to be a science fiction game, but I just couldn't suspend my disbelief this much.

10-30-2011, 04:17 AM
How could a flamer or a weapon that melts things "get hot"? I know this is supposed to be a science fiction game, but I just couldn't suspend my disbelief this much.

you could think of it as destabilising the weapon maybe, the fuel exploding, also a flamer or melta could easily get too hot and stop working , just because it is meant to function at high temperatures doesn't mean there aren't temperatures it can't work at.

10-30-2011, 11:38 AM
It could also just represent the fuel pack exploding, the weapon becoming too hot to physically hold, our numerous other issues. You do get an armour save, after all. If it was merely "boom! Gun explodes!" Then your model would theoretically be weaponless.

10-30-2011, 01:16 PM
It could be placing a blast template over every model with a flamer/melta within a certain range. or maybe that model would simply suffer a wound. The 'gets hot' hypothesis seems too tame.

10-30-2011, 03:25 PM
I think it would likely be something like Gets Hot! I mean it's not hard to do. Melta guns Get Hot on a roll of 1 to hit, and you do the dice roll before placing the template with flamers like you do with plasma cannons. Tada.

11-03-2011, 04:32 AM
I don't think the ability of one unit in one codex is going to cause "death to melta spam."