View Full Version : Looking for input on IG paint scheme

Inquisitor Boreal
10-28-2011, 01:51 PM
Hey guys. I'm about to start an Imperial Guard army and I've decided to create my own regiment. It will be based upon the Cadian model line and I'm kind of throwing around a lot of paint schemes in my head.

Essentially, I want to do an Urban camo kind of paint scheme. What I've thought up so far is:
* Black boots (I'm not touching this one ;) )
* Shadow grey pants
* Fortress or Space Wolves grey on the armor
* Black or grey helmet
* Shadow grey weapon

I'm going to test it out, but I'm wondering if anyone has done something similar (think about it this way; I want the paint scheme to look like they're prepared for a fight in Stalingrad, Berlin anno 1945 or Fallout 3). I will freely admit that I'm not a good painter, so I'm not really looking for something that features tons of layers and camo patterns all over the place :) but any input is appreciated.


10-28-2011, 03:35 PM
That sounds fairly good the only thing I would have to say about it is you could try adding some browns to the model, either a light brown or a mix of brown and grey (might want to test that as I don't know how that would turn out) otherwise the grey scheme should do well. Also I would go for a helmet the same colour as the armor or at the least a grey of some sort otherwise the head would stick out allot.

10-28-2011, 05:29 PM
As Slug said, a little brown could easilly add a more 'real' feel to you models, especially if you are going for the Fallout kiind of style. Simple way to do that would be a wash of gryphonne sepia over the boots, trousers, shirts and possibly armour of the Cadian models, leaving the harder helmet and weapons with the cleaner colour. I would try to keep the wash fairly light, and maybe even do a drybrush of your basecolour(s) over the top to bring it back towards your grey urban camo idea

10-28-2011, 05:29 PM
Sounds good. My only comment would be that you might want to make the gun the same color as the armor or helmet and not the cloth, as the gun would be made out of similar materials.

Inquisitor Boreal
10-28-2011, 11:50 PM
Excellent, thank you for the input. I agree on adding some brown in there, like the idea of washing and IŽll give that a shot.

I will also do the armor, helmet and gun the same color as suggested, I donŽt think IŽll go fancy there.

11-01-2011, 04:11 AM
Sounds like Your colour scheme is going to be the opposite of mine



More pics at http://lucky88th.blogspot.com/

I can recommend simply painting your colour scheme, then just washing over the whole model with Badab Black.