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View Full Version : AdMech FanDex v3 Up!

10-28-2011, 04:47 AM
Hey all,

I posted about version 1 and 2 of my fandex project for the Adeptus Mechanicus a long while back. Last week I completed version 3 and would like to share.

It's over at admechfandex.com.

Thanks! :D

10-28-2011, 07:55 AM
You couldn't have told me about this two months ago when i started mine?

Dude, no secutors?

10-28-2011, 10:49 PM
Ha, sorry about that. I've been providing updates for a while around the blog community, I'm not much of a forum person for the most part, but I have been posting when I have a new version out.

I do plan to have Secutors in the dex eventually, I just didn't have the time to get them in along with Heavy Weapon Platforms.

I still say if you're making your own to keep going for it. There were a lot of fandexes out there when I started mine almost 2 years back, but I wanted things a certain way so I kept working. The whole basis of my dex is based on the novel Titatnicus by Dan Abnett, and I didn't see anyone else had done so.

12-02-2011, 07:19 AM
lol. Mines mostly based on Inquisitors handbook.

03-21-2012, 08:36 PM
This is not horrible, I will have to give it a go.