View Full Version : Adeptus arbites

10-24-2011, 10:11 PM
Question, is the CJ 29 arbite codex (the only official chapter approved one) still legal. There are no arbites in the current edition of the game. I realize that you would be able to use IG vet's with carapace and shotguns. But for whatever massochistic reason, I long for the massively underpowered original codex that got me really into this game.

10-25-2011, 01:45 AM
I am building an Adeptus Arbites Army based on the BOLS produced minidex. It is available on the Lord of Flies for download.

It is not as varied as the old codex, because it drops a lot of the Part-time and trainee Arbites troops who have less armour. The current army is just as week as the old one, but now has rules that are compatible with 5th edition, and hopefully next years 6th edition.

I especially like the Shock assault squads who get a 4+ invul and a 4+ armour save, 2 close combat weapons, and poisoned attacks, with grenades and a bolt pistol. The Black Maria is the only Anti-Tank weapon, and it also carries 6 troops, and they have bikers, field guns (with Infiltrate), drop troops who can deep strike, poisoned template weapons, and a special close combat rule for most of their troops who enemy find it one harder to hit in close combat (riot tactics).

With the thin red line, you can pretty much bring in flanking troops from reserve to hit your enemy weak areas, or take objectives, and as one Void Puppy (sorry space wolves) player I know found out even 2 squads of terminators can be shot to pieces by field artillery autocannons, and 4 squads of 10 troops with shotguns and pistols before being assaulted by loads of poisoned weapon attacks.

I also find the book of law, you can get for Arbite sergeants is so useful for rallying units that have broken and running away. As long as they are within 6" of a squad with a book of law ( even under half strength or within 6" of the enemy).

I find anytime an enemy brings a lemun russ tank force backed up by artillery and mechanised guard, I will be completely wiped out by the third turn of the game if the mission, reserve rolls, and terrain are not exactly perfect. Otherwise I lose the game by the 5th or 6th turn.

10-25-2011, 02:52 AM
It depends what you mean by legal. I doubt GW would still sanction it's use, but that doesn't mean you can't. I would check with your regular gaming group, if they are happy for you to use it then that is all that matters. As for tournaments, you will obviously have to check with the TO before entering as to what codexex they do/don't allow, some are more permissive than others.

10-25-2011, 01:54 PM
Using the new sisters codex for my arbites.

10-26-2011, 09:57 AM
hopefully but then again lots of codices have (BA/DA combined book, WH, DH, Sq*** ) all havnt had a book by the same name but still are not allowed in games.

anyways from a fluff view aribites would never be in full scale warfare, possibly a squad assisting a Ig PDF force but thats it!


heretic marine
10-26-2011, 12:16 PM
http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?t=17068 hope this helps

10-27-2011, 09:25 PM
I would of thought IG vets with shotguns was plenty underpowered. I built an arbites list using codex IG and Necromunda Arbites (dont ask how much it cost). I even found a use for the dogs (Penal Legion). Stormtroopers as a SWAT team, Hellhound Watercannon tank. Valkyries as helicopters. Even converted a Vindicare to look like Judge Dread(Commissar Lord) and Death Cult Assassin to look like Psi-Judge Anderson(Primaris Psyker).

10-28-2011, 12:02 PM
A solid option for Arbites now is taking Inquisitorial Acolytes from the Grey Knights codex and theming a force around it. You can represent quite a lot with the codex and it is not tremendously underpowered.

10-29-2011, 08:02 AM
A friend of mine left off the Valkyrie wings and made helicopter blades for it instead as an Arbite helicopter. It looks really good and the funny thing is it's ability to stay still in mid-air now actually makes sense, whereas when it's a Valkyrie, it just somehow suspends itself in mid-air without falling out of the sky.