View Full Version : Eldar Exodites - 1,500

10-24-2011, 03:14 PM
Lokking at an eldar exodite force as my next big army (lots of fantasy monster conversions) , I have pinned down the basics:

1,058 points

2 X 5 man dire avenger squads {WE glade guard cloaks}
2 X Wave serpents w/ scatter lasers & cannon {HE dragons/griffons}
2 X 3 Jetbikes w/ cannon and attached warlock w/ spear & destructor {cold ones & white lions}
Fire Prism w/ cannon & holofields {phoenix}
Falcon w/ bright lance, cannon & holofields {FW carmine dragon}
5 fire dragons {corsair cloaks}

This leaves me with 442 points to spend, for which I have a few options:

1) Jetbike Farseer w/fortune, runes & spear and shining spears w/ exarch, cannon, skilled riders & withdraw + warwalker w/ scatter lasers for outflanking against rear vehicle armour

2) Karandras & scorpions + cheap 1 power farseer

3) Eldrad, cheap melta Autarch + 3 warwalkers w/ 4 shuriken cannons & 2 scatter lasers

1 is most in character for the exodites and gives close combat punch but v expensive squad especially vulnerable if fortune is countered or just unlucky

2 I love the phoenix lords, but scorpions are so slow compared to most eldar

3 has Eldrad spam ( I really want to double eldritch storm a parking lot and have its rear armour facing my S6 guns :D) and massed S6 firepower, but minimal counter assault

Thoughts, other ideas? I'd like something characterful on the battlefield in some way and not just more of the same as my core force.

10-28-2011, 09:22 AM
I'm glad to see that your creating an exodite army. Exodites are one of those projects I always want to undertake but never get around to it. I would love to see some pics once you make them.

Anyways onto your list

Note: This first set of changes that I will recomend are only if you intend on competing with this list.

1. include a second fire prism. You need a second one as a back up and forthe option of combined fire.

2. do not put fire dragons in a falcon. Falcons are much more effective with a small DA squad because they are not quite as sturdy as wave serpents and tend to have longer ranged weapons. remember you have to get your fire dragons close to your enemy tanks in order for them to do anything. Personally I put a single farseer in with a small squad of dire avengers with guide so that I reroll misses. In case you don't already know you can cast guide on the tank that you are inside. Also having the DA unit in there makes the falcon scoring.

3. do not waste points on upgrading the twin linked s-catapults on s cannons. most of your tanks are going to racing about the battle field and in the curent ruleset any S 6 weapons are main consequently you can only fire one at a time on the move.

Note: the following changes are written if you intend on playing in a more casual setting.

Personally I would minimize the usage of tanks in an exodite army. I personally think using wraithlords or the avatar to represent the larger dinosaurs would be best. In other words exodites under the current ruleset would be more like a wraithwall army. However there certainly would be some flying reptiles and because there are no flying MC's in the current eldar codex you would be left with no choice but to use wave serpents, falcons or fire prisms

Jetbikes are a common way that people making exodite lists represent dragons. I have considered using them as wraithguard squads having the wraithcannon representing either some kind of acidic spit/fire breath or a special gun that the riders would cary (probably be modled like a short lance or similar to a fusion gun.)

Karandras and scorpions could be used to represent some kind of elite jungle fighters that the exodites have only problem is that I find it strange that they would have such high armor.

Using farseers or eldrad would be a good way to represent the psykers that reside on the exodite worlds. the jetbike farseer and warlocks could represent one of these psykers with his elite bodyguard.

well those are my thoughts take them or leave them.

10-28-2011, 10:06 AM
Thanks very much for your comments:

1) I'm not crazy about combined fire unless you can scrag some marines in the open but a bare bones prism without the holofields and cannon, firing from cover could be good and relatively cheap.
2) Thought about that after I posted, will definitely swap round the avengers and dragons.
3) I like having two weapons in case of a weapon destroyed and the falcon/fire prism is less likely to move. I might reconsider on the dragons' WS though

I've got some WIP conversions of a dragon and a phoenix (black dragon with griffon parts) that I am working on which can only really represent the tanks - base wise

I am considering including some warp spiders just to get to use the new FW spectres that make pretty good spider proxies, and their rock bases look good for exodite worlds.

I am not looking at maximum competitiveness but would like to do not get trounced. I also want to keep the model count down so I can apply lots of conversions and base detail.