View Full Version : Let's Catalogue the current competitive buils

10-24-2011, 11:46 AM
(CD) Fatecrusher
(DE) Raider Rush
(DA) Deathwing
(Eldar) Mechdar
(Eldar) Wraithquin list
(Eldar) Walker Wall
(Eldar) Jetseer
(IG) Mechvet
(IG) Airmech
(Ork) Battlewagon
(Ork) Kan Wall
(SM) Vulkan's Salamanders
(SW) Thunder Wolf Spam
(SW) Long fang foot
(SW) Wolfwing
(BA) Desent of Angels
(BA) Razor Spam
(BA) Spam Bubbles
(SW) Razor Spam
(BT) Raider Rush
(CD) Nurgle's Tally
(CD) Daemonzilla
(Tau) Broadside Batteline
(Tau) Farsight Bomb
(SM) Pedro Sterngaurd
(Ork) Green Tide
(IG) Imperial foot horde
(IG) Combined Arms
(Ork) Nob Biker
(DE) Portal Assault
(DE) Venom Spam
(DE) List of Pain
(CSM) World Eaters
(SM) Drop pod assualt
(SM) Razor Spam
(SM) Dred wall
(NID) Stealer tide
(NID) Pregofex tide
(NID) Trygosaur
(GK) Purifier Spam
(GK) Hench Riflemen
(GK) Dual Raider/Raven
(GK) Foot Knights
(GK) Driago Wing
(GK) Hybrid Paladin Purifiers

Hopefully we should have some good list descussion and we'll get some good list ideas.



10-24-2011, 01:30 PM
Yes. Lets encourage net lists more. This is going to come across as mean, but what a stupid idea.

10-24-2011, 02:02 PM
Stupid....steady on, it's just a post on a website. I Don't think that comment is deserved.

I just thought i'd be good to know whats out there and have a chat about what works and what dosn't in the current pre 6th edition meta with the understanding that everyone has a diffierent perspective on this.

I went to Throne of Skulls recently and it is no conincidence that a Codex Dark Angels list that made heavy use of the standard Dark Angels codex choices (Rhinos, Tactical Squads and assualt squads, oh my!!!) was at the bottom tables despite the best efforts of it's owner, imperial guard mech lists and Dark eldar lists with flyers were all over the top tables and every ork list had a mech with a Kustom Force field.

Interestingly Necrons won! There was a list with 30 Wraithguard on the top tables and one dark eldar player used a massive swarm of Razor wings to ranpage across the battle field causeing terrible casualties in every game he played

I think the newer codex's have more competative builds and the competative builds have more variety/flexibility in them. However i'm just wanting to share other people perspective on what synergises well from what codex and what strengths and weaknesses these lists have.



10-24-2011, 02:40 PM
A lot of these lists look to do one thing very well at the expense of other things. I've found IG "Combined Arms" (a mix of foot and mech, with a smattering of cav, air cav and tanks to suit) a very effective list against most forces - but as a dedicated Guard player, I'm not sure how many other lists stand up to that sort of approach.

End of the World
10-24-2011, 02:57 PM
Is (CSM) Dual Lash still considered to be comp?

Also, needs (Ork) Kan Wall and (BA) Spambubbles

10-24-2011, 03:33 PM
There's nothing in 40k that really needs comp, especially not dual lash. CSM is showing its age, and it needs those annoying tricks and combos just to keep up.

The thing with the 'netlist' attitude is that it's not like there's one specific list for each of these categories. You could build a dozen different Mechdar lists, for example, and the only thing that ties them together is that they all have a Farseer, lots of Wave Serpents, and multiple units of Fire Dragons. Beyond that there's actually a lot of flexibility.

This is especially true with the new codices. You could take a Driagowing list, but there are dozens of different ways to write that army because once you have Driago, 10 Paladins and some Psyrifle Dreads what do you spend the rest of your points on? Another unit of Paladins? Some Terminators? Cheap GKSS squads? Coteaz+Henchmen? Interceptors?

I call bull on the idea that people commonly copy-paste 'netlists', because there aren't really many true 'netlists'. There are kinda categories of lists, but within each category there are usually a lot of different variants you can go with. I also think if we want to make a list like this, you need to include a brief description of each category, to define the common elements that the list uses. So Fatecrusher would be 'Fateweaver plus lots of Bloodcrushers plus anything that can act as anti-tank'.

Anyways, for Grey Knights:
Purifier spam: Crowe plus Purifiers with psycannons plus Psyrifle Dreads.
Henchmen+Psyrifle: Coteaz plus mixed henchmen units plus Psyrifle Dreads.
Dual Rocks: Dual Storm Raven/Land Raider with Death Cult Assassins plus Inquisitor with Grenades.
Driagowing: Driago and Paladins plus Psyrifle Dreads.
Hybrid: Terminator/Paladin hammer unit, plus mech GKSS/Purifiers backed up by Psyrifle Dreads.
Foot GKs: Grand Master plus Terminators backed up by Interceptors and Psyrifle Dreads.

10-25-2011, 03:34 PM
I've added Eldar walker wall as I remember 9 War Walkers with scatter lasers being horrific.

I've gone up against combined arms Guard and I think it can be feirce even when you get in amoungst it there is just so much to kill, it's easy to louse momentum. It's up there.

(CSM) Dual Lash is gone i've never gone up agaisnst it and know it used to be feared but now I imagine so much can shut down the psychic powers it relies on it will louse much of it's impact.

(Ork) Kan Wall and (BA) Spambubbles these are up WHAT IS Spambubbles???

All the Grey Knight Suggestions are up as i've heard there are many mean combos that the Grey Knights codex can put together.

I think older codexs definately are suffering in terms of their ability to put together more than a couple of competative lists. Where as the newer ones seem to be full of possibilities.

Is Plague Marines worth of inclusion these days what do we reckon?

Oh and what about all Death Company.....I think it's scary but very limited.

I just remembered arn't there well scarry null deployment nids lists.....anyone faced them???

The famous Footdar I hear can be hardcore but i've never met it?

Do we rate Shrike Alpha strike as a list??

Totally agree about net list I think very few people just copy a paste lists from the net. I have a razor spam list, it's got a assault squad,4 assualt cannon razorbacks 3 vindicators, a librarian and a captain while the gamesworkshop sample razorspam list has speeders, las cannon razorbacks no assualt squad and the tac squads don't have powerfists both are razorspam.



End of the World
10-25-2011, 03:42 PM
Dual Lash was weak as hell when I stopped playing (when C:BA came out).

The BA build I'm referring to is spamming FNP bubbles - My build of choice :D

10-25-2011, 03:47 PM
BA spamming FNP bubbles i've met this......even when I was using the my 3 vindicators list the rest of my army just couldn't do enough extra damage to overcome the feel no pain....certainly a nasty list especially when it makes good use of cover and has lots of infantry or jump infantry.



10-25-2011, 05:02 PM
I find a Ork list that's a squad of biker nobs, 2 big mecs with KFF/burna, and 4 full squads of Choppa Boyz a very effective list to throw down.


10-26-2011, 08:42 AM
What is a Thunderwolf Spam list if you dont mind me asking. Ive got 10 of them, well made and painted, and every time I use them, they die horribly in 1-2 rounds accomplishing nothing.

Of course maybe they just suck vs DE or IG...or maybe I just suck with them :)

10-26-2011, 10:29 AM
Have you tried wolf lords? I run 3 of them in my list and they make it across the field np with there three thunderwolf calvary homies and fenresian wolf body guards.

10-26-2011, 10:41 AM
Biker nobs, 2 big mecs with KFF/burna, and 4 full squads of Choppa Boyz sounds like a variation of standard Ork Horde, sounds like a pretty feirce list to me! Hard to stop all those bodies with T4 and cover saves everywhere.

The Thunder Wolf Spam I understood to be based around super hardcore Space Wolf Characters on Thunder Wolves body guarded by ablative fenrisian wolf wounds.



10-26-2011, 02:10 PM
ah that makes more sense thanks. I might have to try that sometime. I was using 2-3 TWC with shields but still got tore up.


10-27-2011, 06:48 PM
What is Pregofex Tide? I thought you could only have a maximum of two (2) mama bugs. Please tell me I am wrong and explain how.

10-27-2011, 10:15 PM
Biker nobs, 2 big mecs with KFF/burna, and 4 full squads of Choppa Boyz sounds like a variation of standard Ork Horde, sounds like a pretty feirce list to me! Hard to stop all those bodies with T4 and cover saves everywhere.

The Thunder Wolf Spam I understood to be based around super hardcore Space Wolf Characters on Thunder Wolves body guarded by ablative fenrisian wolf wounds.



It has worked very well for me for over a year now. Grey Knight Purifiyers have made me have to tweak it slightly recently thow.

Bassicly I'm going to try and load up my wound allocation nobs heavier on Big Coppas.

Uncle Nutsy
10-27-2011, 10:26 PM
What is Pregofex Tide? I thought you could only have a maximum of two (2) mama bugs. Please tell me I am wrong and explain how.

they can bring a total of five tervies to the fight. two HQ's and three troop choices. The amount of gaunts those things can spawn is just staggering. They'll just bury you in weight of fire and bodies.

10-28-2011, 08:30 AM
Yep, I have all the Codex's and when I got hold of the Grey Knight Codex Purifiers stood out as a screamingly hardcore unit, they are perhaps the ultimate smiss army knife.

Anyway to re-post from my earlier edit what about these lists anyone have any thoughts:

Is Plague Marines worth of inclusion these days what do we reckon?

Oh and what about all Death Company.....I think it's scary but very limited.

I just remembered arn't there well scarry null deployment nids lists.....anyone faced them???

The famous Footdar I hear can be hardcore but i've never met it?

Do we rate Shrike Alpha strike as a list??



10-28-2011, 01:20 PM
(CD) Fatecrusher
(DE) Raider Rush
(DA) Deathwing
(Eldar) Mechdar
(Eldar) Wraithquin list
(Eldar) Walker Wall
(Eldar) Jetseer
(IG) Mechvet
(IG) Airmech
(Ork) Battlewagon
(Ork) Kan Wall
(SM) Vulkan's Salamanders
(SW) Thunder Wolf Spam
(SW) Long fang foot
(SW) Wolfwing
(BA) Desent of Angels
(BA) Razor Spam
(BA) Spam Bubbles
(SW) Razor Spam
(BT) Raider Rush
(CD) Nurgle's Tally
(CD) Daemonzilla
(Tau) Broadside Batteline
(Tau) Farsight Bomb
(SM) Pedro Sterngaurd
(Ork) Green Tide
(IG) Imperial foot horde
(IG) Combined Arms
(Ork) Nob Biker
(DE) Portal Assault
(DE) Venom Spam
(DE) List of Pain
(CSM) World Eaters
(SM) Drop pod assualt
(SM) Razor Spam
(SM) Dred wall
(NID) Stealer tide
(NID) Pregofex tide
(NID) Trygosaur
(GK) Purifier Spam
(GK) Hench Riflemen
(GK) Dual Raider/Raven
(GK) Foot Knights
(GK) Driago Wing
(GK) Hybrid Paladin Purifiers

Hopefully we should have some good list descussion and we'll get some good list ideas.



Are you trying to tell me that the White Dwarf Sister's of Battle Codex is not competitive?:eek: Why am I not surprised?:rolleyes:

10-28-2011, 04:59 PM
If you can think of a particular list format for sisters thats paticulaly intimidating and could hold it's own in competative play then i'm all ears......i've never played them and no one has ever talked to me about any paticulaly feirce combos they can hand out.

Mabye Jacobus and 9 Penitent engines or some similar format.....i'm all ears....like a earosaurus!



10-29-2011, 03:15 AM
Looking forward to seeing what the new Necron codex will have to offer, competitive wise. I suspect we may see lots of Doomsday Arks. Personally though I tend to play with models I have painted better than others :D and what appeals to me. Still ALL of the new Necrons appeal to me so I have have a competitive army yet :)

10-29-2011, 10:18 AM
they can bring a total of five tervies to the fight. two HQ's and three troop choices. The amount of gaunts those things can spawn is just staggering. They'll just bury you in weight of fire and bodies.

Really? I've done well with two, but did not realize you could field three as troops. I better read the codex more carefully.

10-29-2011, 02:05 PM
Having had a good look at all the Necron info out there it looks like the new Necron dex will be supporting the arguement that newer codexs have more viable competitive builds....looks like lots of clever combos avalible.

