View Full Version : Grailkeeper's Converted Chaos Commissar.

10-23-2011, 10:09 AM
Thanks to everyone who gave me advice on using greenstuff, especially Isoptope99 and Col Gravis.

This is my Chaotic Commissar for an upcoming Black Crusade campaign my friend is hosting. I wanted to run a renegade Commissar- one who has only recently fallen to Chaos. So recently, in fact, that he has yet to realise it himself. His name will be Wolfgang Gartner (Shamelessly nicked from a DJ i like).

The model is a Zombie German Officer from studio miniatures that I commissarised with Greenstuff. I wanted to make a model that looks like he's been through the wars and this model is pretty ragged. I wanted to show his chaos side more subtly than through skulls and chaos symbols. So instead I went for the ominous pose and evil leer that this model gave.

10-23-2011, 10:20 AM
Conversion-wise I bent his head backwards, as it was lolling forward. Now he looks more like he's leering than a brain dead zombie. Then I sculpted a sash in two stages with greenstuff. After that I added Epaulettes using Col Gravis's tutorial ( http://colgravis.blogspot.com/2007/11/tutorial-simple-epualettes.html ). I then added some Commissarial cuffs, I had to try my best to make it clear they weren't part of the sash so I based them on the cuff's on a Senior Counsel's robes. After that I built up the base under his feet with Green stuff to try and make it look like he's slowly and purposively walking forwards, rather than shambling. It'll probably be a few weeks before he's fully painted.

Fluff wise Commissar Gartner was an unremarkable commissar, barring a higher than average number of field executions and a propensity towards violence. His fall came when he executed a sanctioned pysker that was suffering from an attempted possession on the field of battle at Cadia during The 13th crusade. Unfortunately this was the work of a Radical Inquisitor who was trying to create a daemonhost. Commissar Gartner executed him as well, and is being pursued by the Inquistion and Imperium for the sin of killing an Inquisitor.

TLDR- he fell to chaos when fighting chaos and is now a fugitive from the Imperium he was trying to protect.

10-23-2011, 04:08 PM
I like hiom a lot. Could probably do with a holster and/or a scabard for his weapon's, but other than that. Good work on the green stuff as well.

Looking forward to seeinghim painted up :)

10-25-2011, 01:17 PM
Well the campaign has all the characters starting off unarmed (a mass prison break by high priority prisoners). I'll see if I can find a nice scabbard or holster to add to him, I think green stuffing a good looking one might be slightly beyond my ability, though not impossible.