View Full Version : My SM tactics

Inquisitor Zalmon
10-22-2011, 09:56 AM
Being a nood who bought the Assault on Black Reach kit a weeks ago, I've been making up some tactics and I felt like I would share it.

I split my forces up into three groups, a tactical squad (3 Marines) huddling behind a Dreadnought, a squad of 5 Terminators, and 4 Marines being led by the Captain. I have the Dread squad draw most of the fire while having the two other squads attack the forces from their flanks. When they turn their attention from the Dread squad, the Dreadnought unleashes all his firepower and using the Missile Launcher Marine in my Dread squad to rain fire upon the enemy.

I find this to be pretty effective in small scale battles.

10-22-2011, 06:11 PM
all well and good but its not really 40k until you got at least 500 points and are following the force organization chart.

Inquisitor Zalmon
10-22-2011, 07:04 PM
Force Organization chart?

10-22-2011, 10:16 PM
buy the rule book and spacemarine codex... just saying, many more rules you need to learn.

10-22-2011, 10:27 PM
buy the rule book and spacemarine codex... just saying, many more rules you need to learn.

He speaks the truth.

The FOC details the rules for creating a given army.

For example, an army is not considered 'legal' in game terms if it does not meet the minimum FOC requirements - which is typically an HQ and two Troop choices from your codex.

The FOC section of a codex will also detail specific requirements for a given army, such as mandatory/optional units (if any) and squad/squadron sizes.

For example, it's actually illegal to take a unit of 4 terminators. They come in units of 5, and can have up to 5 more models added to the unit.

10-24-2011, 12:08 AM
He speaks the truth.

The FOC details the rules for creating a given army.

For example, an army is not considered 'legal' in game terms if it does not meet the minimum FOC requirements - which is typically an HQ and two Troop choices from your codex.

The FOC section of a codex will also detail specific requirements for a given army, such as mandatory/optional units (if any) and squad/squadron sizes.

For example, it's actually illegal to take a unit of 4 terminators. They come in units of 5, and can have up to 5 more models added to the unit.

+1 for truth.
+1 for being helpful to a new player rather than showing contempt.

Enjoy your internet points sir, spend them wisely.

10-24-2011, 12:17 AM
Woo, internet points! :D

Everyone has to start somewhere. And the rules are complex and take a while to learn.
If it weren't for new players, eventually we'd run out of people to share the game/hobby with.

10-24-2011, 07:53 AM
Definetly grab a codex not only are they an informative read they are an interesting read also.
Think of your codex as your force's bible, obey its commandments!

Also Welcome to the Hobby!!! Hope you enjoy the dark grim era of endless war that is 40k.

Inquisitor Zalmon
10-24-2011, 05:34 PM
I bought the Codex and it doesn't say anything against my strategy.

Inquisitor Zalmon
10-24-2011, 05:44 PM
all well and good but its not really 40k until you got at least 500 points and are following the force organization chart.

But I do have 500 points. D:

10-24-2011, 07:12 PM
You're strategy is fine, if it works for you then ok but when you say you have 500 points is it in the configuration you mentioned if so you're going to have to make a few changes because tactical squads consist of a minimum of 5 marines (4 marines and a sergeant) check your new codex.

10-25-2011, 01:23 AM
You can spilt your tactical squad in 2x5 man squads (but still counts as 1 troop choice). To play 'legal' you need a minimum of 1 Headquaters (the captain for example) and 2 troops (a tactical squad and a scout squad for example). Now you got:

1 Headquaters:
Captain - power weapon and bolter - 115 pts

2 Elites
Dreadnought - multi-melta and powerfist with build-in storm bolter - 105
Terminators (5 man) - 4x Power fist and storm bolter 1x power weapon and storm bolter - 200 pts

1 Troop
Tactical squad (10 man) - Bolters, 1x flamer, 1x missisle launcher and the seargent is armed with a bolt pistol and chain sword (close combat weapon) - 170 pts

Total of 590 pts that is a nice start! So you only need a seccond tactical squad or a scout squad an you are good to go :). But for you do that just play a few games with what you have to get familiar with the rules. Iin the meantime you can think of a colorsceme and what you realy want as a seccond troop choice.

Enjoy :D.

10-25-2011, 03:29 AM
In the very back end of the codex is the army list. Within it are different sections, namely HQ, Elites, Troops, Fast Attack, and heavy support.

You are limited to two HQ's, 3 Elite's, 6 Troops, 3 Fast attack, and 3 Heavy support.

You must take 2 Troops and an HQ in your army, or it is invalid.

Underneath each entry that I pointed out above are your various choices. It is there you will find the options and numbers that squads can reach. For instance in the troops section under Tactical squad it states the squad is made up of 4 marines and 1 sergeant, making it a total of five models minimum. This is located underneath the profile line.

I would go on but it's late, and I just wanted a basic message out there anyhow.

Hope it helps.

10-26-2011, 04:30 PM

Talking strategy is critical to becoming a good player. If you want a good discussion, tell us who you typically play against.

I have been into 40k for a few years so I have a ton of models (not all painted unfortunately). My typical space marine list has two venerable dreadnoughts with assault cannons in drop pods. They land behind the enemy and are able to cause some serious damage on their first turn as well as stand up to some return fire. If you are just starting out, I recommend that you proxy models to try out new strategies. A soda can makes for a wonderful drop pod.

Most importantly, really learn the rules. I have read the rule book at least ten times and frequently look into rule questions on forums. The game is better when you have a strong grasp on how to play.

Da Gargoyle
11-02-2011, 10:17 PM
I have watched the lads in th GW store fight battles with the starter kit orks v marines. Lets forget FOC for a sec' and go with what you got.

Using the orks to counter, I would put the WaaghBoss in with the boys mob assault your termies wuth them, Shoot your dread & tac marines with the deff kopters and assault your HQ & other marine squad wuth the ork nobs.

Once the boys have whiittled away your termies, they can swing on your HQ and other marines and join the Nobs in a hack fest. Finally the survivors roll up on your dread who is likely damaged by the deff kopters.

Evil init

You will want more troops so decide who you want to be. The starter kit was worth it for the rule book alone. Then keep those ideas comming and find a victim to try them out on.

In regards to the current rules, has anyone gone back to Ed 2 rules for squad based games?