View Full Version : Land Raider Proteus rules up on forgeworld

10-21-2011, 11:27 AM
Anyone seen this?


I hadn't seen it on here. Interesting - no assault ramp, only 8 models.

On the plus, its an elite, it ignores melta extra d6, and has a nerf on reserve rolls. Also Chaos get a POTMS called infernal device. 225 points.

Expecting more than ever for forgeworld to become vanilla 40K legal.

10-21-2011, 11:44 AM
The rules only just went up - I like them, it's a good and proper tank for Marines. I also like that you have to pay for the Ceramite armour, so it can end up costing a fair chunk more than standard LR.

10-21-2011, 12:32 PM
the real question is can it take 8 Terminators as it just says "Transport: 8 Model* I like it, I wish however it didnt cost £80 :(


10-21-2011, 12:43 PM
I would assume an 8-model transport capacity limits it to 4 terminators...as models in terminator armour count as 2 models for the purpose of transport capacity.

I'm not sure about this land raider being appropriately costed, myself...

I mean, sure it has a reduced transport capacity and no assault ramps...but the ability to disrupt reserve rolls and put out a 24" no-infiltrate bubble AND take ceramite armour to make it nigh-indestructible puts it up to 5 points cheaper than a regular raider.
Those benefits seem to outweigh the disadvantages pretty heavily, I think.

On an interesting note, though - Chaos gets access to PotMS through 'Infernal Device' - something they'll get with a new codex eventually?

10-21-2011, 12:44 PM
No forward assault ramp kills it for its points cost IMO. It has a neat bag of tricks but Marines can't afford to spend that many points for a vehicle unless it is delivering some nasty stuff into their opponent's lines.

10-21-2011, 12:49 PM
But it's a nigh-unkillable scouting weapons platform that can get a squad to an objective (mind you it seems like a better buy for armies that can do MSU) and provide fire support while also disrupting reserves and, with deployment + scout, also disrupt infiltrators.

EDIT: For the record I'm not really that concerned with this being an unbalanced unit - in my experience FW rules have never swayed things too heavily one way or another. I just think it seems - on-paper and in-concept - undercosted for what it's offering Marines.

10-21-2011, 04:09 PM
I love these rules. If you want an assault vehicle, get a normal land raider. If you want a command vehicle or MBT, use this. Throw a combat squad on there and make it scoring. Scout gives it flexability, Ceramite armor and dozer blade options make it nigh-invulnerable to the melta-spam, and reserve mods are extremely helpful. It is an awesome support vehicle for reserve heavy lists like drop pods or Terminator heavy.

10-21-2011, 07:09 PM
Oh forgeworld, you sly son of a biscuit eater. You can say this is for an Adeptus Astartes army all you want, but we both know that this is for a TOTALLY different adeptus you're woking on. yes my sweet, take your time and grow within you the beauty that is about to shine forth. It has been too long an injustice that they have remained ruleless for so long, now let them come forth once more.

10-21-2011, 10:49 PM
And Some of us still have the originals.... Or, even more than one.... ~.^

10-22-2011, 02:16 AM
its smart but £80 ????? really, you can almost get 2 land raides for that lol

10-22-2011, 02:56 AM
Seeing as it's meant to be really rare, old technology, and can lower reserves with said rare technology, I think it should be unique so that you can only have one. -2 to enemy reserves would be a bit silly.

Also, when are they going to remember that ceramite is what pretty almost all space marine stuff is made of, why is it now resistant to melta? You're meant to need energy fields/necron metal for that kind of thing.

10-22-2011, 01:04 PM
I think the rules - though still experimental - are a bit too much sugar on this ugly vehicle. Oh it was ancient beyond belief and all that, but it can: scout (and therefore flank), hold infiltrators at bay, drive throug the best anti-tank-fire with a smile, nerf the reserve of the enemy and deliver 8 sm/4 termis to a crucial point - not to mention the machinespirit and oh yeah they build a tiny lillte disadvantage - only tow accespoints, no assault ramp. Hmm so i park it here, lough about the meltas und wait a turn till my troops emerge:) What the ....

10-22-2011, 02:11 PM
No, it's costed correctly, I've done the math. My model BTW has a 5% error.

10-22-2011, 09:27 PM
actually its "8 models" so no restriction on termies taking 2 spots. Atleast for chaos as the chaos terminator armour never states they take 2 spots don't know bout loyalist.

10-23-2011, 10:27 AM
actually its "8 models" so no restriction on termies taking 2 spots. Atleast for chaos as the chaos terminator armour never states they take 2 spots don't know bout loyalist.

4 terminators, restrictions for terminators are in the termies rules no tthe land raider.