View Full Version : 1500 pt Sisters list

10-19-2011, 02:47 PM
So first off a note here, this is a sisters list which means to me no crap like priests and otherstuff without boobs and boltguns, second theres only one HQ cause the Canoness makes me want to puke and theres no other sister commander.


Celestine (Duh)... 115pts

Fast Attack

6 Dominions, 2 Meltaguns, Superior w/ Combi-flamer, Simulacrum... 133pts
Immolator, TWL HF, Dozerblade... 70pts

6 Dominions, 2 Meltaguns, Superior w/ Combi-flamer, Simulacrum... 133pts
Immolator, TWL HF, Dozerblade... 70pts

9 Seraphim, 2 Handflamer Sets, Superior w/ Powersword... 190pts


Battle Sister Squad, Melta, Flamer... 140pts
Rhino, Dozerblade... 40pts

Battle Sister Sqaud, Melta, Flamer... 140pts
Rhino, Dozerblade... 40pts

Heavy Support

Exorcist... 135pts

Exorcist... 135pts

Problems, first off the 160 pts hole in the army I can't figure out what to do with it, I want a third sister squad to get another scoring unit in there. The Imolators annoy me as their basically a Razorback with limited options and 25 pts overpriced, but taking rhinos will deny me a HF and will decrease the damage potential of the Dominion Sqaud overall. I thought of changing to 2 Flamers, a Combi-Melta, that would save me 20 points needed for a third girl sqaud but I'm not sure that would be a good idea. So any ideas, thoughts or criticisms?

10-19-2011, 04:42 PM
At 160 ypu should be able to fit a retributor unit with heavy bolters. Any extra points can go to adding melta guns in the other units.

10-20-2011, 02:15 AM
Personally, i would take out both celestine and the seraphim scuadronn, for what iīve seen so far, since the codex update, their just wasted points, they donīt pack a punch all that well and their probably just going to get ripped apart in CC.
Iwould get either:
- a canonesse in inmolator with a comand squad with 3 mm (canīt remember the name of the squad but itīs the one that u can only take with canonnese and can get relentless)
- Uriah with a conclave of assasins and some crusaders in a quimera.

also get another exorcist, you can never have enough of these bad boys.

10-20-2011, 02:07 PM
Sorry bud but I can't disagree more I've used that squad and celestine in every game and every game they perform, first of all they are not a CC squad but a harassment squad and most units they flamebroil are rarely up to a charge anyways. I've used this squad to destroy 15 Khorne Berserkers, 20 chaos marines, over 30 orcs and two full squads or Grey Knights in only four games, not trying to brag here but I think we have differing approaches to how the unit is used and pts wise their relatively cheap. A Canoness and Command squad is 310 pts, Canoness with Powersword and Rosarious and 3 MM, with Immolator; in combat this squad fares even worse as theres only four real sisters in it, just because they can gain Preferred Enemy doesn't make them CC wonders. The Dialogues and Chirugen are only good for the FNP and Faith recovery and the Relentless prevents the squad overrunning a defeated foe, inability to increase squad size makes it hard to choose casaulities and being unable to attach a Simulacrum means no reroll on Faith.
The Seraphim plus Celestine only comes to 305 pts and can pump out 4 STR 3 flame templates, and 1 STR 5 combined with the bolt pistol shots, which can reroll failed to wounds, your looking at a lot of anti-infantry firepower. In addition to that the Seraphim counts as equipped with a Simulacrum as long as the Superior is alive and can reroll failed Shield of Faith tests, in combat your looking at 3 ATs each with a potential 4 power weapon attacks yes their STR 3 but oh well. Celestine herself brings 6 ATs on the charges at WS 7 and INT 7 that wound on a 4+ regardless oh and they pass Faith tests on a 3+ with a reroll. I'm not trying to be a douche here but in my opinion the Seraphim are worth their weight in gold whereas the SCC and Canoness are horribly planned and have limited tactical uses and don't get me started on Immolators (such a waste of 65 pts).

As for Retributors I though of that and am still considering it but I'd like the army to be fully mounted (being a picky baby here I know) and I think the Exorcists are more than up to the long range devastation. Another Sisters squad would give me another scoring unit plus I could simply use the Rhino with them as a decoy and leave them planted with HB, anyways planning is still in motion as for Death Cult or Battle Conclave their awesome and have never failed me but as I said I'd like a pure sisters army.

PS. Chimera? What Chimera, we had one but they took it from us, Sister Transport are limited to Rhino and Immolator, we had Land Raiders too but they took them away as well, imagine ten death cult with Uriah in a Land Raider.

10-20-2011, 03:33 PM
- Its not actually my aproach with them, i dont play with sisters i was commenting o what i have seen people do with tha squad build. Anyways, maybe you just play against terrible players or on the other hand i do, but i donīt think that that squad would fend off well against any of my armies no matter how good you are with them, though i could be wrong, maybe your tactics beat mine XD
-still i think that another exorcist would go well and you could drop seraphims for the other sisters squad and leave Celestine for lone-harrassment which is something people like in some forums XD
- srry for the quimera thing, i didnt have the WD with me when i posted XD

10-20-2011, 04:09 PM
First off Bleak I want to apologize I was wrong about the Simulacrum the SCC can take it but would be reduced to 2 MM and would be 320 pts instead of 310, I'm sorry I came off abit of a prude and deserve any retribution you want. As for tactics not to pick on you every player has their own way of playing and my usual opponents do tend towards the hack and slash style game play makes it very easy to surrond and bait them into a nasty and very flamy trap. Celestine on her own is a tactic I've used and it works well but Seraphim look to cool not to include, Exorcists are wonderful but that 1 is gonna pop up on the die and your wonder tank suddenly drops the ball so I try not to rely to0 much on them.
And I would enjoy playing against you and would welcome any challange to my girls, they rarely fail providing entertainment whether they're gleefully lighting heretics on fire or getting mulched by a skilled opponent. I find the Seraphim often take my opponents by surprise, particularly those who think they have prior knowledge of them and they at the moment are the most hated squad I possess acordding to my regular opponents. In an 1850 list I would take the SCC but tactically it's a good idea but rarely comes through as it's to easy to kill despite FNP.
I'm thinking my best bet would be some more sister sqauds with flamer and melta (you can't get enough melta), but I'm stuck as to whats to remove to get them, the Seraphim stay as I've had to much success to abandon them now. One hindsight reducing the melta count in the Dominions is lunacy and the combi-flamer to nessacary to lose as Immolators are as easy to kill as Rhinos and that HF often gets nuked quick. So if I take a third sisters squad it would be on foot unless I opt for some Stormbolters and runt he Rhino empty as a decoy and us the sisters to defend home turf this has worked before. I think I'll try this out, again sorry if I insulted you I always forget that not everyone pays attention to sisters and most have little idea how to play them.

10-20-2011, 06:02 PM
I haven't played with the new codex, since it's not worth building my sisters up into a full army under the new rules, but with the old ally rules I used Seraphim quite often, and they were flat out amazing. No, they wouldn't kill tons of stuff. But I don't know if there was a more annoying unit in the whole game for my opponent if you know what you're doing. Now that they're significantly cheaper, I can't see how they wouldn't be a good unit, even if their Hit and Run isn't as reliable and they don't have 3++ saves anymore.

10-21-2011, 04:55 PM
Well now their still awesome the pistols rule is gross and often underestimated, 4 STR3 Flamers meh who cares...oh wait they reroll to wound. I've killed over 40 marines (chaos and loyal) with just the flamers alone in only 2 games. When your rolling 20+ armour saves alot is gonna stick, they attract alot of attention leaving my army free to do whatever they feel like. My regular foes admit their scary but they always claim to have something that will stop them and usually it works but always too late. Not trying to brag as I believe most the chaps and gals on here can tan my hide in a game of 40k but their just too exciting a unit not to rant about them :p.
In combat they're not great but theres rarely alot of the enemy left to deal with after shooting and with a potential 31 attacks (10 girl squad) they can hurt some stuff. Anyways I made up my mind on the 160 pts and choose a third sister squad to camp and provide a decoy rhino, I love that tactic but I got yelled at by a dude who called it cheating. Is it cheating I hope not cause i'd feel like an ***.

02-29-2012, 01:19 PM
I wouldn't change much of anything, I play them competitively and you have a really solid build. The only suggestion I would make is dropping the melta gun and replacing it with a MultiMelta on a camping troop squad. This gives you a more range and if you are just sitting on an objective you now have the ability to reach out and touch something that might be more of a threat. For 160 points you could put a penetance engine in the third heavy slot and use the other points for your standards or vehicle upgrades. Or you could put almost a whole squad of Repentia on the field these ladies are nothing to sneeze at now that they have been upgraded. 27 str6 double dice pens against a vehicle lines tend to have an incredible shock on some opponents.

03-04-2012, 07:48 PM
Don't listen to the Seraphim haters. Celestine plus 10 Seraphim with max flamers and an eviscerator is fairly cheap and acts like a precision guided tomahawk missle. Best shooting unit in 40k vs infantry period. The only thing I've fought that survived their shot was a 15 strong squad of plague marines. Everything else dies or gets so mauled they're easy pickings for the squad in melee. The fewest wounds I've put on a T4 squad in one shot so far is 21. The most was over 40. (Tank shocked orks...)