View Full Version : Remnants of deamonhunters - Inquisitorial guard

10-19-2011, 06:02 AM
Hey folks,

This is something I haven't really gotten around to taking decent pictures off, but it is something I did a looooong time ago (somewhere in 2005 I think). My inducted imperial guard units and inquisitorial stormtroopers of my daemonhunter army.

With the new codex, these guys are now sadly stabled. A big pain in the ***, because they did take me HOURS to finish. Mainly because I decided to give them white armor and I opted to give them additional armorplates with greenstuff. It was an excersize to learn basic GS manipulation and to paint white anyway...

The parts that actually got finished:

Army overview


Some detail shots:




10-19-2011, 06:02 AM


And a few shots of the stormtroopers:



It's a shame that these guys have to be benched. For those necron players complaining that their pariahs are gone... well, GW forced me to dump half my painted force with the new GK codex. I don't blame them though, I chose daemonhunters because of the GKs and not the imperial guard.

It could serve as the start of a small imperial guard force though. I still have a few plastics lying around, and if I get a few more chimera's and meltaguns, these guys might still serve as good veteran chimelta spam someday. At least they'll have some modelling done to them to back up their "veteran" status this way...

If I'm lucky, I might be able to get a crapload of IG vehicles second hand and I might do something with it in the future. For now, this project is in the freezer though (at least, painting wise), so I'm posting it here instead of the blogs.

Hope you like it!

Ken Winland
10-19-2011, 11:34 AM

Some of the RT tourneys post army lists of defunct formations for use in their events. For example, I know Astronomi-Con has lists for using 13th Company and Witch Hunters in their events. Check out the events and boards.

Nice figs, BTW!!


10-21-2011, 10:56 PM
I'd model up an inquisitor with a relic blade and power-armor, use Straken's rules, and play all the infantry as vets. You could still run it as inquisition and even have some decent rules for a well equipped inquisitor. Stracken, Astropath, Master of the Fleet, and an attached Primaris sounds like an inquisitorial retinue to me. Add vets in chimeras and valkyries/vendettas and a psyker battle squad for flavor and you'd have a pretty good list.

Stormtroopers with plasma guns and the pinning rule in a vendetta can really mess up a power-armored squad in a rhino's day too.

10-22-2011, 08:07 AM
You could still go Imperial Guard on them and give them all the new toys. Then for apocalipse you would have a themed force of Grey knights and Imperial Guard.